All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed a bug where excess duplicate subscriptions would be created on the same property in the backing store causing performance issues in some scenarios. Related to microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet#1994
- Added support for multipart form data request body serialization.
- Fixed a bug that caused the uri parameters not to be applied when the Uri template had a different casing than the parameter name that was used to set it.
- Added an interface to mark composed type wrappers and facilitate serialization.
- Use concurrent dictionary for In memory backing store registry to avoid race conditions.
- Fixed a bug that would allow multiple "Content-Type", "Content-Length", and "Content-Location" header values.
- Fixes a bug in the InMemoryBackingStore that would not leave out properties in nested IBackedModel properties.
- Adds the Response Headers to the ApiException class
- Added a base request builder and a request configuration class to reduce the amount of code being generated.
- Update minimum version of
- GA release
- Added a status code field to the API exception class.
- Relaxed nullability tolerance when merging objects for composed types.
- Use concurrent dictionary for serialization registry to avoid race conditions.
- Adds support for nullable reference types
- Adds a method to convert abstract requests to native requests in the request adapter interface.
- Release candidate 2
- Prevents sending requests with empty query parameter values
- Release candidate 1
- Added support for multi-valued request headers
- Bumps Tavis.UriTemplates to strongly name binary version
- Fixes a bug in the InMemoryBackingstore that would not detect changes in nested collections of complex types that had backing stores
- Fixed a bug where request bodies that are collections of single items would not serialize properly
- Adds an API key authentication provider.
- Changes the ResponeHandler parameter in IRequestAdapter to be a RequestOption
- Fixes a bug in the InMemoryBackingstore that would not detect changes in nested complex types and collections
- Added tracing support for request information content type.
- Added support for composed types serialization.
- DateTime instances added to the url paths to default to ISO 8601
- Adds explicit error message if the url template expects URI when accessing the URI from RequestInformation
- Fixes a bug where the backing store would fail to be set in clients running .Net framework.
- Breaking: added an additional parameter to authentication methods to carry contextual information.
- Adds a method to support scalar request bodies
- Adds support for api surface revamp for query parameters
- Breaking: Changes target runtime to netstandard2.0
- Adds the ability to get the query parameter name from attribute.
- Breaking: simplifies the field deserializers.
- Added support for vendor specific serialization in registries
- Initial Nuget release