From d74212d4da47f5abcfb5aaa293ff4d6b830ffe40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 22:27:13 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Add files via upload

Added eject flits function in chipper.cpp along with other minor functions

Add permute routes
 chipper .cpp | 378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 378 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 chipper .cpp

diff --git a/chipper .cpp b/chipper .cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a944a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chipper .cpp	
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+//	Ameya: Remove redundancies
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "chipper.hpp"
+#include "stats.hpp"
+#include "globals.hpp"
+#include "routefunc.hpp"
+int retire_index = 4; // HH : For mesh, ejection is through _output_channels[4];
+Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
+		    Module *parent, const string & name, int id,
+		    int inputs, int outputs )
+  : Router( config,
+	    parent, name,
+	    id,
+	    inputs, outputs )
+  ostringstream module_name;
+	// Routing
+	string rf = config.GetStr("routing_function") + "_" + config.GetStr("topology");
+	map<string, tRoutingFunction>::iterator rf_iter = gRoutingFunctionMap.find(rf);
+	if(rf_iter == gRoutingFunctionMap.end()) {
+	  Error("Invalid routing function: " + rf);
+	}
+	_rf = rf_iter->second;
+	assert(_inputs == _outputs);
+	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs-1); 
+	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs-1);
+	_stage_1.resize(_inputs-1);
+	_stage_2.resize(_inputs-1);
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_input_buffer[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_input_buffer[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _input_buffer[i].erase(_input_buffer[i].begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_stage_1[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_stage_1[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _stage_1.erase(_stage_1.begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_stage_2[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_stage_2[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _stage_2.erase(_stage_2.begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int o = 0; o < _outputs; ++o ) {
+	  while (!_output_buffer[o].empty())
+		{
+			(_output_buffer[o].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _output_buffer[o].erase(_output_buffer[o].begin());
+		}
+	}
+void Chipper::AddInputChannel( FlitChannel *channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
+	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
+	_input_channels.push_back( channel );
+	channel->SetSink( this, _input_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
+void Chipper::AddOutputChannel(FlitChannel * channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
+	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
+	_output_channels.push_back( channel );
+	_channel_faults.push_back( false );
+	channel->SetSource( this, _output_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
+void Chipper::Display( ostream & os ) const
+	os << "Nothing to display" << endl;		//	Ameya: Just for sake of avoiding pure virual func
+void Chipper::ReadInputs() // HH : Performs the function of reading flits from channel into input buffer
+	//	HH : Receiving flits from channel into input buffer, no credits received, as in event_router
+// HH Definition of _ReceiveFlits: inserts flit into buffer from channel corresponding to current sim time
+int Chipper::_IncomingFlits( )
+  Flit *f;
+  map< int,Flit* > buffer_timed;
+  receive_time = GetSimTime();
+  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ) { 
+    f = _input_channels[input]->Receive(); 
+		if ( f ) {
+     		_input_buffer[input].insert( pair(receive_time,f) );
+    }
+  }
+void Chipper::WriteOutputs() // HH : Performs the function of sending flits from output buffer into channel
+	_SendFlits( ); //HH : Sending flits from output buffer into input channel, no credits sent, as in event_router
+// HH Definition of _Sendflits in Chipper class same as that in class event_router
+void Chipper::_SendFlits( int pair_time)
+	map<int,Flit*> buffer_timed;
+	Flit *f;
+  for ( int output = 0; output < _outputs; ++output ) {
+    //if ( !_output_buffer[output].empty( ) ) {
+      //Flit *f = _output_buffer[output].front( );
+      //_output_buffer[output].pop( );
+      //_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
+  		buffer_timed = _output_buffer.back;
+  		f = buffer_timed.find( pair_time);
+  		if(f){
+  			_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
+  		}
+    }
+ }
+void Chipper::_InternalStep( )
+  // Receive incoming flits
+  	 int pair_time = _IncomingFlits( );
+  	 //HH : Need to make the time the flits are received global in order to know when the input flits were 
+// were paired into the map
+  	 //Have to pass this onto subsequent functions to find the correct flit from each buffer
+  	 // I am thinking pair_time should be updated at each stage with GetSimTime and then passed onto next stage
+  // Eject flits which have reached their desitnation
+	_EjectFlits();
+	_Buffer_to_stage1();
+	_stage1_to_stage2();
+// Added by HH
+	void _EjectFlits(){
+		array Flit *f received_flits[_inputs]; // To keep track of all the flits that need to be ejected
+		int flit_to_eject = -1;
+		int golden_cnt = 0; 
+	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ) {      
+	  	// One input channel is for the router
+	   // f = _input_buffer[input].pop;
+	    if ( f->dest ==  GetID() ) {
+	  	  received_flits[input] = f;
+	  	  // Check for golden status and golden tie
+	  	  if(f->golden == 1 && !golden_cnt)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	flit_to_eject = input; 
+	  	  	golden_cnt++;
+	  	  }
+	  	  else if(f->golden == 1)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	if(received_flits[flit_to_eject]->pri > f->pri) // Resolve golden tie based on older flit
+	  	  	{
+	  	  		flit_to_eject = input;
+	  	  		break;
+	  	  	}
+	  	  }
+	    }
+	    else{
+	    	received_flits[input] = NULL; // Flit not at destination
+	    }
+	    if(flit_to_eject == -1){
+		    for( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ){
+		    	// Iterating through the array of stored flits that need to be ejected
+		    	// to find the oldest flit and consequently retiring that flit
+		    	int oldest_flit_index;
+		    	int high_pri = -1; 
+		    	if(received_flits[input] != NULL && received_flits[input]->pri > high_pri)
+		    	{
+		    		high_pri = received_flits[input]->pri;
+		    		oldest_flit_index = input; 
+		    	}
+		    	if(high_pri > -1)
+		    	{
+		    		flit_to_eject = oldest_flit_index;
+		    		_output_channels[retire_index] = received_flits[flit_to_eject];
+		    		// HH : Receive flit with oldest_flit_index -> Need to apply the function that handles retire flit
+		    	}
+		    }
+		}
+	}
+	void Chipper::_Buffer_to_stage1()
+    // map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
+    int input = 0;
+    map<int, Flit*>::iterator it;
+    for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){
+        // intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
+        // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
+        //      if(pair_time == it->first){
+        //      it->first = it->first + 1;
+        //      }
+        // }
+        it =_input_buffer[input].find(GetSimTime());
+        if(it == _input_buffer[input].end())
+        	continue;
+        _stage_1[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+        _input_buffer[input].erase(it);
+    }
+void Chipper::_stage1_to_stage2()
+     // msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
+     int input = 0;
+     for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){      // Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
+         // intermediate = _stage_1[input];
+         // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
+              // if(pair_time == it->first){
+             // it->first = it->first + 1;
+             // }
+         // }
+         it = _stage_1[input].find(GetSimTime());
+         if(it == _stage_1[input].end())
+         	continue;
+         _stage_2[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+         _stage_1[input].erase(it);
+    }
+void Chipper::Permute()
+	// int router_number = GetID();
+	// int west = _LeftNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int east = _RightNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int north = _LeftNode(router_number, 1);
+	// int south = _RightNode(router_number, 1);
+	// vector<int> direction;
+	// vector<int> priority;
+	// vector<bool> golden;
+	// direction.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// priority.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// for(input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input)
+	// {
+		// if(golden[input] == true)
+	Partial_Permute(2,0,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,1,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,2,2);
+	Partial_Permute(1,0,0);
+	// }
+void Chipper::Partial_Permute(int dir1, int dir2, int perm_num)
+	Flit *f1;
+	Flit *f2;
+	map<int, Flit*> iterator it1,it2;
+	it1 = _stage_2[dir1].find(GetSimTime());
+	it2 = _stage_2[dir2].find(GetSimTime());
+	*f1 = it1->second;
+	*f2 = it2->second;
+	if((f1->golden == 1)&&(f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f1->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}	
+// Added by HH : scheme for determining Golden_packet as in chipper paper(not exactly)
+// Returning the packet id that is to be made golden by just dividing time_elapsed by L instead of 
+// keeping track of all the packets in the network. (I don't know if a maximum number of packets is available)
+// Instead of iterating over all possible packet ids called "transaction ids" from all nodes, just iterate over 
+// packet ids which uniquely identifies each packet

