Step-1: Install Flask, Flask-SocketIO, Flask-GraphQL, Flask-RESTful, and psycopg2 packages using pip.
Step-2: Create a Flask application and initialize the SocketIO and GraphQL extensions.
Step-3: Set up a PostgreSQL database connection using the psycopg2 package.
Step-4: Define a RESTful API using Flask-RESTful for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database.
Step-5: Implement a GraphQL schema using Flask-GraphQL and define resolvers to execute database queries.
Step-6: Use Flask-SocketIO to set up a WebSocket server to receive real-time updates from the database.
Step-7: Create a PostgreSQL trigger that sends notifications to the WebSocket server when data changes in the database.
Step-8: Implement a WebSocket event handler to receive and broadcast the notifications to connected clients.
Let's Get into it.