Created in the persuit of an easily recreated test environment for a complicated application, which needs to communicate with a GPDB instance while running tests.
So, I jammed it into Docker, but this isn't something you'd want to use in a production application. But it seems to work for testing where you just want something that tests can execute against.
This is on Docker Hub here:
docker run -i -p 5432:5432 -t kevinmtrowbridge/greenplumdb_singlenode
Proof -- login with psql:
psql -h <docker machine ip / localhost> -p 5432 -U gpadmin template1
Download greenplum-db-appliance- from Pivotal Network
(This was working on 1/28/2016) ... and just place it in the repo root.
docker build -t greenplumdb_singlenode .
Please see the Dockerfile for comments regarding the problems I had installing it on Docker and how I hacked around them ...