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STEM diverse TV

Anna Bauza edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 14 revisions


STEM diverse TV was founded by Anna Bauza and supported by Applicaster mobile and TV app builder platform.

Project Summary

STEM diverse TV is a project which gather and provide inspiring, motivating, informative, educational and supportive videos about diversity in STEM. Currently we develop backend and CMS projects.


Frontend is made in Applicaster App Builder and those are made by Anna

  • Android - early access in play store, should be replaced by MP4 streams. UI need tweaks.
  • iOS - waiting for feed of feeds, UI use Android template.
  • Apple TV - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet.
  • Android TV - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet, will use Apple TV template.
  • Amazon Fire - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet, will use Apple TV template.
  • Samsung smart TV - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet, will use Apple TV template.
  • LG Smart TV - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet, will use Apple TV template.
  • Roku TV - waiting for feed of feeds, UI not defined yet, will use Apple TV template.



Repo Links

Project ideas

The idea for this GSoC edition is to release the MVP of this app to the community. So we won't need to add big new features unless it is critical for the app's usage.

Backend + CMS (full features)

Idea Description
search by category title As a user I want to search by category name if category exists I want to select or I can easily add category from search bar, so I could navigate directly to category and see associated sections in it
search by section title As a user I want to search by section name if section exists I want to select or I can easily add section from search bar, so I could navigate directly to section and see associated videos in it
search by video title As a user I want to search by video name if video exists I want to select so I could easily edit video details
search by author name As a user in video edit mode I want to search by author name if author exists I want to select or add new if not exists, so new or existing author can be easily assigned to video. Bear in mind single video can have multiple authors.
machine learning video discovery Machine learning algorithm, which learn about diversity and propose to add them to STEM diverse TV
other videos sources possibly proposition of diverse movies and tv shows trailers, investigate vimeo, etc.
Forgotten password Ability to reset password by email, address
Change password Ability to change password
2FA Implementing 2 factor authentication
Admin rights People should be granted admin rights in order to change content
API Token Ability to create API token, so apps do not use personal token and our GET endpoint can be authenticated

Backend Only

Idea Description Difficulty
feed of feeds given is category id and client apps required feed of feed/section/{id} for given category in ATOM format easy
persistent database and db migration for already filled database, data should be saved regardless of redeploy medium

CMS only

| Idea | Description | Difficulty | |Implement latests UI standards | ui improvements so increasing speed of managing database | easy |

TV and mobile plugins

Idea Description Difficulty
accessibility plugins various idea of accessibility plugins for client apps hard

Development Environment


  • Technologies Used: React JS, TypeScript
  • Difficulty: Novice to Intermediate


  • Technologies Used: Python
  • Difficulty: Novice to Intermediate

Communicate with Us on Zulip!

If you have an idea of how to improve STEM diverse TV, drop us a message on the #STEM-diverse-tv stream to discuss it :)