All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
- Fixed ref warning in StarRatingView
- A custom StarView for our library by @mrousavy
- Fixed incorrect child view mounting on Android
- Fixed rendering ads in a FlatList.
- Fixed CallToActionView not clickable
- Fixed new ref created on each rerender
- Fixed typings for AdManager @mrousavy
- Fixed state updating when NativeAdView is not mounted @jaeyoonlim
- Let ads update to any compatible version (19.+) on Android. @halaei
- Rewrite the example to demonstrate Banner Ad, Video/Image Ad & Ads in a List properly.
- Rename MediaView to RNGADMediaView to avoid conflicts with other libraries
- CallToAction now uses a simple Text Component to register clicks.
- react-native-star-rating dependancy has been removed
- react-native-gesture-handler dependancy has been removed.
- delayAdLoading prop has been removed @ha-younes72
- Use callable module on Android to receive onUnifiedNativeAdLoaded event so ad renders in its correct view using a unique ID.
- Use a partial implementation for ImageProps. @Nox04
- Fix rendering of multiple ads in a FlatList. #51
- Try to reload ad when it fails to load after the specified refreshInterval
- Fix CallToActionView assigned on AdvertiserView on Android. #57
- Refactor and cleanup the code.
- Rewrite the example to demonstrate Banner Ad, Video/Image Ad & Ads in a List properly.
- Rewrite the Root NativeAdView component as a Class Component
- Wrap CallToActionView in GestureHandlerRootView @mrousavy
- Hide the Ad when it is loading by default so it does not show empty components.
- Fix NPM dependencies by using peerDependencies, now you have to manually add all the dependancies of the library @mrousavy Fixed #55
- You need to add react-native-star-rating as a direct dependency of the main project from now onwards.