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Adds SRI integrity attribute to template
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How to test

In the application using govuk_template, you will have to set `config.assets.debug = false` in config/environments/development.rb or run the application in production mode.
This is because sprockets-rails checks for this flag when deciding if it should calculate the integrity attribute:

What is SRI
SRI will add an integrity attribute on your script tags:

<script src=""

The example above is generated automatically by sprockets-rails in your project if you do this:
<%= stylesheet_script_tag 'example', integrity: true %>

The way the digest value for the integrity attribute is calculated is by applying SHA256 on the contents of the file. In that way, the browser can double check that the right file is being received and hasn’t been tampered with (which would mean the contents would have changed and the resulting digest would be incorrect).

The problem with using this in govuk_template
The css files it provided by govuk_template (for example: to the static project), are still css.erb files. In which case the contents of those files will change when they are processed in static (specifically there’s multiple <%= asset_path(...)%>s in there).

So here’s the problem illustrated:

1. The govuk_template gem compiles a file called govuk_template.css.erb which contains multiple asset_path lines, e.g.
background-image: url(<%= asset_path 'images/govuk-crest.png' %>);

2. static receives this file and replaces all the asset_path lines with it’s own path, e.g.
background-image: url(****/images/govuk-crest-2x.png);
Notice that this url will vary depending on the app that uses the gem
=> this means the contents of the resulting govuk_template.css will vary depending on which app is using the gem so the digest will also vary.
This means you can’t calculate the digest inside the gem, and will have to be left to the apps to do it individually

3. You cannot use sprockets-rails in govuk_template directly because the assets it serves are also compiled into django, play, liquid, mustache and other crazy formats.
So you can’t do this:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag ‘govuk-template-print’, integrity: true%>
and then leave it up to sprockets-rails to calculate the digest for you, because this will not work for django and all the other formats. They don’t know what stylesheet_tag is.
Instead, this is what govuk_template does so it can be compiled into multiple languages:
<link href="<%= asset_path "govuk-template-print.css" %>" media="print" rel="stylesheet" />

4. You cannot calculate the integrity digest by hand in the gem, because of point 2 -> the content will change

Proposed solution
We use stylesheet_link_tag and set integrity: true, but we leave it up to the apps using the gem to actually calculate the integrity digest. For the other languages (django, jijna, liquid, mustache) we have defined a stylesheet_include_tag method in their respective processors that will translate that tag into something they can understand:
<link href="<%= asset_path "govuk-template-print.css" %>" media="print" rel="stylesheet" />
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Elena Tanasoiu committed May 15, 2017
1 parent ec79f31 commit 4d58b1a
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Showing 6 changed files with 65 additions and 47 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# Development

- Adds SRI to js and css assets ([PR #301]( This requires `sprockets-rails` >= 3.0 in the projects using this gem.

# 0.20.1
- Fix invalid html from Apple touch icons syntax ([PR #300] and
update icon sizes to match Apple specs
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30 changes: 8 additions & 22 deletions build_tools/compiler/template_processor.rb
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
require 'erb'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
require 'active_support/core_ext/array'

module Compiler
class TemplateProcessor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ def method_missing(name, *args)

def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources)
options = stringify_keys(extract_options!(sources))
options = exclude_sri_fields(sources.extract_options!) { |source|
link_options = {
"rel" => "stylesheet",
Expand All @@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources)

def javascript_include_tag(*sources)
options = stringify_keys(extract_options!(sources))
options = exclude_sri_fields(sources.extract_options!) { |source|
script_options = {
"src" => asset_path(source)
Expand All @@ -62,6 +64,10 @@ def javascript_include_tag(*sources)

def exclude_sri_fields(options)
options.stringify_keys.except("integrity", "crossorigin")

def content_tag(name, options = nil)
Expand All @@ -70,26 +76,6 @@ def tag(name, options)

def extract_options!(options)
if options.last.is_a?(Hash) && extractable_options?(options.last)

def extractable_options?(options)

def stringify_keys(options)
result = {}
options.each_key do |key|
result[key.to_s] = options[key]

def tag_options(options)
return if options.empty?
output = "".dup
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -38,3 +38,20 @@ Or to add content to `<head>`, for stylesheets or similar:

Check out the [full list of blocks]( you can use to customise the template.

## SRI

`govuk_template` >= 20.0.0 can be used together with `sprockets-rails` >= 3.0.0 in order to make use of the SRI

You can read more about SRI [here](

SRI will add an `integrity` attribute on your script tags:

`<script src=""

The example above is generated automatically by sprockets-rails in your project if the integrity option is set to true:

`<%= stylesheet_script_tag 'example', integrity: true %>`

9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions source/views/layouts/govuk_template.html.erb
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Expand Up @@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title><%= content_for?(:page_title) ? yield(:page_title) : "GOV.UK - The best place to find government services and information" %></title>