From 1ad7a80230337748e113333a2baba4df41f501bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 20:52:52 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Add files via upload

Added eject flits and some minor changes

Add permute routes
 chipper.cpp | 378 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 378 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 chipper.cpp

diff --git a/chipper.cpp b/chipper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a944a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chipper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+//	Ameya: Remove redundancies
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "chipper.hpp"
+#include "stats.hpp"
+#include "globals.hpp"
+#include "routefunc.hpp"
+int retire_index = 4; // HH : For mesh, ejection is through _output_channels[4];
+Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
+		    Module *parent, const string & name, int id,
+		    int inputs, int outputs )
+  : Router( config,
+	    parent, name,
+	    id,
+	    inputs, outputs )
+  ostringstream module_name;
+	// Routing
+	string rf = config.GetStr("routing_function") + "_" + config.GetStr("topology");
+	map<string, tRoutingFunction>::iterator rf_iter = gRoutingFunctionMap.find(rf);
+	if(rf_iter == gRoutingFunctionMap.end()) {
+	  Error("Invalid routing function: " + rf);
+	}
+	_rf = rf_iter->second;
+	assert(_inputs == _outputs);
+	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs-1); 
+	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs-1);
+	_stage_1.resize(_inputs-1);
+	_stage_2.resize(_inputs-1);
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_input_buffer[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_input_buffer[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _input_buffer[i].erase(_input_buffer[i].begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_stage_1[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_stage_1[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _stage_1.erase(_stage_1.begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
+		while (!_stage_2[i].empty())
+		{
+			(_stage_2[i].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _stage_2.erase(_stage_2.begin());
+		}
+	}
+	for ( int o = 0; o < _outputs; ++o ) {
+	  while (!_output_buffer[o].empty())
+		{
+			(_output_buffer[o].begin()->second)->Free();
+		  _output_buffer[o].erase(_output_buffer[o].begin());
+		}
+	}
+void Chipper::AddInputChannel( FlitChannel *channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
+	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
+	_input_channels.push_back( channel );
+	channel->SetSink( this, _input_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
+void Chipper::AddOutputChannel(FlitChannel * channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
+	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
+	_output_channels.push_back( channel );
+	_channel_faults.push_back( false );
+	channel->SetSource( this, _output_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
+void Chipper::Display( ostream & os ) const
+	os << "Nothing to display" << endl;		//	Ameya: Just for sake of avoiding pure virual func
+void Chipper::ReadInputs() // HH : Performs the function of reading flits from channel into input buffer
+	//	HH : Receiving flits from channel into input buffer, no credits received, as in event_router
+// HH Definition of _ReceiveFlits: inserts flit into buffer from channel corresponding to current sim time
+int Chipper::_IncomingFlits( )
+  Flit *f;
+  map< int,Flit* > buffer_timed;
+  receive_time = GetSimTime();
+  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ) { 
+    f = _input_channels[input]->Receive(); 
+		if ( f ) {
+     		_input_buffer[input].insert( pair(receive_time,f) );
+    }
+  }
+void Chipper::WriteOutputs() // HH : Performs the function of sending flits from output buffer into channel
+	_SendFlits( ); //HH : Sending flits from output buffer into input channel, no credits sent, as in event_router
+// HH Definition of _Sendflits in Chipper class same as that in class event_router
+void Chipper::_SendFlits( int pair_time)
+	map<int,Flit*> buffer_timed;
+	Flit *f;
+  for ( int output = 0; output < _outputs; ++output ) {
+    //if ( !_output_buffer[output].empty( ) ) {
+      //Flit *f = _output_buffer[output].front( );
+      //_output_buffer[output].pop( );
+      //_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
+  		buffer_timed = _output_buffer.back;
+  		f = buffer_timed.find( pair_time);
+  		if(f){
+  			_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
+  		}
+    }
+ }
+void Chipper::_InternalStep( )
+  // Receive incoming flits
+  	 int pair_time = _IncomingFlits( );
+  	 //HH : Need to make the time the flits are received global in order to know when the input flits were 
+// were paired into the map
+  	 //Have to pass this onto subsequent functions to find the correct flit from each buffer
