All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- --version option which prints aws-security-viz version
- Switchover to github actions from travis
- Provide a webserver using a --serve PORT which provides a link to the navigator view
- Bumped InteractiveGraph to v0.3.2
- Empty InfoPanel in navigator view now shows vpc, security group name.
- Add graph navigator renderer using
- Renderer no longer identified automatically based on json file extension.
- Dockerfile
- Replaced fog gem with aws-sdk-ec2
- Upgrade bundler to 2.x
- Removed unused dependencies
- Issue with --color=true failing with exception due to change in Graphviz library.
- Filter by VPC id
- Support for AWS session token
- Use rankdir with graphviz to improve layout
- Dependent trollop gem renamed to optimist
- Switched from ruby-graphviz to graphviz gem
- Capability to view filtered view by source or target.
- Issue with vagrant up not working due to older bundler version and missing dependencies
0.1.3 - 2016-03-20
- Removed ENV usage from the gem.
- Pointing to specific version of linkurious.js instead of master build
- Web view html and json files are now generated in the same directory.
- Support for credentials via ENV or .fog
- Capability to exclude egress via opts.yml file.
0.1.2 - 2015-12-19
- linkurious/sigma.js to render json representation of security groups
- Capability to exclude CIDR via opts.yml file
0.1.1 - 2015-10-18
- Capability to generate an opts.yml file to tweak aws-security-viz behavior.
- Support for Ruby 1.9.3
- Begin life as the gem aws_security_viz