This is day 3 / 100 of my 100DaysOfCloud.
It's a Sunday, but I got some little time to not break the days chain.
Yesterday I started watching Mastering the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) - AWS Online Tech Talks.
I beleive it is a good training to write along the shown templates by hand. Which is why I am taking my time with this MasterClass.
Some highlights:
- SAM Globals can be used to reuse template code.
- Building reusable templates through leveraging
- Parameters
- Pseudo Parameters
- Intrinsic functions
- SAM CLI is for local development, debugging, testing, deploying, and monitoring of serverless applications. Commands covered:
- sam init (Creates a new serverless application)
- sam build (Generates deployment artifacts targeting Lambda's execution environment)
- sam package (Packages a SAM application, by copying the artifacts to an S3 bucket, is a part of deploy, but can be called separately)
- sam deploy (Deploys or updates serverless application on AWS Cloud, packages, sand saves deploy options to a config file, has a --guided mode)