This modules contains shared interfaces and abstract classes used within, and by inheritors of, the @pnp/odata package.
The exception thrown when a response is returned and cannot be processed.
Base interface used to describe a class that that will parse incoming responses. It takes a single type parameter representing the type of the value to be returned. It has two methods, one is optional:
- parse(r: Response): Promise - main method use to parse a response and return a Promise resolving to an object of type T
- hydrate?: (d: any) => T - optional method used when getting an object from the cache if it requires calling a constructor
The base class used by all parsers in the @pnp libraries. It is optional to use when creating your own custom parsers, but does contain several helper methods.
You can always create custom parsers for your projects, however it is likely you will not require this step as the default parsers should work for most cases.
class MyParser extends ODataParserBase<any> {
// we need to override the parse method to do our custom stuff
public parse(r: Response): Promise<T> {
// we wrap everything in a promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// lets use the default error handling which returns true for no error
// and will call reject with an error if one exists
if (this.handleError(r, reject)) {
// now we add our custom parsing here
r.text().then(txt => {
// here we call a madeup function to parse the result
// this is where we would do our parsing as required
myCustomerUnencode(txt).then(v => {