Generate a form with Angular that allows to create, edit, modify
and delete a list of people.
For this purpose you can use the class created in TypeScript practice, Persona,
although it will not be necessary to provide the Address, Telephone and Mail fields.
Person |
Name |
Surname |
Age |
ID card |
Birthday |
Sex |
Favourite Colour |
It will be necessary to make the following validations on the data when a person is created or edited:
- It must be possible to register new people and view them in a list.
- All records should be able to modify.
- All records should be able to erase.
- Angular-material should be used.
- Dates should be shown in mm / dd / yyyy format.
- It will be verified that the ID card number(DNI) has 9 characters
- It will be verified that the Name, Surname and Favorite Color have at leasli3 li characters.
- It will be verified that the age is between 0 and 125.
- Sex must be selected between the values Male, Female, Other and Not specified.