A tool that visualize 3D models of humans on an image.
This tool supports 2 modules
Run the following script:
python Demo.py --image_path input/img.jpg --smpl_params_path input/img_3d_params.pkl --smpl_model_folder {PATH TO SMPL MODEL}
Run the same script but change Demo.py to run the function named understanding_3d_model_params_module
Python 3.6
pip install requirements.txt
download SMPL models from - http://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/downloads
- Go to the file downloaded and extract the files.
- Take the pkl files from smpl/models folder (in the folder you've extracted) and transfer them to smpl/ folder.
- Rename the files to SMPL_MALE and SMPL_FEMALE accordingly.
Hope it helps!! @Alon Samuel