diff --git a/src/plugins/intel_gpu/tests/unit/test_cases/resample_gpu_test.cpp b/src/plugins/intel_gpu/tests/unit/test_cases/resample_gpu_test.cpp
index 181beb1f5309dc..99d6803e8f2dd0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/intel_gpu/tests/unit/test_cases/resample_gpu_test.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/intel_gpu/tests/unit/test_cases/resample_gpu_test.cpp
@@ -2198,6 +2198,91 @@ struct resample_opt_random_test_ext : resample_opt_random_test
+struct resample_onnx_random_test : resample_opt_random_test {
+    template <typename T>
+    void compare(const memory::ptr out_ref, const memory::ptr out_opt) {
+        auto ref_count = out_ref->count();
+        auto opt_count = out_opt->count();
+        ASSERT_EQ(ref_count, opt_count);
+        mem_lock<T> ref_ptr{out_ref, get_test_stream()};
+        mem_lock<T> opt_ptr{out_opt, get_test_stream()};
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < ref_count; ++i) {
+            ASSERT_NEAR(static_cast<float>(opt_ptr[i]), static_cast<float>(ref_ptr[i]), 1.e-1f);
+        }
+    }
+    void execute_compare(const resample_opt_random_test_params& params, bool check_result) {
+        auto& engine = get_test_engine();
+        const format origin_format = format::dimension(params.in_format) == 4 ? format::bfyx : format::bfzyx;
+        auto in_layout = layout(params.input_type, origin_format, params.input_size);
+        auto in_mem = engine.allocate_memory(in_layout);
+        fill_random(in_mem);
+        /// bfyx or bfzyx
+        cldnn::topology topo;
+        topo.add(input_layout("in", in_layout));
+        topo.add(reorder("in_to_input_type", input_info("in"), params.in_format, params.input_type));
+        auto prim = resample("resample", input_info("in_to_input_type"), params.output_size, params.num_filter, params.operation_type);
+        topo.add(prim);
+        topo.add(reorder("res_to_bfyx", input_info("resample"), origin_format, params.input_type));
+        ExecutionConfig config = get_test_default_config(engine);
+        config.set_property(ov::intel_gpu::custom_outputs(std::vector<std::string>{"resample", "res_to_bfyx"}));
+        ov::intel_gpu::ImplementationDesc resample_impl = { params.in_format, "resample_ref", impl_types::ocl };
+        config.set_property(ov::intel_gpu::force_implementations(ov::intel_gpu::ImplForcingMap{ { "resample", resample_impl } }));
+        network net(engine, topo, config);
+        net.set_input_data("in", in_mem);
+        // first execution of ref
+        auto result = net.execute();
+        auto output = result.at("resample").get_memory();
+        cldnn::topology topo_opt;
+        topo_opt.add(input_layout("in", in_layout));
+        topo_opt.add(reorder("in_to_input_type", input_info("in"), params.in_format, params.input_type));
+        auto prim_opt = resample("resample_opt", input_info("in_to_input_type"), params.output_size, params.num_filter, params.operation_type);
+        topo_opt.add(prim_opt);
+        topo_opt.add(reorder("res_to_bfyx", input_info("resample_opt"), origin_format, params.input_type));
+        ExecutionConfig config_opt = get_test_default_config(engine);
+        config_opt.set_property(ov::intel_gpu::custom_outputs(std::vector<std::string>{"resample_opt", "res_to_bfyx"}));
+        ov::intel_gpu::ImplementationDesc resample_opt_impl = { params.in_format, "resample_onnx", impl_types::ocl };
+        config_opt.set_property(ov::intel_gpu::force_implementations(ov::intel_gpu::ImplForcingMap{ { "resample_opt", resample_opt_impl } }));
+        cldnn::network::ptr net_opt = get_network(engine, topo_opt, config_opt, get_test_stream_ptr(), false);
+        // Use in_mem from ref network
+        net_opt->set_input_data("in", in_mem);
+        // first execution of opt
+        auto result_opt = net_opt->execute();
+        auto output_opt = result_opt.at("resample_opt").get_memory();
+        if (!format::is_simple_data_format(params.in_format)) {
+            ASSERT_FALSE(format::is_simple_data_format(result_opt.at("resample_opt").get_memory()->get_layout().format));
+        }
+        // Compares not only outputs but also padding values for block format.
+        if (check_result == true) {
+            // Check data_types
+            if (params.input_type == data_types::f32) {
+                compare<float>(output, output_opt);
+            } else if (params.input_type == data_types::f16) {
+                compare<ov::float16>(output, output_opt);
+            } else if (params.input_type == data_types::i8) {
+                compare<int8_t>(output, output_opt);
+            } else if (params.input_type == data_types::u8) {
+                compare<uint8_t>(output, output_opt);
+            } else {
+                FAIL() << "Not supported data type: " << static_cast<size_t>(params.input_type);
+            }
+        }
+    }
 TEST_P(resample_opt_random_test, random) {
     auto param = GetParam();
     execute_compare(param, true, false);
@@ -2213,6 +2298,37 @@ TEST_P(resample_opt_random_test_ext, DISABLED_random) {
     execute_perf_test(param, "resample_ref", true);
+TEST_P(resample_onnx_random_test, random) {
+    auto param = GetParam();
+    execute_compare(param, true);
+                         resample_onnx_random_test,
+                         testing::ValuesIn(
+                            std::vector<resample_opt_random_test_params>{
+                                { data_types::f16, {1, 24, 13, 13},  {1, 24, 26, 26},  1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_yx_fsv32, format::b_fs_yx_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {1, 24, 13, 13},  {1, 24, 26, 26},  1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv32_fsv16, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv32_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {1, 24, 13, 13},  {1, 24, 26, 26},  1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv32_fsv32, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv32_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {1, 24, 13, 13},  {1, 24, 26, 26},  1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv16_fsv16, format::bs_fs_yx_bsv16_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {1, 24, 13, 13},  {1, 24, 26, 26},  1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_yx_fsv16, format::b_fs_yx_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {1,  9, 13, 13, 5}, { 1, 9, 26, 26, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv16, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f32, {1,  9, 13, 13, 5}, { 1, 9, 26, 26, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv16, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {16, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {16, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv16, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f32, {16, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {16, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv16, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f16, {32, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {32, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv16, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::f32, {32, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {32, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv16, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv16, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::i8, {1,  9, 13, 13, 5}, {1,  9, 26, 26, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv32, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::u8, {1,  9, 13, 13, 5}, {1,  9, 26, 26, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv32, format::b_fs_zyx_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::i8, {16, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {16, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv32, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::u8, {16, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {16, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv32, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv16_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::i8, {32, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {32, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv32, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                                { data_types::u8, {32, 9,  7,  7, 5}, {32, 9, 14, 14, 5}, 1, resample::InterpolateOp::InterpolateMode::LINEAR_ONNX, 1, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv32, format::bs_fs_zyx_bsv32_fsv32, {}, {}},
+                            }
+                        ));