+  	 // I am thinking pair_time should be updated at each stage with GetSimTime and then passed onto next stage
+  // Eject flits which have reached their desitnation
+	_EjectFlits();
+	_Buffer_to_stage1();
+	_stage1_to_stage2();
+// Added by HH
+	void _EjectFlits(){
+		array Flit *f received_flits[_inputs]; // To keep track of all the flits that need to be ejected
+		int flit_to_eject = -1;
+		int golden_cnt = 0; 
+	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ) {      
+	  	// One input channel is for the router
+	   // f = _input_buffer[input].pop;
+	    if ( f->dest ==  GetID() ) {
+	  	  received_flits[input] = f;
+	  	  // Check for golden status and golden tie
+	  	  if(f->golden == 1 && !golden_cnt)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	flit_to_eject = input; 
+	  	  	golden_cnt++;
+	  	  }
+	  	  else if(f->golden == 1)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	if(received_flits[flit_to_eject]->pri > f->pri) // Resolve golden tie based on older flit
+	  	  	{
+	  	  		flit_to_eject = input;
+	  	  		break;
+	  	  	}
+	  	  }
+	    }
+	    else{
+	    	received_flits[input] = NULL; // Flit not at destination
+	    }
+	    if(flit_to_eject == -1){
+		    for( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ){
+		    	// Iterating through the array of stored flits that need to be ejected
+		    	// to find the oldest flit and consequently retiring that flit
+		    	int oldest_flit_index;
+		    	int high_pri = -1; 
+		    	if(received_flits[input] != NULL && received_flits[input]->pri > high_pri)
+		    	{
+		    		high_pri = received_flits[input]->pri;
+		    		oldest_flit_index = input; 
+		    	}
+		    	if(high_pri > -1)
+		    	{
+		    		flit_to_eject = oldest_flit_index;
+		    		_output_channels[retire_index] = received_flits[flit_to_eject];
+		    		// HH : Receive flit with oldest_flit_index -> Need to apply the function that handles retire flit
+		    	}
+		    }
+		}
+	}
+	void Chipper::_Buffer_to_stage1()
+    // map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
+    int input = 0;
+    map<int, Flit*>::iterator it;
+    for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){
+        // intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
+        // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
+        //      if(pair_time == it->first){
+        //      it->first = it->first + 1;
+        //      }
+        // }
+        it =_input_buffer[input].find(GetSimTime());
+        if(it == _input_buffer[input].end())
+        	continue;
+        _stage_1[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+        _input_buffer[input].erase(it);
+    }
+void Chipper::_stage1_to_stage2()
+     // msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
+     int input = 0;
+     for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){      // Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
+         // intermediate = _stage_1[input];
+         // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
+              // if(pair_time == it->first){
+             // it->first = it->first + 1;
+             // }
+         // }
+         it = _stage_1[input].find(GetSimTime());
+         if(it == _stage_1[input].end())
+         	continue;
+         _stage_2[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+         _stage_1[input].erase(it);
+    }
+void Chipper::Permute()
+	// int router_number = GetID();
+	// int west = _LeftNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int east = _RightNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int north = _LeftNode(router_number, 1);
+	// int south = _RightNode(router_number, 1);
+	// vector<int> direction;
+	// vector<int> priority;
+	// vector<bool> golden;
+	// direction.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// priority.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// for(input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input)
+	// {
+		// if(golden[input] == true)
+	Partial_Permute(2,0,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,1,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,2,2);
+	Partial_Permute(1,0,0);
+	// }
+void Chipper::Partial_Permute(int dir1, int dir2, int perm_num)
+	Flit *f1;
+	Flit *f2;
+	map<int, Flit*> iterator it1,it2;
+	it1 = _stage_2[dir1].find(GetSimTime());
+	it2 = _stage_2[dir2].find(GetSimTime());
+	*f1 = it1->second;
+	*f2 = it2->second;
+	if((f1->golden == 1)&&(f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f1->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}	
+// Added by HH : scheme for determining Golden_packet as in chipper paper(not exactly)
+// Returning the packet id that is to be made golden by just dividing time_elapsed by L instead of 
+// keeping track of all the packets in the network. (I don't know if a maximum number of packets is available)
+// Instead of iterating over all possible packet ids called "transaction ids" from all nodes, just iterate over 
+// packet ids which uniquely identifies each packet

