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-# Contributing to Amber
-This is a simple but exhaustive guide to get you started on contributing to amber.
-## Contributing guidelines
-Before you dig into Amber, you should know a few things before you contribute.
-Any code change is submitted [through a PR](https://github.com/Ph0enixKM/Amber/pulls), which is then approved by at least 2 maintainers.
-The way we talk on github is not the same as we would talk in person. When on github, always get straight to the point and be critical.
-Personal grudges are forbidden around here, as well as anything offtopic or offensive.
-### Opening a PR
-Before a PR is opened, it usually has an issue about it first, where we discuss how exactly a feature must be implemented, to avoid making a mistake.
-It is recommended that you see how features were already implemented. A good example is [#130](https://github.com/Ph0enixKM/Amber/issues/130)
-To create a PR, you should fork the repo, create a branch, do your work in there, and open a PR. It will then be reviewed and pushed into master.
-### Getting help
-Along the way, you may need help with your code. The best way to ask is in [our Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/cjHjxbsDvZ), but you may also ask other contributors personally or post in [Discussions](https://github.com/Ph0enixKM/Amber/discussions).
-## Overview
-Amber consists of the following layers:
-1. [CLI Interface](#1-cli-interface)
-2. [Compiler](#2-compiler)
- 1. [Parser & tokenizer](#21-parser--tokenizer)
- 2. [Translator](#22-translator)
- 2. [Built-in](#23-built-in-creation)
-3. [Runtime libraries](#3-runtime-libraries)
- 1. [`stdlib`](#31-stdlib)
-4. [Tests](#4-tests)
-### 1. CLI Interface
-All CLI interface is in [`main.rs`](src/main.rs). [`clap`](https://crates.io/crates/clap) handles argument parsing.
-### 2. Compiler
-Compiler consists of:
-- [`compiler.rs`](src/compiler.rs) - Main entry point for the compiler
-- [`rules.rs`](src/rules.rs) - Syntax rules that are used by Heraclitus framework to correctly output tokens
-- [`utils`](src/utils.rs) - Contains parsing environments, caches, contexts and Amber's implementations of metadata
-- [`modules`](src/modules) - Syntax modules that parse Amber syntax and also handle the translation process
-- [`translate`](src/translate) - Contains a definition of Translate Module trait that is used to translate modules the previously mentioned `modules`
-`AmberCompiler` struct by itself is just a bootstrapper for all the syntax modules.
-#### 2.1. Parser & tokenizer
-Thanks to [`heraclitus`](https://github.com/Ph0enixKM/Heraclitus), we can use simple abstractions to go through tokens.
-Please open any syntax module code file, and find a line that says: `impl SyntaxModule for MODULE_NAME_HERE`
-It will have a `parse()` function, where all the magic happens. You can either dig into the code yourself or look at the example below to understand how it works.
-Example parser
-**Important: this is pseudo code. Its purpose is to demonstrate how it should look like.**
-// This code parses the following: `1 + 2`
-fn parse(meta: &mut ParserMetadata) -> SyntaxResult {
- let digit_1 = meta.get_current_token(); // gets the text (as an Option)
- token(meta, "+")?; // matches that there is a "+" and skips it
- let digit_2 = meta.get_current_token();
- self.digit_1 = digit_1.unwrap();
- self.digit_2 = digit_2.unwrap();
- Ok(())
-#### 2.2. Translator
-Same as parser open a syntax module, and find a line that says `impl TranslateModule for MODULE_NAME_HERE` and that should contain a `translate` function.
-Same as before, you can either dig into the code you opened or look at the example below.
-Example parser
-**Important: this is pseudo code. Its purpose is to demonstrate how it should look like.**
-// This will translate `1 + 2` into `(( 1 + 2 ))`
-fn translate() -> String {
- // self.digit_1 and self.digit_2 is set earlier by the parser
- format!("(( {} + {} ))", self.digit_1, self.digit_2)
-Basically, the `translate()` method should return a `String` for the compiler to construct a compiled file from all of them. If it translates to nothing, you should output an empty string, like `String::new()`
-#### 2.3. Built-in creation
-In this guide we will see how to create a basic built-in function that in Amber syntax presents like:
-example "Hello World"
-And compiles to:
-echo "Hello World"
-For a real example based on this guide you can check the [https://github.com/amber-lang/amber/blob/master/src/modules/builtin/cd.rs](`cd` builtin) that is also Failable.
