Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace is an online store that offers applications specifically for customers of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace catalog, customers can find and launch Images and Stacks from Oracle or trusted partners. These Marketplace Images or Stacks are deployed into the customer's tenancy.
Marketplace Images are templates of virtual hard drives that determine the operating system and software to run on an instance. Publishers will publish a Custom Image as an Artifact in the Marketplace Partner Portal.
Marketplace Stacks are composed by Terraform configuration files (templates) and a YAML descriptor file containing the definition of Terraform Input variables, packaged all together in a zip file. A Stack run as a job in the OCI Resource Manager service.
A configuration is a set of one or more Terraform configuration (.tf) file written in HCL, that specify the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources, including resource metadata, and other important information, like data source definitions and variables declarations.
Terraform variables are defined as environment variables, command line arguments or placed into TFVars file when they are launched from Terraform CLI. Running a standalone ORM Stack (not Marketplace related) is possible to set variables at the time a Stack is created via OCI CLI, by specifying a json file.
In order to enable any user - technical or non-technical to launch a Marketplace Stack directly from the OCI console without depending on any CLI, Marketplace/ORM provided a unique feature to enable publishers to create a custom UI for their Stacks where they can create a Form based on the same look and feel of OCI console and also can link the OCI created resources with the Marketplace listing that originated it. This UI is defined in the YAML descriptor file packaged along with the Terraform templates.
# | Description |
1 | Schema file is based on YAML |
2 | All variables declared in the schema file MUST exist in the Terraform configuration. |
3 | The tenancy_ocid and region variables must be declared as part of the schema, but placed in a hidden variableGroups section as their values are set automatically by ORM based on customer selections in the OCI console. |
4 | Variables not declared in the schema but declared in the Terraform root module will be displayed in the bottom of the Variables configuration page in ORM. If you don't want to display these variables in ORM, declare them within the variableGroups section as part of a group that is hidden from users. |
5 | You must create different sections within the variableGroups definition for grouping similar OCI Services, e.g. Network, Storage, Compute. That will make the user experience similar to standard OCI UI. For example, create a section to group Network resources and put all variables that manage network (VCN, Subnets, etc) into that group. |
This block contains general information related to the listing that is displayed in the Application Information tab in the OCI Console, e.g. application description, logo/icon URL, listing-id, content-language and some boilerplate code related to the schema version.
Name | Description |
title | Title of the listing displayed in the OCI console - Application Information tab |
description | Sub Title shown in Application Information tab. |
schemaVersion | YAML Schema version. Fixed Value = 1.1.0 |
version | Marketplace API Version. Fixed Value = 20190404 |
logoUrl (optional) | URL of Logo Icon used on Application Information tab. You can copy the contentId from the Marketplace listing logo URL in the Marketplace Partner portal. |
source (optional) | This field is used by ORM to display the "View Instructions" section of the Marketplace listing.type: marketplace is a fixed valuereference:<application_id> this is the listing idenfier and you can copy this information from the preview URL of the Marketplace listing application_id=12345 URL parameter. |
locale | Listing Locale, e.g. en for English |
title: "My Super Application"
description: "This is the best application in the Marketplace"
schemaVersion: 1.1.0
version: "20190304"
logoUrl: ""
type: marketplace
reference: 47726045
locale: "en"
Name | Description |
variableGroups | Top level identifier of variableGroups section |
title | Title of the Group |
variables | list of variables that are presented/hidden in this group |
visible (optional) | set the visibility of variableGroups block - use a boolean or an expression. Visibility can be defined at variable level. |
- title: "Hidden Variable Group"
visible: false
#variables used by Terraform but not necesarrily exposed exposed to end user
- tenancy_ocid
- region
- mp_listing_id
- mp_listing_resource_id
- mp_listing_resource_version
- availability_domain_number
- title: "Compute Configuration"
- compute_compartment_ocid
- vm_display_name
- hostname_label
- vm_compute_shape
- availability_domain_name
- ssh_public_key
- title: "Virtual Cloud Network"
- network_compartment_ocid
- network_strategy
- network_configuration_strategy
- vcn_id
- vcn_display_name
- vcn_dns_label
- vcn_cidr_block
#Management subnet group contains logic to toggle the visibility of the group based on variables defined by customer during Stack configuration in the OCI console.