From 4adb5eff5a472b1d805c2eb21d0b88414f329579 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:03:58 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Add files via upload

From 29f69337252baac4581bc093f5e1a9fe0f05966d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:08:32 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Delete chipper .cpp

 chipper .cpp | 378 ---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 378 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 chipper .cpp

diff --git a/chipper .cpp b/chipper .cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a944a3f..00000000
--- a/chipper .cpp	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-//	Ameya: Remove redundancies
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "chipper.hpp"
-#include "stats.hpp"
-#include "globals.hpp"
-#include "routefunc.hpp"
-int retire_index = 4; // HH : For mesh, ejection is through _output_channels[4];
-Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
-		    Module *parent, const string & name, int id,
-		    int inputs, int outputs )
-  : Router( config,
-	    parent, name,
-	    id,
-	    inputs, outputs )
-  ostringstream module_name;
-	// Routing
-	string rf = config.GetStr("routing_function") + "_" + config.GetStr("topology");
-	map<string, tRoutingFunction>::iterator rf_iter = gRoutingFunctionMap.find(rf);
-	if(rf_iter == gRoutingFunctionMap.end()) {
-	  Error("Invalid routing function: " + rf);
-	}
-	_rf = rf_iter->second;
-	assert(_inputs == _outputs);
-	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs-1); 
-	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs-1);
-	_stage_1.resize(_inputs-1);
-	_stage_2.resize(_inputs-1);
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_input_buffer[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_input_buffer[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _input_buffer[i].erase(_input_buffer[i].begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_stage_1[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_stage_1[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _stage_1.erase(_stage_1.begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_stage_2[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_stage_2[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _stage_2.erase(_stage_2.begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int o = 0; o < _outputs; ++o ) {
-	  while (!_output_buffer[o].empty())
-		{
-			(_output_buffer[o].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _output_buffer[o].erase(_output_buffer[o].begin());
-		}
-	}
-void Chipper::AddInputChannel( FlitChannel *channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
-	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
-	_input_channels.push_back( channel );
-	channel->SetSink( this, _input_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
-void Chipper::AddOutputChannel(FlitChannel * channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
-	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
-	_output_channels.push_back( channel );
-	_channel_faults.push_back( false );
-	channel->SetSource( this, _output_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
-void Chipper::Display( ostream & os ) const
-	os << "Nothing to display" << endl;		//	Ameya: Just for sake of avoiding pure virual func
-void Chipper::ReadInputs() // HH : Performs the function of reading flits from channel into input buffer
-	//	HH : Receiving flits from channel into input buffer, no credits received, as in event_router
-// HH Definition of _ReceiveFlits: inserts flit into buffer from channel corresponding to current sim time
-int Chipper::_IncomingFlits( )
-  Flit *f;
-  map< int,Flit* > buffer_timed;
-  receive_time = GetSimTime();
-  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ) { 
-    f = _input_channels[input]->Receive(); 
-		if ( f ) {
-     		_input_buffer[input].insert( pair(receive_time,f) );
-    }
-  }
-void Chipper::WriteOutputs() // HH : Performs the function of sending flits from output buffer into channel
-	_SendFlits( ); //HH : Sending flits from output buffer into input channel, no credits sent, as in event_router
-// HH Definition of _Sendflits in Chipper class same as that in class event_router
-void Chipper::_SendFlits( int pair_time)
-	map<int,Flit*> buffer_timed;
-	Flit *f;
-  for ( int output = 0; output < _outputs; ++output ) {
-    //if ( !_output_buffer[output].empty( ) ) {
-      //Flit *f = _output_buffer[output].front( );
-      //_output_buffer[output].pop( );
-      //_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
-  		buffer_timed = _output_buffer.back;
-  		f = buffer_timed.find( pair_time);
-  		if(f){
-  			_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
-  		}
-    }
- }
-void Chipper::_InternalStep( )
-  // Receive incoming flits
-  	 int pair_time = _IncomingFlits( );
-  	 //HH : Need to make the time the flits are received global in order to know when the input flits were 
-// were paired into the map