-Let's start!
-Create a `src/modules/builtin/builtin.rs` file with the following content:
-// This is the prelude that imports all necessary stuff of Heraclitus framework for parsing the syntax
-use heraclitus_compiler::prelude::*;
-// Expression module that can parse expressions
-use crate::modules::expression::expr::Expr;
-// Expression module to define if the builtin is failable
-// use crate::modules::condition::failed::Failed;
-// Translate module is not included in Heraclitus prelude as it's leaving the backend up to developer
-use crate::translate::module::TranslateModule;
-// Metadata is the object that is carried when iterating over syntax tree.
-// - `ParserMetadata` - it carries the necessary information about the current parsing context such as variables and functions that were declared up to this point, warning messages aggregated up to this point, information whether this syntax is declared in a loop, function, main block, trust scope etc.
-// `TranslateMetadata` - it carries the necessary information for translation such as wether we are in a silent scope, in an eval context or what indentation should be used.
-use crate::utils::{ParserMetadata, TranslateMetadata};
-// Documentation module tells compiler what markdown content should it generate for this syntax module. This is irrelevent to our simple module so we will just return empty string.
-use crate::docs::module::DocumentationModule;
-// This is a declaration of your built-in. Set the name accordingly.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Example {
- // This particular built-in contains a single expression
- value: Expr,
- // failed: Failed // You need this if you want that is failable
-// This is an implementation of a trait that creates a parser for this module
-impl SyntaxModule for Echo {
- // Here you can define the name of this built-in that will displayed when debugging the parser
- syntax_name!("Example");
- // This function should always contain the default state of this syntax module
- fn new() -> Self {
- Echo {
- value: Expr::new()
- // failed: Failed::new() // You need this if you want that is failable
- }
- }
- // This is a function that will parse this syntax module "Built-in". It returns SyntaxResult which is a `Result<(), Failure>` where the `Failure` is an Heraclitus primitive that returns an error. It can be either:
- - `Quiet` - which means that this is not the right syntax module to parse
- - `Loud` - which means that this is the correct syntax module but there is some critical error in the code that halts the entire compilation process
- fn parse(&mut self, meta: &mut ParserMetadata) -> SyntaxResult {
- // `token` parses a token `builtin` which is basically a command name for our built-in.
- // If we add `?` in the end of the heraclitus provided function - this function will return a quiet error.
- // Set the name accordingly.
- token(meta, "example")?;
- // `syntax` parses the `Expr` expression syntax module
- syntax(meta, &mut self.value)?;
- // syntax(meta, &mut self.failed)?; // You need this if you want that is failable
- // This terminates parsing process with success exit code
- Ok(())
- }
-// Here we implement the translator for the syntax module. Here we return valid Bash or sh code. Set the name accordingly.
-impl TranslateModule for Example {
- // Here we define the valid translate function. The String returns the current line.
- fn translate(&self, meta: &mut TranslateMetadata) -> String {
- // Here we run the translate function on the syntax module `Expr`
- let value = self.value.translate(meta);
- // Here we return the Bash code
- format!("echo {}", value)
- }
-// Here we implement what should documentation generation render (in markdown format) when encounters this syntax module. Since this is just a simple built-in that does not need to be documented, we simply return an empty String.
-impl DocumentationModule for Expr {
- fn document(&self, _meta: &ParserMetadata) -> String {
- String::new()
- }
-Now let's import it in the main module for built-ins `src/modules/builtin/mod.rs`
-pub mod echo;
-pub mod nameof;
-// ...
-pub mod builtin;
-Now we have to integrate this syntax module with either statement `Stmt` or expression `Expr`. Since this is a statement module, we'll add it to the list of statement syntax modules. Let's modify `src/modules/statement/stmt.rs`:
-// Let's import it first
-use crate::modules::builtin::builtin::Example;
-// Let's add it to the statement type enum
-pub enum StatementType {
- // ...
- Example(Example)
-// Now, let's add it to the list of statement syntax modules, arranged in the order of parsing precedence:
-impl Statement {
- handle_types!(StatementType, [
- // ...
- Example,
- // ...
- }
- // ...
