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File metadata and controls

195 lines (158 loc) · 7.73 KB


Sublime-Z is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 to edit and test ARIZ files.


  • Add any section using command or menu item
  • Add all section headers using command or menu item (Add all section headers)
  • Format all sections using command or menu item (Format all sections) - when Table Editor plugin is installed
  • Add missing sections and format all sections using command or menu item (Reformat ARIZ) - TableEditor plugin is required
  • Use aclr8 either from a binary or source code
  • Run aclr8 tests
  • Run single query
  • Check aclr8 version
  • Add ARIZ ION examples
  • Filter Ion
  • Make use of ANSI escape codes when ANSIescape plugin in installed



The simplest way is to install this plugin using Package Control:

  1. Install Package Control
  2. Add this repository to Package Control repositories:
  • open command input ([shift] + [ctrl] + [p])
  • type "add repository" and press Enter
  • paste this repository url: and press Enter
  1. Install Sublime-Z package:
  • open command input ([shift] + [ctrl] + [p])
  • type "install package" and press Enter
  • type "subz" and press Enter

installation guide

Alternatively you can clone this repository, rename it to subz and move it to your packages directory. Depending on your system it is:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3


ARIZ file editting is definitely easier with following packages installed:

In order to run aclr8-related commands, Sublime-Z must be able to find aclr8. Its path is stored in Sublime-Z settings in aclr8_path key. You may provide there

  • just the executable name if it is included in your PATH env variable
  • absolute path to the executable (with or without .exe extension)
  • absolute path to the root of aclr8 source

It may be good idea to first run check aclr8 version command and see if it works. If aclr8 is not found, Sublime-Z will ask you to enter the path. Check recipes for more details.

Tips and tricks

  • There are two versions of [CONTRACT] section. The minimal one inserts only minimum number of required properties while full inserts all possible properties.
  • You don't have to type whole command. Typically, section name is enough to narrow down search results to single item.
  • Output panel (at the bottom of the window) can be quickly closed by pressing [Esc]
  • When some of the tests are failing, new tab will be opened. It ignores any changes and can be quickly closed by pressing [ctrl] + w
  • You don't have to save the .ion file in order to run tests or query
  • Use Reformat ARIZ command to add all sections headers and apply formatting
  • Use Run aclr8 tests coupled to run tests for contracts with SPO and cross contracts
  • Commands Run aclr8 query and Run aclr8 query coupled require dates in ions greater or equal today date

List of available sections:

  • TAX
  • TEST


Check aclr8 version:

  1. Run the command a. with mouse: choose Tools -> Sublime-Z -> Aclr8 -> Check aclr8 version b. with keyboard: press [shift] + [ctrl] + p to open command input and then type Check aclr8 version
  2. If aclr8 is not found, you have to provide it in the input box that pops up at the bottom of the window and confirm with [Enter]
  3. When everything is configured correctly, the command and aclr8 version should be shown in the output panel at the bottom of the window

check aclr8 version

Create ARIZ:

  1. Create new file (File -> New File or [ctrl] + n)
  2. Insert sections using either menu or command a. with mouse: choose Tools -> Sublime-Z -> Insert Section and then choose selected section b. with keyboard: press [shift] + [ctrl] + p to open command input and then type Insert [TEST] section. Replace TEST with any section name.

create ariz

Run single query

  1. Create ARIZ as described previously
  2. Open query input a. with mouse: choose Tools -> Sublime-Z -> Aclr8 -> Run aclr8 query b. with keyboard: press [shift] + [ctrl] + p to open command input and then type Run aclr8 query
  3. Fill the query in the input box (by default it shows up at the bottom of the window) and press [Enter] when ready
  4. The results should appear in the output panel.

run query

Run tests

  1. Create ARIZ as described previously
  2. Open query input a. with mouse: choose Tools -> Sublime-Z -> Aclr8 -> Run aclr8 tests b. with keyboard: press [shift] + [ctrl] + p to open command input and then type Run aclr8 tests
  3. If all tests pass, short message will appear in the output panel
  4. Otherwise, the output will appear in the Sublime-Z Results tab

run tests

Change aclr8i path

  1. Open Sublime-Z settings: Preferences -> Package Settings -> Sublime-Z -> Settings - User
  2. Set new aclr8i path in aclr8_path key, e.g.
  "aclr8_path": "/opt/aclr8i"

Filter Ion

  1. Create ARIZ as described previously
  2. Open Filter input a. with mouse: choose Tools -> Sublime-Z -> Filter Ion b. with keyboard: press [shift] + [ctrl] + p to open command input and then type Filter Ion c. with keyboard shortcut: press [ctrl] + i, o to open command input Required three groups of arguments separated by ":" - search_arguments:section_arguments:text_to_search Options: Search arguments (can be separated by comma delimiter): r - regex search, s - string search (DEFAULT), d - date search, i - lines including search text (DEFAULT), e - lines excluding search text Sections arguments (can be separated by comma delimiter): ba - sections: RATE.BASE, RATE.SUPPLEMENT, RATE.DISCOUNT, RATE.RULE, RESTRICTION, DEF.ROOM, te - TEST, co - CONTRACT, dh - DEF.HOTEL, dm - DEF.MEAL, dr - DEF.ROOM, rp - RATE.PLAN, rb - RATE.BASE, ru - RATE.RULE, rs - RATE.SUPPLEMENT, sc - RATE.SUPPLEMENT_CAT, rd - RATE.DISCOUNT, dc - RATE.DISCOUNT_CAT, dg - RATE.DISCOUNT_GROUP, rr - RESTRICTION, qt - QUERY.TRANSFORM, rc - RATE.CNX, ta - TAX, tg - TAX_GROUP, rm - RATE.MARKUP, ab - AVL.BUCKET_STATE, as - AVL.STATE, ai - AVL.INV, cf - CONFIG, ci - CUSTOM_INFO Example commands: :dr:P1:2 - search for lines including string P1:2 in DEF.ROOM section de:rb:20180101:20180110 - search for lines in RATE.BASE section which dose not contain passed date in section DATES column ri:rs,rd:P[1-2] - search lines matching regex in RATE.SUPPLEMENT and RATE.DISCOUNT sections
  3. To display help write h and press Enter