-  	 //Have to pass this onto subsequent functions to find the correct flit from each buffer
-  	 // I am thinking pair_time should be updated at each stage with GetSimTime and then passed onto next stage
-  // Eject flits which have reached their desitnation
-	_EjectFlits();
-	_Buffer_to_stage1();
-	_stage1_to_stage2();
-// Added by HH
-	void _EjectFlits(){
-		array Flit *f received_flits[_inputs]; // To keep track of all the flits that need to be ejected
-		int flit_to_eject = -1;
-		int golden_cnt = 0; 
-	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ) {      
-	  	// One input channel is for the router
-	   // f = _input_buffer[input].pop;
-	    if ( f->dest ==  GetID() ) {
-	  	  received_flits[input] = f;
-	  	  // Check for golden status and golden tie
-	  	  if(f->golden == 1 && !golden_cnt)
-	  	  {
-	  	  	flit_to_eject = input; 
-	  	  	golden_cnt++;
-	  	  }
-	  	  else if(f->golden == 1)
-	  	  {
-	  	  	if(received_flits[flit_to_eject]->pri > f->pri) // Resolve golden tie based on older flit
-	  	  	{
-	  	  		flit_to_eject = input;
-	  	  		break;
-	  	  	}
-	  	  }
-	    }
-	    else{
-	    	received_flits[input] = NULL; // Flit not at destination
-	    }
-	    if(flit_to_eject == -1){
-		    for( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ){
-		    	// Iterating through the array of stored flits that need to be ejected
-		    	// to find the oldest flit and consequently retiring that flit
-		    	int oldest_flit_index;
-		    	int high_pri = -1; 
-		    	if(received_flits[input] != NULL && received_flits[input]->pri > high_pri)
-		    	{
-		    		high_pri = received_flits[input]->pri;
-		    		oldest_flit_index = input; 
-		    	}
-		    	if(high_pri > -1)
-		    	{
-		    		flit_to_eject = oldest_flit_index;
-		    		_output_channels[retire_index] = received_flits[flit_to_eject];
-		    		// HH : Receive flit with oldest_flit_index -> Need to apply the function that handles retire flit
-		    	}
-		    }
-		}
-	}
-	void Chipper::_Buffer_to_stage1()
-    // map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
-    int input = 0;
-    map<int, Flit*>::iterator it;
-    for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){
-        // intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
-        // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-        //      if(pair_time == it->first){
-        //      it->first = it->first + 1;
-        //      }
-        // }
-        it =_input_buffer[input].find(GetSimTime());
-        if(it == _input_buffer[input].end())
-        	continue;
-        _stage_1[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
-        _input_buffer[input].erase(it);
-    }
-void Chipper::_stage1_to_stage2()
-     // msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
-     int input = 0;
-     for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){      // Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-         // intermediate = _stage_1[input];
-         // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
-              // if(pair_time == it->first){
-             // it->first = it->first + 1;
-             // }
-         // }
-         it = _stage_1[input].find(GetSimTime());
-         if(it == _stage_1[input].end())
-         	continue;
-         _stage_2[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
-         _stage_1[input].erase(it);
-    }
-void Chipper::Permute()
-	// int router_number = GetID();
-	// int west = _LeftNode(router_number, 0);
-	// int east = _RightNode(router_number, 0);
-	// int north = _LeftNode(router_number, 1);
-	// int south = _RightNode(router_number, 1);
-	// vector<int> direction;
-	// vector<int> priority;
-	// vector<bool> golden;
-	// direction.resize(_inputs-1);
-	// priority.resize(_inputs-1);
-	// for(input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input)
-	// {
-		// if(golden[input] == true)
-	Partial_Permute(2,0,1);
-	Partial_Permute(3,1,1);
-	Partial_Permute(3,2,2);
-	Partial_Permute(1,0,0);
-	// }
-void Chipper::Partial_Permute(int dir1, int dir2, int perm_num)
-	Flit *f1;
-	Flit *f2;
-	map<int, Flit*> iterator it1,it2;
-	it1 = _stage_2[dir1].find(GetSimTime());
-	it2 = _stage_2[dir2].find(GetSimTime());
-	*f1 = it1->second;
-	*f2 = it2->second;
-	if((f1->golden == 1)&&(f2->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if((f1->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-		{
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-		}
-	}
-	else if((f2->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-		{
-			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			}
-		}
-	}	
-// Added by HH : scheme for determining Golden_packet as in chipper paper(not exactly)
-// Returning the packet id that is to be made golden by just dividing time_elapsed by L instead of 
-// keeping track of all the packets in the network. (I don't know if a maximum number of packets is available)
-// Instead of iterating over all possible packet ids called "transaction ids" from all nodes, just iterate over 
-// packet ids which uniquely identifies each packet