-Don't forget to add a test in the [https://github.com/amber-lang/amber/tree/master/src/tests/validity](`validity`) folder and to add the new builtin to the list of the [reserved keywords](https://github.com/amber-lang/amber/blob/master/src/modules/variable/mod.rs#L16).
-### 3. Runtime libraries
-#### 3.1. `stdlib`
-`stdlib` is written in Amber. See [`main.ab`](src/std/main) for the code. All `stdlib` functions must be covered by a [test](#4-tests)
-### 4. Tests
-Amber uses `cargo test` for tests. `stdlib` and `validity` tests usually work by executing amber code and checking its output.
-We have [`validity tests`](src/tests/validity.rs) to check if the compiler outputs a valid bash code, [`stdlib tests`](src/tests/stdlib.rs) and [`CLI tests`](src/tests/cli.rs).
-The majority of `stdlib` tests are written in pure Amber in the folder [`tests/stdlib`](src/tests/stdlib).
-For every test there are 3 ways to check the result following this order:
-* if a `// Output` comment on top that include the output to match
-* if there is a `*.output.txt` file that contains the expected output
-* "Succeded" will used as default value if the previous cases are not satisfied
-Tests will be executed without recompilation. Amber will load the scripts and verify the output in the designated file to determine if the test passes.
-The `validity` tests are full in Amber in their folder the folder [`tests/validity`](src/tests/validity).
-Some tests require additional setup, such as those for `download` that needs Rust to load a web server. These functions require special tests written in Rust that we can find in [`stdlib tests`](src/tests/stdlib.rs) file. The designated directory where to store the amber files is located in [`tests/stdlib/no_output`](src/tests/stdlib/no_output). These tests do not coexist with `.output.txt` files hence the name of this folder.
-Let's write a simple test
-fn prints_hi() {
- let code = "
- echo \"hi!\"
- ";
- test_amber!(code, "hi!");
-#### Running tests
-To run ALL tests, run `cargo test`.
-If you want to run only tests from a specific file, let's say from [`stdlib.rs`](src/tests/stdlib.rs), you add the file name to the command: `cargo test stdlib`
-And if there is a specific function, like `test_function()` in `stdlib.rs`, you should add the full path to it: `cargo test stdlib::test_function`
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8dd6d757..200ebb3b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,78 +15,9 @@ If [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) it is present in the machine it will be
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## Install
-Amber compiler currently works on:
-- Linux x86 and ARM
-- macOS x86 and ARM (Apple Silicon)
-- Nix (NixOS)
-### macOS / Linux
-Make sure that the operating system meets the following prerequisites
-- Bourne-again shell (Bash)
-- Curl tool for downloading the installation script
-- Basic calculator `bc` command (On Debian run `sudo apt install bc`)
-#### system-wide install
-bash <(curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amber-lang/amber/master/setup/install.sh")
-#### local-user install
-bash -- --user <(curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amber-lang/amber/master/setup/install.sh")
-#### Via a package manager
-[![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/amber-lang.svg)](https://repology.org/project/amber-lang/versions)
-### Windows support
-As windows does not come with bash installed it makes no sense to support it. Please install WSL 2 on your windows machine and install Linux version of Amber compiler inside.
-In order for it to work you may need to run the following code that pulls all the prerequisites.
-sudo apt install curl bc
-sudo mkdir /opt /usr/local/bin
+You can find an installation guide on the [documentation website](https://docs.amber-lang.com/getting_started/installation).
## Contributing
-In order to contribute, you have to add couple of build targets:
-rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
-rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
-rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
-rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin
-And linkers (macos):
-brew install messense/macos-cross-toolchains/aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
-brew install messense/macos-cross-toolchains/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-Compile it:
-git clone https://github.com/Ph0enixKM/Amber
-cd Amber
-cargo build
-In order to build the installer scripts run:
-amber build.ab
-Debugging Amber:
-// Shows the AST
-AMBER_DEBUG_PARSER=true cargo run
-// Shows the time it took to compile each phase
-AMBER_DEBUG_TIME=true cargo run
-// Flamegraph is a profiling tool that is used to visualize the time each function took to execute
-sudo cargo flamegraph --
-## Github Actions
-We are using `cargo-dist` to build the binaries for all the platforms. The binaries are then uploaded to the release page once a new release a tag is created.
+Contributing guide can be found on the [documentation website](https://docs.amber-lang.com/contribute/contribute).