- title: "Management Subnet"
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Use Existing VCN and Subnet"") OR (network_configuration_strategy == "Customize Network Configuration")
- eq:
- network_strategy
- "Use Existing VCN and Subnet"
- eq:
- network_configuration_strategy
- "Customize Network Configuration"
- mgmt_subnet_type
- mgmt_subnet_id
- mgmt_subnet_display_name
- mgmt_subnet_cidr_block
- mgmt_subnet_dns_label
- mgmt_nsg_configuration_strategy
Use this section to declare all Terraform Input variables that are presented in your Template. All variables in the Terraform Root Module should be declared.
Name | Description |
variables | Top level identifier of variables section |
<variable_name> |
The name of the input variable declared in the Terraform template. |
type | Definition of the variable type supported by the schema. This is not a Terraform variable type as the OCI Marketplace schema support dynamic types that will automatically lookup for OCI resource types. See Dynamic types. |
minLength | Minimum Length of the variable |
maxLength | Maximum Length of the variable |
pattern | Regex pattern |
title | Label of the variable. In case a label is not specified, ORM will use the variable name as the title. |
description | Tooltip with the description of the variable. ORM will look at the value provided within the variables definition of the Terraform template in case a description is not provided in the schema |
default | Variable default value |
required | set the variable requirement - use a boolean or an expression |
visible | set the visibility of a variable - use a boolean or an expression |
Variable Types in the Schema definition are statically or dynamically resolved based on customer's tenancy and OCI Console navigation. Default value defined in the terraform configuration is overwritten by the value specified in ORM.
Static Types | Description |
array | List of values |
boolean | true or false |
enum | List of static sorted values |
integer | Integer |
number | Number |
string | Text |
password | Hidden Text* |
datetime | Current Date Time |
*Note: variable is visible as plaintext in the terraform state file
Dynamic Types | Description | Depends on | Filter |
oci:identity:region:name | OCI Region | ||
oci:identity:compartment:id | Compartment Id | ||
oci:core:image:id | List of values | ||
oci:core:instanceshape:name | List of Compute Shapes | compartmentId | imageId |
oci:core:vcn:id | List of VCNs in the existing region | compartmentId | |
oci:core:subnet:id | List of Subnets | vcnId compartmentId | hidePublicSubnet hidePrivateSubnet hideRegionalSubnet hideAdSubnet |
oci:identity:availabilitydomain:name | Region Availability Domain | compartmentId | |
oci:identity:faultdomain:name | AD Fault Domains | compartmentId availabilityDomainName | |
oci:database:dbsystem:id | Oracle DB Systems (Exadata, Bare Metal and VM) | ||
oci:database:dbhome:id | Oracle DB Systems Home Folder | compartmentId dbSystemId | |
oci:database:database:id | Oracle DB ID | ||
oci:database:autonomousdatabase:id | Oracle Autonomous Database ID |
# HIDDEN variables
type: string
title: Tenancy ID
description: The Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) for your tenancy
required: true
type: oci:identity:region:name
title: Region
description: The region in which to create all resources
required: true
type: string
required: true
description: Marketplace Listing ID
type: oci:core:image:id
required: true
description: Marketplace Image OCID
compartmentId: compute_compartment_ocid
type: string
required: true
description: Marketplace Listing package version
type: string
required: false
description: Availability Domain Number
type: oci:identity:compartment:id
required: true
title: Compute Compartment
description: The compartment in which to create all Compute resources
default: compartment_ocid
type: oci:identity:availabilitydomain:name
compartmentId: compute_compartment_ocid
required: true
default: 1
title: Availability Domain
description: Availability Domain
type: string
required: true
title: Public SSH Key string
description: Public SSH Key to access VM via SSH
type: string
required: true
title: Instance Name
description: The name of the Instance
type: oci:core:instanceshape:name
default: VM.Standard2.4
title: Compute Shape
required: true
compartmentId: compute_compartment_ocid
imageId: mp_listing_resource_id
type: string
required: false
title: DNS Hostname Label
type: oci:identity:compartment:id
required: true
title: Network Compartment
description: The compartment in which to create all Network resources
default: compartment_ocid
type: enum
title: Network Strategy
description: Create or use existing Network Stack (VCN and Subnet)
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
- "Use Existing VCN and Subnet"
required: true
default: "Create New VCN and Subnet"
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"")
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
type: enum
title: Configuration Strategy
description: Use recommended configuration or customize it
- "Use Recommended Configuration"
- "Customize Network Configuration"
required: true
default: "Use Recommended Configuration"
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"") AND (network_configuration_strategy == "Customize Network Configuration")
- eq:
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
- eq:
- network_configuration_strategy
- "Customize Network Configuration"
type: string
required: true
title: Name
description: The name of the new Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
visible: #($network_strategy == "Use Existing VCN and Subnet")
- network_strategy
- "Use Existing VCN and Subnet"
type: oci:core:vcn:id
compartmentId: network_compartment_ocid
required: true
title: Existing VCN
description: An existing Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in which to create the compute instances, network resources, and load balancers. If not specified, a new VCN is created.
