Creates a TFS shelveset from a Git branch.
Usage: git-tfs shelve [options] shelveset-name [ref-to-shelve]
where options are:
-i, --id, --remote, --tfs-remote
(Type: Value required, Value Type:[String])
An optional remote ID, useful if this repository will track multiple
TFS repositories.
-d, --debug
(Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
Show lots of output.
-h, -H, --help
(Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
-V, --version
(Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
-p, --evaluate-policies
(Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
Evaluate checkin policies
-m, --comment
(Type: Value required, Value Type:[String])
A comment for the changeset.
(Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
Use the comments from the commits on the current branch to create a
default checkin message (checkintool only)
-f, --force
(Type: Value optional, Value Type:[String])
To force a checkin, supply the policy override reason as an argument
to this flag.
-w, --associated-work-item
(Type: 0 to many values accepted, Value Type:[String])
(Type: 0 to many values accepted, Value Type:[String])
git tfs shelve MyShelvesetName
git tfs shelve MyShlevesetName MyBranch
git tfs shelve MyShelveset OtherRemote/MyBranch