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Allure Command Line Interface

Ivan Krutov edited this page Jun 2, 2014 · 14 revisions

Allure command line tool (Allure CLI) allows you to generate Allure report with no need to install any CI system or sophisticated build tool. To generate report with this tool you only need to have XML files generated by adapter.


Allure CLI is a Java application so it's available for all platforms.

Debian-based systems

For Debian-based repositories we provide a PPA so the installation is straightforward:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yandex-qatools/allure-framework
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install allure-cli

Supported distributions are: trusty, saucy and precise. After installation you will have allure command available.


You can install CLI via Homebrew:

$ brew tap allure-framework/allure
$ brew install allure-cli

You have to manually install Java 1.7+ before brewing Allure. After installation you will have allure command available.

Other Linux and Windows

You can download a Zip archive with the latest distribution of the CLI from Github: To run CLI you need to have Java 1.7+ installed. Simply unpack the archive and use either allure or allure.bat script.


To generate report simply run the following command:

$ allure generate path/to/xml/files 

By default report is generated to directory named output. When done simply open index.html page from the output directory. In order to change output directory type:

$ allure generate /path/to/xml/files --outputPath=/path/to/output/directory 

When using command line tool version 1.4+ you should omit generate keyword:

$ allure /path/to/xml/files --outputPath=/path/to/output/directory # CLI 1.4+ only