Upload src/sensor/sensor.ino to your Nano 33 BLE Sense board.
Every time the power LED is on, the board is in awake mode and polling for radio events.
Upon startup, the board will blink twice a second, indicating it's open for incoming connections. As soon as a client establishes a connection and subscribes to all three characteristics (Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure), the blinking will switch to once in 5 seconds, saving power.
To have access to the hci0
bluetooth adapter, you need to run the app locally.
To have it automatically start, it's useful to have it as a system service.
- Create a file
Description=Bonsai Sense Collector Server
ExecStart=/home/pi/bonsai-sense/bonsai --urls http://+:9111
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable bonsai-sense.service