This project consists of the AIOApp video cloud terminal SDK and three sub-business solution demos. The three project business solution demos consist of short video & & beauty effects, player, and live stream ingest. Developers can load the entire project or separately load a business solution as needed.All three business solutions can run independently.
Android Studio
Gradle 7.5, 插件版本7.1.2
Java Android Studio with jdk11
Jdk11 Settings:Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Gradle JDK -> Choose 11
for security risks, Alibaba Cloud * video cloud terminal SDK DEMO does not open the test License, and you need to configure your own signature.
- Go to AIOApp-build. gradle, find the applicationId, and change it to your package name. For example, Do not use the original package name.
- Create a signature file for the DEMO, pleaseGoogle
- Go to AIOApp-build. gradle, find the signingConfigs, and configure your signature information.
- Log on to the Apsaravideo in Alibaba Cloud console.
- Click Create application and bind the License, and create an authorization certificate based on the package name of the application
- Obtain your authorized public key and certificate file and download them to your local computer. Open AIOApp-src-main-AndroidManifest. xml
- Find com.aliyun.alivc_license.licensekey and replace it with your public key.
- Find com.aliyun.alivc_license.licensefile and replace it with your certificate File (no configuration is required, and the certificate is updated online by default).
| ----- AIOApp integrated DEMO main portal
| ----- AliLivePushDEMO live stream ingest solution DEMO (live stream ingest, video stream ingest)
| ------ LiveApp the main portal of the live streaming solution
| ------ LiveBasic basic live broadcast
| ------ LiveInteractive interactive live broadcast
| ------ LiveBeauty live beauty module
| ------ LiveCommon Basic module of live broadcast
| ----- AlivcUgsvDEMO short video production solution DEMO (video shooting, video cropping, and video editing)
| ------ AUIUgsvBase short video solution base Library
| ------ AUIVideoEditor video editing module
| ------ AUIVideoRecorder video shooting capability module
| ------ AUICrop video cropping module
| ------ UGSVAPP the main entry for short videos
| ----- PlayerDEMO Player solution DEMO (information stream playback, full-screen playback, immersive playback)
| ------ AUIFlowFeed player information stream playback
| ------ AUIFullScreen player to play in full screen
| ------ AUIVideoList player list
| ------ AUIPlayerApp main player entry
| ----- AndroidThirdParty three-party library unified dependency definition module
| ----- AUIFoundation AUI basic capabilities module
| ------ AUIBaseUI UI base class and basic UI components
| ------ AVTheme UI the theme base class, which provides switching between daytime mode and nighttime mode. Currently, only dark mode is supported.
| ------ AVMatisse the album component, which provides album selection and is optimized according to the Matisse of the open source library.
| ------ AVUtils Basic Tool Library
| ----- SDKs the aar package of the current SDK
allInOne: indicates whether to use an integrated package. true indicates that the integrated package is used. false indicates that the integrated package is used. Corresponding to the configuration in AndroidThirdParty/config.gradle
SDK_TYPE: the integrated package type. The default value is AliVCSDK_Premium, which corresponds to the AndroidThirdParty package type in externalAllInOne/config.gradle:
The specific values are as follows:
#SDK type
#AliVCSDK_Standard: Standard Integrated SDK.
#AliVCSDK_UGC: short video scenario SDK.
#AliVCSDK_BasicLive: SDK for basic live streaming scenarios.
#AliVCSDK_InteractiveLive: the SDK for interactive live streaming scenarios.
Version | Dependency | Capability item |
Standard Integrated SDK | com.aliyun.aio:AliVCSDK_Standard:6.10.0 | Player + ultra-low latency live broadcast + live broadcast + short video + RTC-connected microphone + basic beauty |
Short video scenario SDK | com.aliyun.aio:AliVCSDK_UGC:6.10.0 | Player + short video + basic beauty |
Basic live streaming SDK | com.aliyun.aio:AliVCSDK_BasicLive:6.10.0 | Player + live streaming + basic beauty + ultra-low latency live streaming |
Interactive live streaming SDK | com.aliyun.aio:AliVCSDK_InteractiveLive:6.10.0 | Player + ultra-low latency live streaming + live streaming + RTC link + basic beauty |