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GOV.UK Elements Sass


npm install govuk-elements-sass


Include all Sass files

@import govuk-elements;

Include individual Sass files

Choose partials from:



GOV.UK elements has the GOV.UK frontend toolkit as a dependency.

npm install govuk_frontend_toolkit

The GOV.UK frontend toolkit scss dependencies listed below must be imported before any govuk-elements partials.

// Settings (variables)
@import "colours";                                // Colour variables
@import "font_stack";                             // Font family variables
@import "measurements";                           // Widths and gutter variables

// Mixins
@import "conditionals";                           // Media query mixin
@import "device-pixels";                          // Retina image mixin
@import "grid_layout";                            // Basic grid layout mixin
@import "typography";                             // Core bold and heading mixins
@import "shims";                                  // Inline block mixin, clearfix placeholder

// Mixins to generate components (chunks of UI)
@import "design-patterns/alpha-beta";             // Only required if using _phase-banner.scss
@import "design-patterns/buttons";                // Only required if using _buttons.scss

// Functions
// @import "url-helpers";                         // Function to output image-url, or prefixed path (Rails and Compass only)

It assumes your project is using GOV.UK template.


Set a path for your image assets

The _url-helpers.scss partial requires that $path is defined in your main application stylesheet.

 $path: "/public/images/";

Ensure base styles are set

If you are not using GOV.UK template.

Uncomment the base partial in _govuk_elements.scss:

// @import "elements/govuk-template-base";          // HTML elements, set by the GOV.UK template

Compiling the Sass files

Add the node_modules/govuk_frontend_toolkit and node_modules/govuk-elements-sass directories to the includePaths property of your Sass plugin - if you're using a task runner like Gulp or Grunt, to reference the location of these files.

Folder structure

- index.html
-- node_modules
    -- govuk-elements-sass
    -- govuk_frontend_toolkit
-- assets
    -- scss
        - main.scss
    -- css
        - main.css

Using Gulp

const gulp = require('gulp')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')

// Compile scss files to css
gulp.task('styles', () => {
  return gulp.src('./sass/**/*.scss')
      includePaths: [
        'node_modules/govuk_frontend_toolkit/stylesheets', // 1
        'node_modules/govuk-elements-sass/public/sass'     // 2
    }).on('error', sass.logError))

In the example above includePaths uses two paths to resolve the scss @import statements.

  1. The location of the directory containing the govuk_frontend_toolkit sass files.
  2. The location of the directory containing the govuk-elements-sass files.

Using Grunt


  sass: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        includePaths: [
          'node_modules/govuk_frontend_toolkit/stylesheets', // 1
          'node_modules/govuk-elements-sass/public/sass'     // 2
      files: {
        'main.css': 'main.scss'

In the example above includePaths uses two paths to resolve the scss @import statements.

  1. The location of the directory containing the govuk_frontend_toolkit sass files.
  2. The location of the directory containing the govuk-elements-sass files.


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