You can help us improve the GOV.UK frontend toolkit by completing our 5 minute survey.
A collection of Sass and JavaScript files for using as part of your application's frontend.
This project is not tied to a specific language and is designed to be used as a dependency in as many different languages as needed.
There's a Gemfile
and a package.json
in this directory, but they are only
for running tests and are not an indication that this project prefers
Ruby or Node.js.
We recommend you use the govuk_frontend_toolkit_gem and follow the installation instructions.
govuk_frontend_toolkit_npm is an NPM package that can be installed or included in your package.json.
If you are using a build tool that depends on Libsass then you
may need to upgrade to a more recent version to use the grid helpers. Minimal
compatible versions include node-sass
1.0.0, grunt-sass
1.2.0 and libsass
govuk_frontend_toolkit_composer is an composer package that can be added to your composer.json
Each version of the toolkit is tagged with the version number in this format:
v*version number*
, for example v4.1.1
for version 4.1.1.
If your dependency management tool allows the use of Git repositories as dependencies, you can point to a version by using its tag.
For example, if you are using bower, you can add the toolkit to your bower.json
like so:
"govuk_frontend_toolkit": "git://"
(assuming you want version 4.1.1)
You can include the toolkit as a [git submodule][].
To add the submodule to your project run the following command substituting the path to a subdirectory in your project's assets directory:
$ git submodule add ./path/to/assets/govuk_frontend_toolkit
We recommend you use https
rather than ssh
for submodules as they don't require key exchanges when deploying to remote servers.
If you clone a project with the toolkit submodule installed you will need to initialise the submodule with the following command:
$ git submodule init
To update the toolkit to the latest version you can use:
$ git submodule update
Tests for this project use Jasmine for the JavaScript and Ruby's scss
and scss-lint
to check the stylesheets.
The requirements are Node.js 0.8 or higher and PhantomJS, and Ruby:
bundle install
npm install
npm test
The test suite can be run by opening the ./spec/support/LocalTestRunner.html
file in a browser for a more detailed trace of errors.
The files for unit tests and any supporting JavaScript should be added to ./spec/manifest.js
At the top of a Sass file in your project you should use an @import
to include the file for the mixins you require, eg if you want the
conditionals and typography mixins you should add:
@import '_conditionals';
@import '_typography';
You may need to include the relative path to the toolkit if it is installed as a submodule:
@import '../toolkit/_conditionals';
If you are compiling Sass from the command-line tool, here are some options we recommend.
In development:
sass --style expanded --line-numbers --load-path [path to]/govuk_frontend_toolkit/stylesheets input.scss output.css
In production:
sass --style compressed --load-path [path to]/govuk_frontend_toolkit/stylesheets input.scss output.css
Released under the MIT Licence, a copy of which can be found in the file LICENCE