MetaboLink is a web-based application created with shiny R and it is available at Documentation on how to use the app can be found in Wiki MetaboLink.
Example files to be used with the app are included in the folder example_files.
docker pull anitamnd/metabolink
docker run -t -i -p 3838:3838 anitamnd/metabolink
and access the shiny app through http://localhost:3838
git clone
Use the following code to install the required R packages:
install.packages('BiocManager', repos='')
BiocManager::install(c('dplyr','plotly','shiny','shinyBS','shinydashboard','shinycssloaders','limma','shinyjs','shinyalert','shinyWidgets','spsComps','ggplot2','ggrepel','gridExtra','impute','randomForest','writexl','stringi','igraph'), ask=F)
You can then run the app from the server.R or ui.R files using RStudio or run the app on a shiny-server.
For software issues and general questions, please submit an issue.
If you use MetaboLink, please cite:
Mendes A. et al. (2024) MetaboLink: A web application for Streamlined Processing and Analysis of Large-Scale Untargeted Metabolomics Data