In Development
Development on these features has started. No date can be shared for when these features will be completed, and their end state may vary significantly from the state proposed in these documents.
- S3 Transfer Manager - Simplifies uploading and downloading of objects to and from Amazon S3.
- Dynamo DB Enhanced Client - Simplifies writing and reading objects to and from Amazon DynamoDB.
These features are being proposed for development. These features will either transition to "In Development" when development begins, or "Rejected" if it is decided that these features will not be implemented. No date can be shared for when the fate of these features will be decided.
- Event Streaming Alternate Syntax - Simplifies interacting with event streaming services for non-power-users.
- Event Streaming Auto-Reconnect - Automatically reconnects to an event streaming session when they are interrupted by a network error.
These features are considered "mostly implemented". Development on new features is never "done". These features are considered "done enough" that any remaining design elements or features can be implemented incrementally based on customer demand.
- Request Presigners - Makes it possible to sign requests to be executed at a later time.
- Class Initialization - Conventions used to initialize a class.
- Naming Conventions - Conventions used for class naming.
- Client Configuration - Conventions used for client configuration objects.
- Optional Usage - Conventions governing the use of java.util.Optional.
- Completable Future Usage - Conventions governing the use of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.