- Refactor code to comply with version 6 of the Mongoose object modeler.
- MongoDB Node.js driver removed as direct dependency (db interaction now through Mongoose).
- Split README.md into separate docs
- Patient entered medication API
- FHIR implementation support
- Additional history items
- Added extra data models for new functionality of DRE UI (account history)
- Blocking/Filtering for Patient Identification and Matching
- Calculation of blockers on database level (in demographics section)
- Removed schema inheritance from blue button library.
- Introduced blue button meta library.
- Adapted to latest schema changes.
Incremental patch, includes archived field for identifying archived stored files.
- If archived date present now returns in storage query.
Implement first release notes and bump version to consistency with dependent package.
- Patient ID query security improvements.
- Route extensions for file storage flagging.
- Removal of parital route.