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This document will guide you to successfully provisioning a Slurm cluster with a3-highgpu-8g compute nodes running NVIDIA H100 GPUs.

Before starting


Before beginning, submit a request to your Google Cloud representative for access to the Deep Learning VM Image for a3-highgpu-8g. It is currently available only by Private Preview request. This image contains patches that significantly enhance the network performance of workloads that span multiple a3-highgpu-8g VMs. You will use the image ID in the steps shown below.

Required setup

Please follow the initial instructions for:

  • Installing Cloud HPC Toolkit dependencies (Go, Terraform, Packer)
  • Installing the Cloud HPC Toolkit

Verify that your release of the HPC Toolkit is 1.31.1 or later.

ghpc --version

The solution requires several Python packages to be available. We recommend installing them in a Python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv toolkit-a3
source toolkit-a3/bin/activate
pip3 install -r \

Always activate the environment before running any ghpc commands such as deploy or destroy.

source /absolute/path/to/toolkit-a3/bin/activate

Top-Level Design of Solution

The solution is split into 3 HPC Toolkit blueprints:

  1. Provision 5 VPCs (1 system network, 4 GPU networks) and 1 Filestore for mounting /home across the cluster
  2. Build a custom image installing Slurm in an Ubuntu 20.04 image. The image runs a kernel patched with performance enhancements for the a3-highgpu-8g VM.
  3. Provision a Slurm cluster using the custom image

The 1st and 2nd blueprints should be provisioned once and rarely need further modification. This approach separates the lifecycle of a Filestore instance from the lifecycle of the cluster, allowing the cluster to be deleted while retaining access to data and home directories. The 3rd cluster blueprint may be more frequently updated and re-provisioned as discussed below.

First time considerations


These steps do not need to be repeated when a cluster is re-provisioned. They are initial setup steps in a project.

Replace the values for PROJECT_ID, REGION, and ZONE with the project, region, and zone in which you have an a3-highgpu-8g allocation. The value for BUCKET must be unique and will be used to create a new bucket. After replacing the values, execute them so that they automatically populate parameters in the commands shown below. Note that each a3-highgpu-8g VM (N_VMS) contains 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs.

export PROJECT_ID=customer-project-id
export BUCKET=customer-bucket
export REGION=customer-region
export ZONE=customer-zone
export N_VMS=32

Saving Terraform state

Create a bucket with versioning enabled to store Terraform state:

gcloud storage buckets create gs://${BUCKET} --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --default-storage-class=STANDARD --location=${REGION} \
gcloud storage buckets update gs://${BUCKET} --versioning

Modify all 3 blueprints to configure the new bucket to serve as a Terraform remote backend:

  type: gcs
    bucket: customer-bucket # modify to bucket created above

Set default values

Modify the the deployment variables project_id, region, zone, in the vars block of all 3 blueprints:

  project_id: customer-project
  region: customer-region
  zone: customer-zone

Set kernel-patched OS image

Obtain values for source_image_project_id and source_image from your Google Cloud representative. Set them at approximately lines 33 and 34 of ml-slurm-a3-1-image.yaml.

  source_image_project_id: source-image-project-id # use value supplied by Google Cloud staff
  source_image: source-image-name                  # use value supplied by Google Cloud staff

Reservation created by Google


If you have not received a VM reservation from Google Cloud staff, then skip this step and proceed to manual reservation creation.

Set the deployment variable a3_reservation_name at approximately line 38 of ml-slurm-a3-2-cluster.yaml to the reservation name provided by Google. The value for a3_maintenance_interval should also be set as directed by Google staff. A common setting is PERIODIC, shown below, but this value must be confirmed with Google staff.

  # a3_reservation_name must be specified; if Google staff have provided you
  # with a reservation name, use it. Otherwise supply user-created reservation.
  a3_reservation_name: reservation-name-provided-by-google
  # a3_maintenance_interval should be empty string by default; if Google staff
  # have created a reservation, they will also provide a3_maintenance_interval
  a3_maintenance_interval: PERIODIC

Manual creation of reservation


If you received a VM reservation from Google Cloud staff, then skip this step after confirming that you followed the instructions in reservation created by Google.

We recommend creating a reservation to ensure reliable access to re-create VMs if you need to redeploy or otherwise maintain your cluster.

gcloud compute reservations create a3-reservation-0 \
    --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --machine-type=a3-highgpu-8g \
    --vm-count=${N_VMS} \
    --zone=${ZONE} \
    --require-specific-reservation \

This reservation be must be specified when creating VMs with matching parameters (e.g. a3-highgpu-8g VM in configured zone). If you executed the command above without modification, you may leave a3_reservation_name and a3_maintenance_interval at their default values in ml-slurm-a3-2-cluster.yaml. Otherwise, ensure that the reservation name in the blueprint matches the name of the user-created reservation.