From 74cd6d25a04a0298cf5c723ff5fc75d4c82bbd21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:10:50 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Delete chipper.cpp

 chipper.cpp | 378 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 378 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 chipper.cpp

diff --git a/chipper.cpp b/chipper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a944a3f..00000000
--- a/chipper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-//	Ameya: Remove redundancies
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "chipper.hpp"
-#include "stats.hpp"
-#include "globals.hpp"
-#include "routefunc.hpp"
-int retire_index = 4; // HH : For mesh, ejection is through _output_channels[4];
-Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
-		    Module *parent, const string & name, int id,
-		    int inputs, int outputs )
-  : Router( config,
-	    parent, name,
-	    id,
-	    inputs, outputs )
-  ostringstream module_name;
-	// Routing
-	string rf = config.GetStr("routing_function") + "_" + config.GetStr("topology");
-	map<string, tRoutingFunction>::iterator rf_iter = gRoutingFunctionMap.find(rf);
-	if(rf_iter == gRoutingFunctionMap.end()) {
-	  Error("Invalid routing function: " + rf);
-	}
-	_rf = rf_iter->second;
-	assert(_inputs == _outputs);
-	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs-1); 
-	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs-1);
-	_stage_1.resize(_inputs-1);
-	_stage_2.resize(_inputs-1);
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_input_buffer[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_input_buffer[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _input_buffer[i].erase(_input_buffer[i].begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_stage_1[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_stage_1[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _stage_1.erase(_stage_1.begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int i = 0; i < _inputs; ++i ) {
-		while (!_stage_2[i].empty())
-		{
-			(_stage_2[i].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _stage_2.erase(_stage_2.begin());
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int o = 0; o < _outputs; ++o ) {
-	  while (!_output_buffer[o].empty())
-		{
-			(_output_buffer[o].begin()->second)->Free();
-		  _output_buffer[o].erase(_output_buffer[o].begin());
-		}
-	}
-void Chipper::AddInputChannel( FlitChannel *channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
-	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
-	_input_channels.push_back( channel );
-	channel->SetSink( this, _input_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
-void Chipper::AddOutputChannel(FlitChannel * channel, CreditChannel * ignored)
-	//	Ameya: credit channel ignored
-	_output_channels.push_back( channel );
-	_channel_faults.push_back( false );
-	channel->SetSource( this, _output_channels.size() - 1 ) ;
-void Chipper::Display( ostream & os ) const
-	os << "Nothing to display" << endl;		//	Ameya: Just for sake of avoiding pure virual func
-void Chipper::ReadInputs() // HH : Performs the function of reading flits from channel into input buffer
-	//	HH : Receiving flits from channel into input buffer, no credits received, as in event_router
-// HH Definition of _ReceiveFlits: inserts flit into buffer from channel corresponding to current sim time
-int Chipper::_IncomingFlits( )
-  Flit *f;
-  map< int,Flit* > buffer_timed;
-  receive_time = GetSimTime();
-  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ) { 
-    f = _input_channels[input]->Receive(); 
-		if ( f ) {
-     		_input_buffer[input].insert( pair(receive_time,f) );
-    }
-  }
-void Chipper::WriteOutputs() // HH : Performs the function of sending flits from output buffer into channel
-	_SendFlits( ); //HH : Sending flits from output buffer into input channel, no credits sent, as in event_router
-// HH Definition of _Sendflits in Chipper class same as that in class event_router
-void Chipper::_SendFlits( int pair_time)
-	map<int,Flit*> buffer_timed;
-	Flit *f;
-  for ( int output = 0; output < _outputs; ++output ) {
-    //if ( !_output_buffer[output].empty( ) ) {
-      //Flit *f = _output_buffer[output].front( );
-      //_output_buffer[output].pop( );
-      //_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
-  		buffer_timed = _output_buffer.back;
-  		f = buffer_timed.find( pair_time);
-  		if(f){
-  			_output_channels[output]->Send( f );
-  		}
-    }
- }
-void Chipper::_InternalStep( )
-  // Receive incoming flits
-  	 int pair_time = _IncomingFlits( );
-  	 //HH : Need to make the time the flits are received global in order to know when the input flits were 
-// were paired into the map
-  	 //Have to pass this onto subsequent functions to find the correct flit from each buffer
-  	 // I am thinking pair_time should be updated at each stage with GetSimTime and then passed onto next stage
-  // Eject flits which have reached their desitnation
-	_EjectFlits();