<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--><%= stylesheet_link_tag "govuk-template.css" %><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--><%= stylesheet_link_tag "govuk-template.css", integrity: true, crossorigin: "anonymous" %><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 6]><link href="<%= asset_path "govuk-template-ie6.css" %>" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]><link href="<%= asset_path "govuk-template-ie7.css" %>" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]><link href="<%= asset_path "govuk-template-ie8.css" %>" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "govuk-template-print.css", media: "print" %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "govuk-template-print.css", media: "print", integrity: true, crossorigin: "anonymous" %>

<!--[if IE 8]><link href="<%= asset_path "fonts-ie8.css" %>" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /><![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!--><%= stylesheet_link_tag "fonts.css", media: "all" %><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 9]><%= javascript_include_tag "ie.js" %><![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!--><%= stylesheet_link_tag "fonts.css", media: "all", integrity: true, crossorigin: "anonymous" %><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!--><%= stylesheet_link_tag "fonts.css", media: "all", integrity: true, crossorigin: "anonymous" %><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 9]><%= javascript_include_tag "ie.js", integrity: true, crossorigin: "anonymous" %><![endif]-->

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<%= asset_path 'favicon.ico' %>" type="image/x-icon" />
<%# the colour used for mask-icon is the standard palette $black from
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46 changes: 25 additions & 21 deletions spec/support/examples/processor.rb
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
require 'set'

shared_examples_for "a processor" do
let(:html_erb_file) {"a/file.css"}
let(:html_erb_file) { "a/file.css" }
let(:processor) { }

describe "convert rails tags into html" do
Expand All @@ -11,29 +11,41 @@
let(:js_source) { "ie.js" }

describe "#stylesheet_link_tag" do
let(:css_options) { {"media" => "print"} }
let(:css_options) { {"media" => "print"} }
let(:sri_attributes) { {"integrity" => true, "crossorigin" => "anonymous"} }

it "should parse the stylesheet tag" do
expect(processor.stylesheet_link_tag(css_source)).to eql("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" href=\"#{processor.asset_path(css_source)}\"/>")

context "if css file is for print" do
it "should parse the stylesheet tag for print" do
it "should parse the stylesheet tag and extra options" do
expect(processor.stylesheet_link_tag(css_source, css_options)).to eql("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"print\" href=\"#{processor.asset_path(css_source)}\"/>")

context "if sri attributes are present, it should ignore them" do
it "should parse the stylesheet tag without the integrity attribute" do
expect(processor.stylesheet_link_tag(css_source, sri_attributes)).to eql("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" href=\"#{processor.asset_path(css_source)}\"/>")

describe "#javascript_include_tag" do
let(:js_options) { {"charset" => "UTF-8"} }
let(:js_options) { {"charset" => "UTF-8"} }
let(:sri_attributes) { {"integrity" => true, "crossorigin" => "anonymous"} }

it "should parse the javascript tag" do
expect(processor.javascript_include_tag(js_source)).to eql("<script src=\"#{processor.asset_path(js_source)}\"></script>")

it "should parse the javascript tag" do
it "should parse the javascript tag and extra options" do
expect(processor.javascript_include_tag(js_source, js_options)).to eql("<script src=\"#{processor.asset_path(js_source)}\" charset=\"UTF-8\"></script>")

it "if sri attributes are present, it should ignore them" do
expect(processor.javascript_include_tag(js_source, sri_attributes)).to eql("<script src=\"#{processor.asset_path(js_source)}\"></script>")

describe "#content_tag" do
Expand All @@ -48,27 +60,19 @@

describe "#extract_options!" do
let(:options) { ["govuk-template.css", {"media" => "print"}]}

it "should extract the last part of the options" do
expect(processor.extract_options!(options)).to eql({"media" => "print"})

describe "#stringify_keys" do
let(:options) { {:media => "print"} }
describe "#tag_options" do
let(:options) { {"rel"=>"stylesheet", "media"=>"screen", "href"=>processor.asset_path(css_source) } }

it "should turn keys of a hash into strings" do
expect(processor.stringify_keys(options)).to eql({"media"=>"print"})
it "flattens the hash into a string of quoted html attributes" do
expect(processor.tag_options(options)).to eql(" rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" href=\"#{processor.asset_path(css_source)}\"")

describe "#tag_options" do
let(:options) { {"rel"=>"stylesheet", "media"=>"screen", "href"=>processor.asset_path(css_source)} }
describe "#exclude_sri_fields" do
let(:options) { {"rel"=>"stylesheet", "media"=>"screen", "href"=>processor.asset_path(css_source), "integrity" => true, "crossorigin" => "anonymous" } }

it "should parse the hash" do
expect(processor.tag_options(options)).to eql(" rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" href=\"#{processor.asset_path(css_source)}\"")
it "should remove the integrity and crossorigin keys from the hash" do
expect(processor.exclude_sri_fields(options)).to eql({"href" => processor.asset_path(css_source), "media" => "screen", "rel" => "stylesheet"})

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions spec/support/uses_of_yield.rb
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ def asset_path(*args)
def method_missing(name, *args)
puts "#{name} #{args.inspect}"

def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources)

def javascript_include_tag(*sources)

# return an array of unique values passed to yield in the templates
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