##Administrator Manager For managining the website content, most of the web based applications have backend Control Panel / Dashboard / Adminstrator account. The Admin Panel is used to CRUD website content. This Admin Panel can have one or more users.
Administrator Manager is an Angular JS based PHP/MySQL application which is used to Create - Read - Update - Delete Admin panel users.
Live Demo -> Username [email protected]
Password github
####Built using Angular JS and PHP/MySQL
- Administrator Login
- Forget Password
- Admin User Statistics
- Add User
- Update User
- Delete User
- View All Users
- Filter User list
- Sort by clicking table heading
- Pagination
- View each User details
- View Profile
- Update Profile
- Logout
Further Improvements
- RESTful services
- Singleton Pattern
- Role manager - Laravel AngularJS Application
- Add new Status and Role
- Restrict Page access based on user Role
- Material Design
- Update validation
Known Bug
- Email, Role, Status
class not applied when the input is touched - If there are no Roles or Status in database, add user error will occur - a fix for this will be add new Role and Status as select option
- Menu will show same name even if the name changed in updated profile.
- Profile update - Duplicate email or username check not done
- Login only using email (not using username)
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