-	_Buffer_to_stage1();
-	_stage1_to_stage2();
-// Added by HH
-	void _EjectFlits(){
-		array Flit *f received_flits[_inputs]; // To keep track of all the flits that need to be ejected
-		int flit_to_eject = -1;
-		int golden_cnt = 0; 
-	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ) {      
-	  	// One input channel is for the router
-	   // f = _input_buffer[input].pop;
-	    if ( f->dest ==  GetID() ) {
-	  	  received_flits[input] = f;
-	  	  // Check for golden status and golden tie
-	  	  if(f->golden == 1 && !golden_cnt)
-	  	  {
-	  	  	flit_to_eject = input; 
-	  	  	golden_cnt++;
-	  	  }
-	  	  else if(f->golden == 1)
-	  	  {
-	  	  	if(received_flits[flit_to_eject]->pri > f->pri) // Resolve golden tie based on older flit
-	  	  	{
-	  	  		flit_to_eject = input;
-	  	  		break;
-	  	  	}
-	  	  }
-	    }
-	    else{
-	    	received_flits[input] = NULL; // Flit not at destination
-	    }
-	    if(flit_to_eject == -1){
-		    for( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ){
-		    	// Iterating through the array of stored flits that need to be ejected
-		    	// to find the oldest flit and consequently retiring that flit
-		    	int oldest_flit_index;
-		    	int high_pri = -1; 
-		    	if(received_flits[input] != NULL && received_flits[input]->pri > high_pri)
-		    	{
-		    		high_pri = received_flits[input]->pri;
-		    		oldest_flit_index = input; 
-		    	}
-		    	if(high_pri > -1)
-		    	{
-		    		flit_to_eject = oldest_flit_index;
-		    		_output_channels[retire_index] = received_flits[flit_to_eject];
-		    		// HH : Receive flit with oldest_flit_index -> Need to apply the function that handles retire flit
-		    	}
-		    }
-		}
-	}
-	void Chipper::_Buffer_to_stage1()
-    // map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
-    int input = 0;
-    map<int, Flit*>::iterator it;
-    for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){
-        // intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
-        // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-        //      if(pair_time == it->first){
-        //      it->first = it->first + 1;
-        //      }
-        // }
-        it =_input_buffer[input].find(GetSimTime());
-        if(it == _input_buffer[input].end())
-        	continue;
-        _stage_1[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
-        _input_buffer[input].erase(it);
-    }
-void Chipper::_stage1_to_stage2()
-     // msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
-     int input = 0;
-     for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){      // Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-         // intermediate = _stage_1[input];
-         // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
-              // if(pair_time == it->first){
-             // it->first = it->first + 1;
-             // }
-         // }
-         it = _stage_1[input].find(GetSimTime());
-         if(it == _stage_1[input].end())
-         	continue;
-         _stage_2[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
-         _stage_1[input].erase(it);
-    }
-void Chipper::Permute()
-	// int router_number = GetID();
-	// int west = _LeftNode(router_number, 0);
-	// int east = _RightNode(router_number, 0);
-	// int north = _LeftNode(router_number, 1);
-	// int south = _RightNode(router_number, 1);
-	// vector<int> direction;
-	// vector<int> priority;
-	// vector<bool> golden;
-	// direction.resize(_inputs-1);
-	// priority.resize(_inputs-1);
-	// for(input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input)
-	// {
-		// if(golden[input] == true)
-	Partial_Permute(2,0,1);
-	Partial_Permute(3,1,1);
-	Partial_Permute(3,2,2);
-	Partial_Permute(1,0,0);
-	// }
-void Chipper::Partial_Permute(int dir1, int dir2, int perm_num)
-	Flit *f1;
-	Flit *f2;
-	map<int, Flit*> iterator it1,it2;
-	it1 = _stage_2[dir1].find(GetSimTime());
-	it2 = _stage_2[dir2].find(GetSimTime());
-	*f1 = it1->second;
-	*f2 = it2->second;
-	if((f1->golden == 1)&&(f2->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if((f1->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-		{
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-		}
-	}
-	else if((f2->golden == 1))
-	{
-		if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-		{
-			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
-			{
-				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
-				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
-				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			}
-		}
-	}	
-// Added by HH : scheme for determining Golden_packet as in chipper paper(not exactly)
-// Returning the packet id that is to be made golden by just dividing time_elapsed by L instead of 
-// keeping track of all the packets in the network. (I don't know if a maximum number of packets is available)
-// Instead of iterating over all possible packet ids called "transaction ids" from all nodes, just iterate over 
-// packet ids which uniquely identifies each packet

