API Reference
Covariance Construction Functions
— Functioncov_avg!(bimage, ism, bism, in_image; Np::Int=33, widx::Int=129, widy::Int=129, ftype::Int=32)
Key function for constructing the (shifted and multiplied) versions of the input image used to quickly estimate the local covariance matrix at a large number of locations. The main output is in the preallocated bism
which is used as an input to build_cov!
: preallocated output array for the boxcar smoothed unshifted imageism
: preallocated intermediate array for the input image times itself shiftedbism
: preallocated output array to store boxcar-smoothed image products for all shiftsin_image
: input image the local covariance of which we want to estimate
: size of local covariance matrix in pixels (default 33)widx::Int
: width of boxcar window in x which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)widy::Int
: width of boxcar window in y which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)ftype::Int
: determine the Float precision, 32 is Float32, otherwise Float64
— Functionboxsmooth!(out::AbstractArray, arr::AbstractArray, tot::Array{T,1}, widx::Int, widy::Int)
Boxcar smooths an input image (or paddedview) arr
with window size widx
by widy
. We pass the original image size sx
and sy
to help handle image views.
: preallocated output array for the boxcar smoothed imagearr::AbstractArray
: input array for which boxcar smoothing is computed (generally paddedview)tot::Array{T,1}
: preallocated array to hold moving sums along 1 dimensionwidx::Int
: size of boxcar smoothing window in xwidy::Int
: size of boxcar smoothing window in y
— Functionoutest_bounds(cx,sx) -> px0
Helper function to find maximum padding in pixels required to accomodate all query points cx
outside of the image size 1:sx
: list of integer star centers (in either x or y)sx
: image dimension along the axis indexed bycx
: maximum padding in pixels required to accomodate all query points
Per Star Functions
— Functionstamp_cutter(cx,cy,residimIn,star_im,maskim;Np=33) -> data_in, stars_in, kmasked2d
Cuts out local stamps around each star of the various input images to be used for per star statistics calculations.
: center coorindate x of the stampcy
: center coorindate y of the stampresidimIn
: residual image with infilling from which covariance was estimatedstar_im
: input image of model of stars only. abs(modim-skyim)maskim
: input image of upstream masked pixels
: size of covariance matrix footprint around each star (default 33)
: local stamp of the (non-infilled) residual imagestars_in
: local stamp of model of stars onlykmasked2d
: local stamp of upstream masked pixels
— Functiongen_pix_mask(kmasked2d,psfmodel,circmask,x_star,y_star,flux_star;Np=33,thr=20) -> psft, kstar, kpsf2d, kcond0, kcond, kpred, dnt
Assigns pixels in the local subimage around a star to either be "good", "hidden", or "ignored" based on user settings and the flux of the star. Reads in masked pixels from the quality flags on pixels coming from the community pipeline kmasked2d
, a PSF model for the star, and a precomputed circular mask circmask
to exclude pixels at a large radius from the stellar center since they have little impact on the regression of hidden pixels. The pixels assigned as "hidden" and to be interpolated are determined by a thr
on the pixel values for flux_star
times the PSF model. We use a parametric PSFs that varies with position and query the PSF at the stellar position for each star.
: Bool mask from upstream pixel quality flags to assign pixels as "ignored"psfmodel
: parametric PSF model that can be queried at different positionscircmask
: static Bool mask assigning pixels beyond some radius of the stellar center as "ignored"x_star
: x-coordinate of the star (used only for flexible PSF model query)y_star
: y-coordinate of the star (used only for flexible PSF model query)flux_star
: flux of star in ADU to determine how large a region to make "hidden"
: size of local covariance matrix in pixels (default 33)thr
: threshold for psf-based masking of the residuals (larger more "hidden")
: static array (image) of the stellar PSFkstar
: Boolean indexes the NOT "good" pixelskpsf2d
: Boolean indexes the "hidden" pixelskcond0
: initial number of "good" pixelskcond
: final number of "good" pixels after fallbackskpred
: the number of pixels "hidden"dnt
: quality flag bits on the solution
— FunctioncondCovEst_wdiag(cov_loc,μ,km,kpsf2d,data_in,stars_in,psft;Np=33,export_mean=false,n_draw=0,diag_on=true) -> out
Using a local covariance matrix estimate cov_loc
, a set of masked pixels km
and "hidden" pixels kpsf2d
, this function computes a prediction for the mean value of the kpsf2d
pixels and the covariance matrix of the kpsf2d
pixels. In terms of statistics use to adjust the photometry of a star, we are only interested in the pixels masked as a result of the star (i.e. not a detector defect or cosmic ray nearby). The residual image data_in
and a model of the counts above the background coming from the star stars_in
for the local patch are also inputs of the function. Correction factors for the photometric flux and flux uncertainities are outputs as well as a chi2 value for the "good" pixels. The output list can conditionally include the mean reconstruction and draws from the distribution of reconstructions.
