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Declarative API Overview

Thomas Burleson edited this page May 24, 2017 · 38 revisions

Static API Overview

The Flex Layout features provide smart, syntactic directives to allow developers to easily and intuitively create responsive and adaptive layouts using Flexbox CSS.

The Flex-Layout API is an intuitive list of HTML directives (aka attributes) that can be used on HTML containers and elements. An important [fundamental] concept is understanding which APIs are used on DOM containers versus APIs used on DOM elements in those containers.

API for DOM containers:

HTML API     Allowed values
fxLayout row | column | row-reverse | column-reverse
fxLayoutAlign start |center | end | space-around | space-between, start | center | end | stretch
fxLayoutGap %, px, vw, vh

These directives ^ affect the flow and layout children elements in the container

API for DOM elements:

HTML API Allowed values
fxFlex "" , px , %, vw, vh, " ",
fxFlexOrder int
fxFlexOffset %, px, vw, vh
fxFlexAlign start | baseline | center | end

These directives ^ affect the layout and size of the host element. Note the API expects their elements to inside a DOM container which is itself using the Layout API for containers.

API for any element:

HTML API Allowed values
fxHide TRUE, FALSE, 0, ""
fxShow TRUE, FALSE, 0, ""
ngClass @see ngClass
ngStyle @see ngStyle

Shown below is sample HTML markup that uses both the container and element Static API:

<div fxLayout='column' class="zero">

  <div fxFlex="33"                          class="one" ></div>
  <div fxFlex="33%" [fxLayout]="direction" class="two">

    <div fxFlex="22%"    class="two_one"></div>
    <div fxFlex="205px"  class="two_two"></div>
    <div fxFlex="30"     class="two_three"></div>

  <div fxFlex class="three"></div>


Flex Layout directives assign CSS styles directly in-line to the host element. These in-line styles override inherited styles, ShadowDOM styles and even ShadowDOM tree stylings on the element :host

Responsive API

The API outline above is considered static as it is not responsive to changes in viewport sizes. Flex-Layout also has a huge set of responsive features that enable the API to elegantly respond to viewport size changes.

See the our documentation on Responsive API.

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