Alternate 1: Auto-Releasing with waitUntil():
async function get_lock_then_write() {
const lock = await requestLock('resource');
async function get_lock_then_read() {
const lock = await requestLock('resource', {mode: 'shared'});
Alternate 2: Explicit release:
async function get_lock_then_write() {
const lock = await requestLock('resource');
await async_write_func();
async function get_lock_then_read() {
const lock = await requestLock('resource', {mode: 'shared'});
await async_read_func();
- The auto-release approach mirrors Indexed DB's auto-committing transaction model where explicit action is needed to hold a resource, combined with Service Worker's ExtendableEvent
method to allow promises to control the lifetime. - The explicit release model requires callers to always call the
method, e.g. even if an exception is thrown.
In the auto-release approach, a lock will automatically be released by a subsequent microtask if waitUntil(p)
is not called with a promise to extend its lifetime within the callback from the initial acquisition promise.
In the auto-release and explicit release approaches the method returns a promise that resolves with a lock, or rejects if the request was aborted.
Can you implement explicit release in terms of auto-release?
async function requestExplicitLock(...args) {
const lock = await requestLock(...args);
lock.waitUntil(new Promise(resolve => { lock.release = resolve; }));
return lock;
Can you implement auto-release in terms of explicit-release?
function Extendable() {
let resolve, reject;
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
let ps;
promise.waitUntil = function(p) {
ps = ps ? Promise.all([ps, p]) : p;
const snapshot = ps;
() => { if (snapshot === ps) resolve(); },
err => { if (snapshot === ps) reject(err); }
return promise;
function requestAutoReleaseLock(...args) {
const lock = await requestLock(...args);
const ext = Extendable();
ext.then(() => lock.release(), () => lock.release());
ext.waitUntil(Promise.resolve().then(() => Promise.resolve().then()));
lock.waitUntil = ext.waitUntil.bind(ext);
return lock;
Can you implement explicit release in terms of scoped release?
function requestExplicitLock(scope, {
return new Promise(resolve => {
requestLock(scope, lock => {
// p waits until lock.release() is called
const p = new Promise(r => { lock.release = r; });
return p;
Can you implement scoped release in terms of explict release?
async function requestScopedLock(scope, callback, {
const lock = await requestLock(scope,;
try {
await callback(lock);
} finally {
Can you implement...