: local covariance matrixμ
: vector containing mean value for each pixel in the patchkm
: masked pixels (either bad or do not want to use for conditioning)kpsf2d
: pixels masked due to the star of interestdata_in
: (non-infilled) residual image in local patchpsft
: static array (image) of the stellar PSF
: size of local covariance matrix in pixels (default 33)export_mean
: when true, returns the mean conditional prediction for the "hidden" pixels (default false)n_draw
: when nonzero, returns that number of realizations of the conditional infilling (default 0)diag_on
: flag for adding to the pixelwise uncertainty based on the photoelectron counts of the modeled star (default true)
: flux uncertainity of the starout[1][2]
: flux uncertainity of the star assuming the covariance matrix were diagonalout[1][3]
: flux correction which must be added to correct the input flux estimateout[1][4]
: flux correction coming from the residuals (fdb_res)out[1][5]
: flux correction coming from the predicted background (fdb_pred)out[1][6]
: chi2 for the "good" pixels undercov_loc
as a metric on how good our assumptions areout[2]
: local region (image) with "hidden" pixels replaced by the mean conditional estimate (optional output)out[end]
: local region (image) with "hidden" pixels replaced by the draws from the conditional distribution (optional output). Array is flattened to npix x n_draw.
— Functionbuild_cov!(cov::Array{T,2},μ::Array{T,1},cx::Int,cy::Int,bimage::Array{T,2},bism::Array{T,4},Np::Int,widx::Int,widy::Int) where T <:Union{Float32,Float64}
Constructs the local covariance matrix and mean for an image patch of size Np
x Np
pixels around a location of interest (cx
). The construction is just a lookup of pixel values from the stored boxcar-smoothed copies of the input image times itself shifted in bism
. Passing the smoothed image bimage
and the widths of the boxcar mean widx
and widy
is helpful for the mean and normalization. The covariance and mean are updated in place for speed since this operation may be performed billions of times since we construct a new covariance matrix for every detection. Math may either be performed Float32
or Float64
: preallocated output array for local covariance matrixμ::Array{T,1}
: preallocated output vector for local meancx::Int
: x-coordinate of the center of the local regioncy::Int
: y-coordinate of the center of the local regionbimage::Array{T,2}
: boxcar smoothed unshifted imagebism::Array{T,4}
: boxcar-smoothed image products for all shiftsNp::Int
: size of local covariance matrix in pixelswidx::Int
: width of boxcar window in x which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimatewidy::Int
: width of boxcar window in y which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate
Image Infill and Masking
— Functionprelim_infill!(testim,bmaskim,bimage,bimageI,testim2,bmaskim2,goodpix,ccd;widx=19,widy=19,ftype::Int=32,widmult=1.4)
This intial infill replaces masked pixels with a guess based on a smoothed boxcar. For large masked regions, the smoothing scale is increased. If this iteration takes too long/requires too strong of masking, the masked pixels are replaced with the median of the image.
We use 3 copies of the input image and mask image. The first is a view (with reflective boundary condition padding) with the pixels to be infilled replaced with zeros, the second is allocated to hold various smoothings of the image, and the third holds the output image which contains our best infill guess. A final Bool array of size corresponding to the image is used to keep track of pixels that have safe infill values.
: input image which requires infillingbmaskim
: input mask indicating which pixels require infillingbimage
: preallocated array for smoothed version of input imagebimageI
: preallocated array for smoothed mask counting the samples for each estimatetestim2
: inplace modified ouptut array for infilled version of image inputbmaskim2
: inplace modified mask to keep track of which pixels still need infillinggoodpix
: preallocated array for Bool indexing pixels with good infillccd
: string name of FITS extension for verbose cmdline printing
: initial size of boxcar smoothing window in x (default 19)widy
: initial size of boxcar smoothing window in y (default 19)ftype::Int
: determine the Float precision, 32 is Float32, otherwise Float64widmult
: multiplicative factor for increasing the smoothing scale at each iteration step
— Functiongen_mask_staticPSF!(maskd, psfstamp, x_stars, y_stars, flux_stars, thr=20)
Generate a mask for an input image (which is usually an image of model residuals) that excludes the cores of stars (which are often mismodeled). In this function, we use a fixed PSF psfstamp
for all sources, and adjust the masking fraction based on the stellar flux and a threshold thr
. A more general position dependent PSF model could be used with a slight generalization of this function, but is likely overkill for the problem of making a mask.
