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GSoC 2020 Student Instructions

Isabel Costa edited this page Mar 22, 2020 · 8 revisions

To work with us this summer,

  1. Please join us on Open Source Zulip.
  2. Introduce yourself in #newcomers' introductions thread.
  3. Add "GSoC20 Aspirant" to your Zulip display name if you are planning to apply for GSoC 2020.
  4. Fill out the GSoC20 Student Application (Part 1 of 2).
    • Note: Only fill out this form once.
    • This form does NOT include any details about your project idea.
  5. Read our list of Project Ideas.
  6. Choose a project idea from the list or create your own original idea.
    • Option 1 If you choose a project idea we provided: fork and clone the repo, build your development environment, explore the app, then post a "new topic" in #gsoc and talk about the enhancements you'd like to make to that project.
    • Option 2 If you create your own idea: post a "new topic" in #gsoc, provide details about your idea, and ask for feedback!
  7. Attend one of the upcoming community sessions.
  8. Create a copy of our proposal template, GSoC20 Student Application (Part 2 of 2), on your Google Drive and edit the doc to your project idea.
    • Note: This finished template will be uploaded to this website once applications open on March 16.
    • We only accept 1 proposal per 1 project. If you are interested in multiple projects, this proposal will be uploaded multiple times for each project you are interested in.
  9. 👉 Submit your proposal on Google Summer of Code (GSoC) platform. 👈
    • ⚠️ Avoid sharing your proposal link on Zulip you could be sharing your private information and this can also increase cases of plagiarism that makes it harder for admins to spot it.
    • Mentors and Admins will see and review your proposal once this is submitted to GSoC platform.

Successful Students:

  • Read the Tips/Resources posts to increase your chances of creating a successful proposal.