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"") AND (network_configuration_strategy == "Customize Network Configuration")
- eq:
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
- eq:
- network_configuration_strategy
- "Customize Network Configuration"
type: string
required: true
pattern: "^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\\/(3[0-2]|[1-2]?[0-9])$"
title: CIDR Block
description: The CIDR of the new Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). If you plan to peer this VCN with another VCN, the VCNs must not have overlapping CIDRs.
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"") AND (network_configuration_strategy == "Customize Network Configuration")
- eq:
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
- eq:
- network_configuration_strategy
- "Customize Network Configuration"
type: string
required: true
title: DNS Label
maxLenght: 15
description: VCN DNS Label. Only letters and numbers, starting with a letter. 15 characters max.
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"")
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
type: enum
title: Subnet Type
description: Choose between private and public subnets
- "Private Subnet"
- "Public Subnet"
required: true
default: "Public Subnet"
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"")
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
type: string
required: true
title: Name
description: The name of the new Management Subnet
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"")
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
type: string
pattern: "^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\\/(3[0-2]|[1-2]?[0-9])$"
required: true
title: CIDR Block
description: The CIDR of the new Subnet. The new subnet's CIDR should not overlap with any other subnet CIDRs.
visible: #($network_strategy == "Use Existing VCN and Subnet")
- network_strategy
- "Use Existing VCN and Subnet"
type: oci:core:subnet:id
vcnId: vcn_id
compartmentId: network_compartment_ocid
hidePublicSubnet: false
hidePrivateSubnet: false
hideRegionalSubnet: false
hideAdSubnet: true
default: ''
required: true
title: Existing Subnet
description: An existing Management subnet. This subnet must already be present in the chosen VCN.
visible: #($network_strategy == ""Create New VCN and Subnet"")
- network_strategy
- "Create New VCN and Subnet"
type: string
required: true
title: DNS Label
maxLenght: 15
description: Subnet DNS Label. Only letters and numbers, starting with a letter. 15 characters max.
Name | Description |
outputs | Top level identifier of Terraform outputs section |
<output_variable_name> |
The name of the output variable declared in the Terraform template. |
type | Output Variable type: link , csv , ocid |
title | Label of the Output variable |
displayText | Tooltip with the description of the variable |
visible | set the visibility of a variable - use a boolean or an expression |
type: link
title: Open Management URL
visible: false
type: link
title: Management Public IP
visible: #($mgmt_subnet_type == "Public Subnet")
- mgmt_subnet_type
- "Public Subnet"
type: link
title: Management Private IP
visible: true
type: csv
title: Public IPs
type: ocid
title: Load Balancer
Name | Description |
primaryOutputButton | Output Variable linked to the Marketplace Action Button in the Instance Tab (Compute UI) |
primaryOutputButton: instance_mgmt_https_url
Use this section to declare all Terraform Output variables that are presented in your Template. All variables in the Terraform Root Module should be declared.
Name | Description |
outputGroups | Top level identifier of outputGroups section |
title | Title of the Output Variables Group |
outputs | Terraform output variables |
<output_variable> |
Name of the Output Variable |
- title: Schema Registry
- schemaRegistryUrl
- schemaRegistryPublicIps
- schemaRegistryInstances
- schemaRegistryLoadBalancer
- title: Broker / Connect
- brokerPublicIps
- brokerInstances
- connectUrl
- connectPublicIps
- restUrl