  # a3_reservation_name must be specified; if Google staff have provided you
  # with a reservation name, use it. Otherwise supply user-created reservation.
  a3_reservation_name: a3-reservation-0
  # a3_maintenance_interval should be empty string by default; if Google staff
  # have created a reservation, they will also provide a3_maintenance_interval
  a3_maintenance_interval: ""

Set cluster size

At approximately line 37 of ml-slurm-a3-2-cluster.yaml, set the static cluster size. Recall that there are 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs per a3-highgpu-8g VM.

  a3_static_cluster_size: 32

Cluster creation

The blueprint ml-slurm-a3-0-base.yaml will create 5 VPCs (1 system, 4 GPU) and a Filestore /home filesystem. Run the standard Toolkit workflow at the command line (approx. 5 minutes):

ghpc deploy ml-slurm-a3-0-base.yaml --auto-approve

Several values will be output to the screen. The output will be similar to:

network_name_sysnet = "sys-net"
network_storage_homefs = {
  "client_install_runner" = {
    "destination" = ""
    "source" = "modules/embedded/modules/file-system/filestore/scripts/"
    "type" = "shell"
  "fs_type" = "nfs"
  "local_mount" = "/home"
  "mount_options" = "defaults,_netdev"
  "mount_runner" = {
    "args" = "\"\" \"/nfsshare\" \"/home\" \"nfs\" \"defaults,_netdev\""
    "destination" = ""
    "source" = "modules/embedded/modules/file-system/filestore/scripts/"
    "type" = "shell"
  "remote_mount" = "/nfsshare"
  "server_ip" = ""
subnetwork_name_sysnet = "sys-subnet"

Build the custom image using ml-slurm-a3-1-image.yaml and the same workflow as above. Run at the command line:

ghpc deploy ml-slurm-a3-1-image.yaml --auto-approve

The image will take approximately 30 minutes to build.


You must modify ml-slurm-a3-2-cluster.yaml to update the IP address of the Filestore instance for /home. Your IP address will differ from that shown below and must match the output from deploying the base blueprint above:


Provision the cluster blueprint (approximately 5-10 minutes):

ghpc deploy ml-slurm-a3-2-cluster.yaml --auto-approve

Receive Data Path Manager (RxDM)

To achieve optimal application performance, an additional service called the "Receive Data Path Manager" (RxDM) must run with the same lifetime as the job. Additionally, a NCCL plugin must be installed into the execution environment of the workload. Both the RxDM and plugin are distributed by Docker container images.

This blueprint includes a Slurm "Prolog" and "Epilog" script that will run before and after every job running on more than 1 a3-highgpu-8g compute node. The Prolog will perform the following actions:

  • Install the NCCL plugin into /var/lib of the host
  • Run the RxDM service
    • This is a long-lived service that runs alongside the job
    • Mounts /var/lib/nvidia/lib64 into /usr/lib/nvidia/lib64 of the container
    • Mount /opt/tcpdirect_benchmark/ from the host into the container so that a textproto file defining the mapping from GPU to NIC is available. This file is present in the Deep Learning VM (DLVM) images that contain TCPDirect patches.
    • Mount /run/tcpx-${SLURM_JOB_ID} from the container into the host. This is set to the environment variables ${UDS_PATH} in the script. This directory contains Unix socket files that implement a TCPx interface available to the user workload at ${UDS_PATH}. The job must be configured to be aware of this path using NCCL_GPUDIRECTTCPX_UNIX_CLIENT_PREFIX environment variable!

The Epilog will

  • Stop the RxDM service
  • Prune any stopped containers (freeing up disk space)
  • Remove the directory at ${UDS_PATH}

Jobs using the RxDM / TCPx

Jobs that are running across multiple a3-highgpu-8g VMs will benefit from using the RxDM and the NCCL plugin. An example containerized job is located at /opt/apps/scripts/ In addition to setting standard NCCL configuration values, a job must:

  • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /var/lib/tcpx/lib64 and /usr/local/nvidia/lib64

If job is containerized

  • Mount ${UDS_PATH} into the container at the same path
  • Mount /var/lib/tcpx/lib64 to /var/lib/tcpx/lib64 in the container (to make the NCCL plugin available)
  • Paths can be modified if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is likewise modified

Example workload (NCCL benchmark)

The example workload below demonstrates the pattern recommended in Activating the Receive Data Path Manager during jobs while running the standard nccl-tests benchmark. It assumes the availability of a GPU/NIC topology file at /opt/tcpdirect_benchmark/gpu_rxq_configuration.textproto. This file is built into the DLVM images used by this solution, but may need to be provided if using an alternative image.

Clone the HPC Toolkit repository containing the NCCL benchmark

git clone
cd hpc-toolkit/examples/machine-learning/nccl-tests

Import the PyTorch image from the NVIDIA Container Registry


Build NCCL


Run NCCL tests
