diff --git a/src/ng/directive/input.js b/src/ng/directive/input.js
index a306c11e282a..3b208ca21abe 100644
--- a/src/ng/directive/input.js
+++ b/src/ng/directive/input.js
@@ -2473,8 +2473,8 @@ var maxlengthDirective = function() {
maxlength = int(value) || 0;
- ctrl.$validators.maxlength = function(value) {
- return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || value.length <= maxlength;
+ ctrl.$validators.maxlength = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
+ return ctrl.$isEmpty(viewValue) || viewValue.length <= maxlength;
@@ -2492,8 +2492,8 @@ var minlengthDirective = function() {
minlength = int(value) || 0;
- ctrl.$validators.minlength = function(value) {
- return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || value.length >= minlength;
+ ctrl.$validators.minlength = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
+ return ctrl.$isEmpty(viewValue) || viewValue.length >= minlength;
diff --git a/test/ng/directive/inputSpec.js b/test/ng/directive/inputSpec.js
index eb5ed857ed0e..55ab01dc2c51 100644
--- a/test/ng/directive/inputSpec.js
+++ b/test/ng/directive/inputSpec.js
@@ -2901,6 +2901,97 @@ describe('input', function() {
+ describe('minlength', function() {
+ it('should invalidate values that are shorter than the given minlength', function() {
+ compileInput('');
+ changeInputValueTo('12');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeInvalid();
+ changeInputValueTo('123');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeValid();
+ });
+ it('should listen on ng-minlength when minlength is observed', function() {
+ var value = 0;
+ compileInput('');
+ attrs.$observe('minlength', function(v) {
+ value = int(attrs.minlength);
+ });
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.min = 5;
+ });
+ expect(value).toBe(5);
+ });
+ it('should observe the standard minlength attribute and register it as a validator on the model', function() {
+ compileInput('');
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.min = 10;
+ });
+ changeInputValueTo('12345');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeInvalid();
+ expect(scope.form.input.$error.minlength).toBe(true);
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.min = 5;
+ });
+ expect(inputElm).toBeValid();
+ expect(scope.form.input.$error.minlength).not.toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('maxlength', function() {
+ it('should invalidate values that are longer than the given maxlength', function() {
+ compileInput('');
+ changeInputValueTo('12345678');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeInvalid();
+ changeInputValueTo('123');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeValid();
+ });
+ it('should listen on ng-maxlength when maxlength is observed', function() {
+ var value = 0;
+ compileInput('');
+ attrs.$observe('maxlength', function(v) {
+ value = int(attrs.maxlength);
+ });
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.max = 10;
+ });
+ expect(value).toBe(10);
+ });
+ it('should observe the standard maxlength attribute and register it as a validator on the model', function() {
+ compileInput('');
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.max = 1;
+ });
+ changeInputValueTo('12345');
+ expect(inputElm).toBeInvalid();
+ expect(scope.form.input.$error.maxlength).toBe(true);
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.max = 6;
+ });
+ expect(inputElm).toBeValid();
+ expect(scope.form.input.$error.maxlength).not.toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
describe('email', function() {