From 37940b25e6b29c74659a811ad549c4834ad3d02b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hariharan-n <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:11:30 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Add files via upload

 src/routers/chipper.cpp | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 200 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/routers/chipper.cpp b/src/routers/chipper.cpp
index 3e65640b..5a944a3f 100644
--- a/src/routers/chipper.cpp
+++ b/src/routers/chipper.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 #include "chipper.hpp"
 #include "stats.hpp"
 #include "globals.hpp"
+#include "routefunc.hpp"
+int retire_index = 4; // HH : For mesh, ejection is through _output_channels[4];
 Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
 		    Module *parent, const string & name, int id,
@@ -30,11 +33,11 @@ Chipper::Chipper( const Configuration& config,
 	assert(_inputs == _outputs);
-	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs); 
-	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs);
+	_input_buffer.resize(_inputs-1); 
+	_output_buffer.resize(_outputs-1);
-	_stage_1.resize(_inputs);
-	_stage_2.resize(_inputs);
+	_stage_1.resize(_inputs-1);
+	_stage_2.resize(_inputs-1);
@@ -155,59 +158,221 @@ void Chipper::_InternalStep( )
 // Added by HH
 	void _EjectFlits(){
-		Flit *f;
-	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ) { 
+		array Flit *f received_flits[_inputs]; // To keep track of all the flits that need to be ejected
+		int flit_to_eject = -1;
+		int golden_cnt = 0; 
+	  for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ) {      
+	  	// One input channel is for the router
 	   // f = _input_buffer[input].pop;
 	    if ( f->dest ==  GetID() ) {
-	  	  ;
+	  	  received_flits[input] = f;
+	  	  // Check for golden status and golden tie
+	  	  if(f->golden == 1 && !golden_cnt)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	flit_to_eject = input; 
+	  	  	golden_cnt++;
+	  	  }
+	  	  else if(f->golden == 1)
+	  	  {
+	  	  	if(received_flits[flit_to_eject]->pri > f->pri) // Resolve golden tie based on older flit
+	  	  	{
+	  	  		flit_to_eject = input;
+	  	  		break;
+	  	  	}
+	  	  }
-	    else if {
+	    else{
+	    	received_flits[input] = NULL; // Flit not at destination
-	    else
-	  }
+	    if(flit_to_eject == -1){
+		    for( int input = 0; input < _inputs-1; ++input ){
+		    	// Iterating through the array of stored flits that need to be ejected
+		    	// to find the oldest flit and consequently retiring that flit
+		    	int oldest_flit_index;
+		    	int high_pri = -1; 
+		    	if(received_flits[input] != NULL && received_flits[input]->pri > high_pri)
+		    	{
+		    		high_pri = received_flits[input]->pri;
+		    		oldest_flit_index = input; 
+		    	}
+		    	if(high_pri > -1)
+		    	{
+		    		flit_to_eject = oldest_flit_index;
+		    		_output_channels[retire_index] = received_flits[flit_to_eject];
+		    		// HH : Receive flit with oldest_flit_index -> Need to apply the function that handles retire flit
+		    	}
+		    }
+		}
 	void Chipper::_Buffer_to_stage1()
-    map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
+    // map<int,  Flit *> intermediate_1; 
     int input = 0;
+    map<int, Flit*>::iterator it;
     for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){
-        intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
-        for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-             if(pair_time == it->first){
-             it->first = it->first + delay_pipe_1;
-             }
-        }
-        stage_1[input] = _input_buffer[input];
+        // intermediate = _input_buffer[input];
+        // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_1.begin() ; it = intermediate_1.end() ; ++it ){      //Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
+        //      if(pair_time == it->first){
+        //      it->first = it->first + 1;
+        //      }
+        // }
+        it =_input_buffer[input].find(GetSimTime());
+        if(it == _input_buffer[input].end())
+        	continue;
+        _stage_1[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+        _input_buffer[input].erase(it);
 void Chipper::_stage1_to_stage2()
-     msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
+     // msp<int, Flit *> intermediate_2;
      int input = 0;
      for ( int input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input ){      // Nandan: Adding the delay associated with the pipe
-         intermediate = _stage_1[input];
-         for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
-              if(pair_time == it->first){
-             it->first = it->first + delay_pipe_2;
-             }
-         }
-         stage_2[input] = _stage_1[input];
+         // intermediate = _stage_1[input];
+         // for( map<int, Flit*>::iterator it = intermediate_2.begin() ; it = intermediate_2.end() ; ++it ){
+              // if(pair_time == it->first){
+             // it->first = it->first + 1;
+             // }
+         // }
+         it = _stage_1[input].find(GetSimTime());
+         if(it == _stage_1[input].end())
+         	continue;
+         _stage_2[input].insert(make_pair(it->first+1, it->second));
+         _stage_1[input].erase(it);
+void Chipper::Permute()
+	// int router_number = GetID();
+	// int west = _LeftNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int east = _RightNode(router_number, 0);
+	// int north = _LeftNode(router_number, 1);
+	// int south = _RightNode(router_number, 1);
+	// vector<int> direction;
+	// vector<int> priority;
+	// vector<bool> golden;
+	// direction.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// priority.resize(_inputs-1);
+	// for(input = 0; input < _inputs; ++input)
+	// {
+		// if(golden[input] == true)
+	Partial_Permute(2,0,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,1,1);
+	Partial_Permute(3,2,2);
+	Partial_Permute(1,0,0);
+	// }
+void Chipper::Partial_Permute(int dir1, int dir2, int perm_num)
+	Flit *f1;
+	Flit *f2;
+	map<int, Flit*> iterator it1,it2;
+	it1 = _stage_2[dir1].find(GetSimTime());
+	it2 = _stage_2[dir2].find(GetSimTime());
+	*f1 = it1->second;
+	*f2 = it2->second;
+	if((f1->golden == 1)&&(f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f1->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+	}
+	else if((f2->golden == 1))
+	{
+		if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+		{
+			_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+			_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+			_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(f1->pri >= f2->pri)
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f1->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(_rf(GetID(), f2->dest, true) > perm_num)
+			{
+				_stage_2[dir2].make_pair(it1->first, it1->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].make_pair(it2->first, it2->second);
+				_stage_2[dir1].erase(it1);
+				_stage_2[dir2].erase(it2);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			}
+		}
+	}	
 // Added by HH : scheme for determining Golden_packet as in chipper paper(not exactly)
 // Returning the packet id that is to be made golden by just dividing time_elapsed by L instead of 
 // keeping track of all the packets in the network. (I don't know if a maximum number of packets is available)
 // Instead of iterating over all possible packet ids called "transaction ids" from all nodes, just iterate over 
 // packet ids which uniquely identifies each packet
-int Chipper::Golden_Packet(int L) // Parameter L is obtained from before from another function
-	int time_elapsed = GetSimTime();
-	int epoch_no = time_elapsed/L; // L is the golden epoch, needs to be defined as the upper 
-	//bound of the maximum time taken by a golden packet to reach its destination
-	return epoch_no; 