The BootstraPS contains minimal scripts for bootstrapping the setup of more elaborate PowerShell configurations.
BootstraPS is designed to have a very small footprint. To use the BootstrapPS command simply import BootstraPS.psm1
in one of the following ways.
from Disk
If you already have BootstraPS.psm1
on your computer, just imported it as follows:
Import-Module .\BootstraPS.psm1
where .\BootStraPS.psm1
is the path to the file on your computer.
from Github
You can also import BootstraPS.psm1
directly from Github:
"$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())\BootstraPS.psm1" |
% {
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $_ |
Remove-Item $_
} |
% {
Get-FileHash $_ -Algorithm SHA512 |
? {$_.Hash -ne 'E43DD941839ADCC8004865842F2E608039B34F2015B6F96FCF8AC53244709ECFEE828E33580901630550EC0433328CF66949E966586194E343A386542C3629F2' } |
% { throw 'Failed hash check.' }
$_ | Import-Module
Note that the SHA512 hash of the file is checked prior to the call to Import-Module
to confirm that the download is authentic.
Once the Bootstraps module is in-memory you can import modules directly from, for example,
'Datum' | Import-WebModule @{
Datum = @{
Uri = ''
Manifest = 'Datum.psd1'
ModuleVersion = '4.1.0'
} = ''
'powershell-yaml' = ''
There are a few notable things about this example. This particular revision of Datum
requires ProtectedData
version 4.1.0 which requires powershell-yaml
. Import-WebModule
works this out based on each module's module manifest and imports each module as necessary
is still under development and has not yet incremented its version number (at the time this is being written). powershell-yaml
has been released (it can be found using PowerShellGet's Find-Module
command) but it is difficult to correlate the revision that you get using Find-Module
with source code because the powershell-yaml
project doesn't seem to use github releases or otherwise publish metadata that would make such correlation obvious.
The absence of official releases or metadata to correlate releases with source code seems to be commonplace for PowerShell modules, in particular for those that are new or under active development. To sidestep these problems we use Uri
s for archives containing the particular revision. Because github automatically makes these available, using Import-WebModule
does not depend on each project's release management practices to deploy the revision of module we need.
BootstraPS exports the following commands:
Save a file from the web.
Save-WebFile [-CertificateValidator <ScriptBlock>] [-Path] <String> -Uri
<Uri> [-SecurityPolicy {Normal | DangerousPermissive | Strict}]
Save-WebFile downloads a file from a server at Uri and saves it at Path.
A scriptblock can optionally be passed to Save-WebFile's
CertificateValidator parameter to validate an https server's certificate
when Save-WebFile connects to the server. CertificateValidator is invoked
by the system callback with its own runspace and session state. Because of
this, the commands in the CertificateValidator scriptblock do not have
direct access to the variables and modules at the Save-WebFile call site.
BootstraPS exports a number of commands to help with validating
certificates. Those commands are available to the CertificateValidator
scriptblock but other commands are not.
The system might invoke CertificateValidator on a different thread from the
thread that invoked Save-WebFile.
The SecurityPolicy parameter can be provided to alter the permissiveness of
Save-WebFile's TLS/SSL handshake according to the following table:
| | certificate | allows |
| SecurityPolicy | validation +------+------------+------------+
| | performed | http | protocols | algorithms |
| Normal (Default) | SD, user | no | SD | SD |
| Strict | SD, user | no | restricted | restricted |
| DangerousPermissive | user | yes | SD | SD |
SD - system default
user - certificates are validated by the user-defined
CertificateValidator parameter if it is provided
retricted - security policy that may be more restrictive than system
defaults are imposed
The exact nature of system default certificate validation performed and
protocols and algorithms allowed may change from computer to computer and
time to time. Furthermore, the additional restrictions imposed by
Save-WebFile may change from revision to revision of this implementation.
-CertificateValidator <ScriptBlock>
A scriptblock that is invoked by the system when connecting to Uri.
CertificateValidator's output tells the system whether the certificate is
valid. The system interprets the certificate to be valid if all outputs
from CertificateValidator are $true. If any output is $false, $null, or a
non-boolean value or if there is no output, the system interprets the
certificate to be invalid which causes Save-WebFile to throw an exception
without downloading any file. The automatic variable $_ is available in
the scriptblock and has the properties sender, certificate, chain, and
sslPolicyErrors whose values are the arguments passed by the system to
System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback. The value of
variables referenced in the CertificateValidator scriptblock are not
accessible to the system by default. To capture the value of a variable
from the definition site of the scriptblock, refer to the variable with a
$using: expression and call .GetNewClosure() on the scriptblock.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Path <String>
The path to save the file.
Required? true
Position? 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Uri <Uri>
The Uri from which to download the file.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters? false
The strictness of the policy Save-WebFile applies when establishing
communication with the server.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
Imports a module from the web.
Import-WebModule [-Uri] <Uri> [[-ManifestFileFilter] <String>]
[-CertificateValidator <ScriptBlock>] [-SecurityPolicy {Normal |
DangerousPermissive | Strict}] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
Import-WebModule -ModuleSpec <ModuleSpecification> [-SourceLookup]
<Hashtable> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
Import-WebModule downloads and imports a module and, optionally, the
required modules mentioned in the module's manifest. Import-WebModule
works with modules that meet the following criteria:
- has a module manifest
- is otherwise a well-formed PowerShell module
- is compressed into a single archive file with the .zip extension
If Import-WebModule encounters a module that requires another module and
SourceLookup is provided, Import-WebModule looks for a source for the
required module in SourceLookup and recursively downloads and imports the
required modules.
Import-WebModule downloads and expands modules to temporary locations.
Import-WebModule deletes the archives immediately after expansion.
Import-WebModule attempts to delete the files of the expanded module
immediately after import but will silently leave them behind if that is not
possible. This can occur, for example, when the module contains an
assembly that becomes locked when the module is loaded.
Import-WebModule invokes Save-WebFile to download and save the file. The
Uri, CertificateValidator, and SecurityPolicy parameters are passed to
Save-WebFile unaltered.
-ModuleSpec <ModuleSpecification>
The module specification used to select the Uri from SourceLookup.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? false
-SourceLookup <Hashtable>
A hashtable used by Import-WebModule to lookup the Uri, ManifestFileFilter,
CertificateValidator, and SecurityPolicy for a module.
It must be possible to convert each key of SourceLookup to ModuleSpec.
Values of SourceLookup must either be convertible to Uri or a hashtable
containing at least two entries: Uri and ManifestFileFilter. When
importing a module that requires other modules, SourceLookup should include
a key value pair for each module that is required.
Required? true
Position? 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Uri <Uri>
The Uri from which to download the module. This parameter is passed to
Save-WebFile unaltered. See help Save-WebFile for more information.
Required? true
Position? 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-ManifestFileFilter <String>
A filter passed by Import-WebModule to Get-ChildItem to select the manifest
file for the module.
Required? false
Position? 3
Default value *.psd1
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-CertificateValidator <ScriptBlock>
This parameter is passed to Save-WebFile unaltered. See help Save-WebFile
for more information.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
This parameter is passed to Save-WebFile unaltered. See help Save-WebFile
for more information.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
Returns the object output by the calls to Import-Module -PassThru. By
default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? false