diff --git a/source b/source
index 26ee01b4175..99af8b445e8 100644
--- a/source
+++ b/source
@@ -77856,13 +77856,6 @@ console.assert(iframeWindow.frameElement === null);
caller needs to throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If P is @@toStringTag, @@hasInstance, or - @@isConcatSpreadable, then return PropertyDescriptor{ - [[Value]]: undefined, - [[Writable]]: false, - [[Enumerable]]: false, - [[Configurable]]: true }.
Let crossOriginKey be a tuple consisting of the current settings object, O's relevant settings object, and P.
If P is "then
", @@toStringTag,
+ @@hasInstance, or @@isConcatSpreadable, then return
+ PropertyDescriptor{
+ [[Value]]: undefined,
+ [[Writable]]: false,
+ [[Enumerable]]: false,
+ [[Configurable]]: true }.
Return undefined.
If keys does not contain "then
", then append "then
" to keys.
Return the concatenation of keys and « @@toStringTag, @@hasInstance, @@isConcatSpreadable ».