diff --git a/lib/protractor.js b/lib/protractor.js
index f1d18836e..a4f5316d7 100644
--- a/lib/protractor.js
+++ b/lib/protractor.js
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ Protractor.prototype.clearMockModules = function() {
  * Remove a registered mock module.
  * @param {!string} name The name of the module to remove.
-Protractor.prototype.removeMockModule = function (name) {
+Protractor.prototype.removeMockModule = function(name) {
   var index = this.moduleNames_.indexOf(name);
   this.moduleNames_.splice(index, 1);
   this.moduleScripts_.splice(index, 1);
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Protractor.prototype.removeMockModule = function (name) {
  * Navigate to the given destination and loads mock modules before
  * Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular.
- * If you need to access a page which does have Angular on load, use
+ * If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use
  * the wrapped webdriver directly.
  * @param {string} destination Destination URL.
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ Protractor.prototype.get = function(destination, opt_timeout) {
       'window.name = "' + DEFER_LABEL + '" + window.name;' +
-      'window.location.assign("' + destination + '");');
+      'window.location.replace("' + destination + '");');
   // At this point, we need to make sure the new url has loaded before
   // we try to execute any asynchronous scripts.
@@ -909,6 +909,39 @@ Protractor.prototype.get = function(destination, opt_timeout) {
   }, this.moduleNames_);
+ * See webdriver.WebDriver.refresh
+ *
+ * Makes a full reload of the current page and loads mock modules before
+ * Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular.
+ * If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use
+ * the wrapped webdriver directly.
+ *
+ * @param {number=} opt_timeout Number of seconds to wait for Angular to start.
+ */
+Protractor.prototype.refresh = function(opt_timeout) {
+  var timeout = opt_timeout || 10;
+  var self = this;
+  if (self.ignoreSynchronization) {
+    return self.driver.navigate().refresh();
+  }  
+  return self.driver.executeScript('return window.location.href').then(function(href) {
+    return self.get(href, opt_timeout);
+  });
+ * Mixin navigation methods back into the navigation object so that 
+ * they are invoked as before, i.e. driver.navigate().refresh()  
+ */
+Protractor.prototype.navigate = function() {
+  var nav = this.driver.navigate();
+  mixin(nav, this, 'refresh');
+  return nav;
  * Browse to another page using in-page navigation.
diff --git a/spec/basic/actions_spec.js b/spec/basic/actions_spec.js
index 0a6905e89..64134db4a 100644
--- a/spec/basic/actions_spec.js
+++ b/spec/basic/actions_spec.js
@@ -24,4 +24,49 @@ describe('using an ActionSequence', function() {
+  it('should refresh properly', function() {
+    var username = element(by.model('username'));
+    var name = element(by.binding('username'));
+    username.clear();
+    expect(name.getText()).toEqual('');
+    browser.navigate().refresh();
+    expect(name.getText()).toEqual('Anon');
+  });
+  // Back and forward do NOT work at the moment because of an issue 
+  // bootstrapping with Angular
+  /*   
+  it('should navigate back and forward properly', function() {
+    var port =  process.env.HTTP_PORT || '8000';
+    browser.get('index.html#/repeater');
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/repeater');
+    browser.navigate().back();
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/form');
+    browser.navigate().forward();
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/repeater'); 
+  });
+  */
+  it('should navigate back and forward properly from link', function() {
+    var port =  process.env.HTTP_PORT || '8000';
+    element(by.linkText('repeater')).click();
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/repeater');
+    browser.navigate().back();
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/form');
+    browser.navigate().forward();
+    expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).
+      toEqual('http://localhost:'+port+'/index.html#/repeater'); 
+  });
diff --git a/spec/basic/mockmodule_spec.js b/spec/basic/mockmodule_spec.js
index cfbe95472..9d530c151 100644
--- a/spec/basic/mockmodule_spec.js
+++ b/spec/basic/mockmodule_spec.js
@@ -48,4 +48,50 @@ describe('mock modules', function() {
+  it('should load mock modules after refresh', function() {
+    browser.addMockModule('moduleA', mockModuleA);
+    browser.get('index.html');    
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+    browser.navigate().refresh();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+  });
+  // Back and forward do NOT work at the moment because of an issue 
+  // bootstrapping with Angular
+  /*   
+  it('should load mock modules after navigating back and forward', function() {
+    browser.addMockModule('moduleA', mockModuleA);
+    browser.get('index.html');  
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2'); 
+    browser.get('index.html#/repeater');
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+    browser.navigate().back();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+    browser.navigate().forward();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+  });
+  */
+  it('should load mock modules after navigating back and forward from link', function() {
+    browser.addMockModule('moduleA', mockModuleA);
+    browser.get('index.html');  
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2'); 
+    element(by.linkText('repeater')).click();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+    browser.navigate().back();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+    browser.navigate().forward();
+    expect(element(by.css('[app-version]')).getText()).toEqual('2');
+  });   