: bool image to which mask will be added (bitwise or)psfstamp
: simple 2D array of a single PSF to be used for the whole imagex_stars
: list of source x positionsy_stars
: list of source y positionsflux_stars
: list of source fluxes
: threshold used for flux-dependent masking (default 20)
— Functiongen_mask_staticPSF2!(maskd, psfstamp, psfstamp1, x_stars, y_stars, flux_stars, thr=20)
Generate a mask for an input image (which is usually an image of model residuals) that excludes the cores of stars (which are often mismodeled). In this function, we use a small fixed PSF psfstamp1
for all faint sources, and adjust the masking fraction based on the stellar flux and a threshold thr
. Only for source bright enough to need a larger PSF stamp do we use psfstamp
, which saves some computational cost.
: bool image to which mask will be added (bitwise or)psfstamp
: simple 2D array of a single PSF to be used for bright stars in the whole imagepsfstamp1
: simple 2D array of a single PSF to be used for faint stars in the whole imagex_stars
: list of source x positionsy_stars
: list of source y positionsflux_stars
: list of source fluxes
: threshold used for flux-dependent masking (default 20)
— Functionim_subrng(jx,jy,cx,cy,sx,sy,px0,py0,stepx,stepy,padx,pady,tilex,tiley) -> xrng, yrng, star_ind
Computes the flux a star must have so that the PSF-based masking using thr
would require a larger stamp area. Used for computational savings.
: tile index along xjy
: tile index along ycx
: list of stellar x-coordinatescy
: list of stellar y-coordinatessx
: size of original image in xsy
: size of original image in ypx0
: maximal padding in x to account for stars outside imagepy0
: maximal padding in y to account for stars outside imagestepx
: tiling step size in xstepy
: tiling step size in ypadx
: tile padding in x required to account for local stamp size, sample size, and pixels outside the imagepady
: tile padding in x required to account for local stamp size, sample size, and pixels outside the imagetilex
: total number of tile divisions along xtiley
: total number of tile divisions along y
: slicing range of the tile in xyrng
: slicing range of the tile in ystar_ind
: Bool mask of all stars falling within the tile (subimage)
— Functionadd_sky_noise!(testim2,maskim,skyim,gain;seed=2021)
Adds noise to the infill that matches the Poisson noise of a rough estimate for the sky background. A random seed to set a local random generator is provided for reproducible unit testing.
: input image which had infillingmaskim
: mask of pixels which were infilledskyim
: rough estimate of sky background countsgain
: gain of detector to convert from photon count noise to detector noise
: random seed for random generator
— Functionadd_noise!(testim2,gain;seed=2021)
Adds noise to an image that matches the Poisson noise of the pixel counts. A random seed to set a local random generator is provided for reproducible unit testing.
: input image which had infillinggain
: gain of detector to convert from photon count noise to detector noise
: random seed for random generator
— Functionfindmaxpsf(psfstamp1;thr=20) -> flim
Computes the flux a star must have so that the PSF-based masking using thr
would require a larger stamp area. Used for computational savings.
: a small image of a representative PSF
: threshold used to determine which pixels are bright enough to be "hidden"
: maximum flux that can be masked bythr
without exceeding the PSF stamp footprint
— Functionkstar_circle_mask(Np;rlim=256) -> circmask
Generates a Bool mask for pixels beyond a given (squared) radius of the center of an image.
: size of image stamp
: squared radius (in pixels^2) beyond which pixels should be masked (default 256)
: static Bool mask used for assigning pixels beyond some radius of the stellar center as "ignored"
DECam Specific Functions
— Functionread_decam(base,date,filt,vers,ccd;corrects7=true) -> ref_im, d_im
Read in raw image files associated with exposures obtain on the DarkEnergyCamera. Returns the image and a quality flag mask image. See NOAO handbook for more details on what is contained in each file and how they are obtained.
: parent directory and file name prefix for exposure filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberccd
: which ccd we are pulling the image for
: usecrowdsource
load to read ccd "S7" to correct for floating amplifier on half of the chip (default true)
: image of photoelectron counts from observation on DECamd_im
: quality flag mask image from NOAO community pipeline
ref_im, d_im = read_decam("/n/fink2/decaps/c4d_","170420_040428","g","v1","N14")
— Functionread_crowdsource(basecat,date,filt,vers,ccd) -> x_stars, y_stars, flux_stars, decapsid, gain, mod_im, sky_im, wcol, w
Read in outputs of crowdsource, a photometric pipeline. To pair with an arbitrary photometric pipeline, an analogous read in function should be created. The relevant outputs are the model image (including the sources) so that we can produce the residual image, the sky/background model (no sources), and the coordinates of the stars. The survey id number is also readout of the pipeline solution file to help cross-validate matching of the CloudCovErr outputs and the original sources. The empirical gain is read out of the header (for other photometric pipelines which don't perform this estiamte, the gain from DECam is likely sufficient). All columns from the photometric catalogue are also read in at this point to be rexported with the CloudCovErr outputs.
: parent directory of the cat directory holding all of the single-epoch crowdsource catalogue filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberccd
: which ccd we are pulling the image for
: usecrowdsource
load to read ccd "S7" to correct for floating amplifier on half of the chip (default true)
: list of source x-coordinates (accounting for indexing order and start point)y_stars
: list of source y-coordinates (accounting for indexing order and start point)flux_stars
: list of stellar fluxes in ADUdecapsid
: list of survey id number for each detectiongain
: gain of detector to convert from photon count noise to detector noisemod_im
: model image (including the sources) from photometric pipelinesky_im
: sky image (background estimate) from photometric pipelinewcol
: list of all column names in photometric cataloguew
: list of all column values in photometric catalogue
— Functioninject_rename(fname) -> ifname
Convenience renaming file paths to read data from injection tests which are stored separately from data obtained on DECam for data provenance purposes.
: file name for exposure data from DECam
: corresponding file name for injection tests into that exposure
— Functionload_psfmodel_cs(base,date,filt,vers,ccd) -> psfmodel
Julia wrapper function for the PyCall that reads the position dependent psfmodel produced by crowdsource from the catalogue file for a given exposure and ccd. The returned psfmodel takes an x- and y-position for the source location and the size of the desired psfstamp (the stamps are square and required to be odd).
: parent directory and file name prefix for catalogue filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberccd
: which ccd we are pulling the image for
: function that returns PSF stamp from parametric PSF model that is a function of position
— Functionsave_fxn(wcol,w,basecat,date,filt,vers,ccd)
Saves CloudCovErr.jl outputs and initial photometric catalogue outputs to a new single-epoch catalogue. Massages types of columns to reduce data storage size. Converts the native CloudCovErr.jl output of the bias offset value into a cflux
corrected flux column for the ease of catalogue users.
: list of all column names in photometric cataloguew
: list of all column values in photometric cataloguebasecat
: parent directory of the cat directory holding all of the single-epoch crowdsource catalogue filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberccd
: which ccd we are pulling the image for
— Functionget_catnames(f) -> extnames
Reads list of extension names from an open FITS file to determine which CCDs have completed photometric catalogues and are eligible for CloudCovErr.jl.
: an open FITS file handle containingcrowdsource
: list of CCDs that have photometric catalogues in f
— Functionproc_ccd(base,date,filt,vers,basecat,ccd;thr=20,outthr=20000,Np=33,corrects7=true,widx=129,widy=widx,tilex=1,tiley=tilex,ftype::Int=32)
Primary run function for a given CCD image of a larger exposure.
: parent directory and file name prefix for exposure filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberbasecat
: parent directory of the cat directory holding all of the single-epoch crowdsource catalogue filesccd
: which ccd we are pulling the image for
: threshold used for flux-dependent masking (default 20)outthr
: threshold for residual-based masking (default 20000)Np
: size of local covariance matrix in pixels (default 33)corrects7
: usecrowdsource
load to read ccd "S7" to correct for floating amplifier on half of the chip (default true)widx
: width of boxcar window in x which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)widy
: width of boxcar window in y which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)tilex
: total number of tile divisions along x (default 1)tiley
: total number of tile divisions along y (default tilex)ftype::Int
: determine the Float precision, 32 is Float32, otherwise Float64
— Functionproc_all(base,date,filt,vers,basecat;ccdlist=String[],resume=false,corrects7=true,thr=20,outthr=20000,Np=33,widx=129,widy=widx,tilex=1,tiley=tilex,ftype::Int=32)
Exposure level run function the manages which ccds to run and calls proc_ccd serially.
: parent directory and file name prefix for exposure filesdate
: date_time of the exposurefilt
: optical filter used to take the exposurevers
: NOAO community processing version numberbasecat
: parent directory of the cat directory holding all of the single-epoch crowdsource catalogue files
: run only ccds in this listresume
: if the exposure is partially complete, resume running from where it left off (default false)corrects7
: usecrowdsource
load to read ccd "S7" to correct for floating amplifier on half of the chip (default true)thr
: threshold used for flux-dependent masking (default 20)outthr
: threshold for residual-based masking (default 20000)Np
: size of local covariance matrix in pixels (default 33)widx
: width of boxcar window in x which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)widy
: width of boxcar window in y which determines size of region used for samples for the local covariance estimate (default 129)tilex
: total number of tile divisions along x (default 1)tiley
: total number of tile divisions along y (default tilex)ftype::Int
: determine the Float precision, 32 is Float32, otherwise Float64