- min heap
- 모든 노드가 자신의 자식 노드보다 값이 작거나 같음(min tree) + complete binary tree
- max heap
- 모든 노드가 자신의 자식 노드보다 값이 크거나 같음(max tree) + complete binary tree
Heap은 Priority queue를 구현할 때 사용
- Create
- HeapFull
- Insert
- HeapEmpty
- Delete
queue와 같은 FIFO 구조
key값이 높은 것(낮은 것)부터 삭제
- insert 1 5 3 => delete 5 3 1
- insert 1 3 5 => delete 5 3 1
ex2 ) Job queue (OS)
CPU MEMORY key P1 10 P2 30 P3 20
Unordered array, Unordered linked list
5 3 1 2 4 6 8 추가하면,
5 3 1 2 4 6 8 -
Insertion : O(1)
Deletion : O(n)
Sorted array, Sorted linked list
1 2 3 4 5 6 4 삭제하면,
1 2 3 5 6 -
Insertion : O(n)
Deletion : O(1)
- Insertion : reorganization 필요
- Deletion : reorganization 필요
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 200 /* maximum heap size + 1 */
#define HEAP_FULL(n) (n == MAX_ELEMENTS – 1)
#define HEAP_EMPTY(n) (!n)
typedef struct {
int key;
} element;
element heap[MAX_ELEMENTS];
int n = 0;
void insert_max_heap(element item, int *n) {
/* insert item into a max heap of current size *n */
int i;
if(HEAP_FULL(*n)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The heap is full.\n");
i = ++(*n);
while((i != 1) && (item.key > heap[i/2].key)) {
heap[i] = heap[i/2];
i /= 2;
heap[i] = item;
depth(height)만큼 while문을 돎 => complete binary tree이므로 n개의 node를 갖는 tree의 height = log2n
element delete_max_heap(int *n) {
/* delete element with the highest key from the heap */
int parent, child;
element item, temp;
if(HEAP_EMPTY(*n)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The heap is empty");
/* save value of the element with the largest key */
item = heap[1];
/* use the last element in the heap to adjust heap */
temp = heap[(*n)--];
parent = 1;
child = 2;
while(child <= *n) {
/* find the larger child of the current parent */
if((child < *n) && (heap[child].key < heap[child+1].key)) child++;
if(temp.key >= heap[child].key) break;
/* move to the next lower level */
heap[parent] = heap[child];
parent = child;
child *= 2;
heap[parent] = temp;
return item;
class MaxHeap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.queue = [None]
def insert(self, n):
# 삽입할 원소를 맨 마지막에 추가
last_index = len(self.queue) - 1
# 부모를 타고 올라가면서 크기를 비교해준다.
while 0 <= last_index:
parent_index = self.parent(last_index)
if 0 < parent_index and self.queue[parent_index] < self.queue[last_index]:
self.swap(last_index, parent_index)
last_index = parent_index
def delete(self):
last_index = len(self.queue) -1
if last_index <= 0:
return -1
self.swap(1, last_index)
maxv = self.queue.pop()
self.max_heapify(1) # root에서부터 재정렬
return maxv
# 임시 root 값부터 자식들과 값을 비교해나가며 재정렬하는 함수
def max_heapify(self, i):
last_index = len(self.queue) - 1
left_index = self.leftchild(i)
right_index = self.rightchild(i)
max_index = i # 더 큰 값의 index를 넣어준다
if left_index <= last_index and self.queue[max_index] < self.queue[left_index]:
max_index = left_index
if right_index <= last_index and self.queue[max_index] < self.queue[right_index]:
max_index = right_index
# 만약 자신이 가장 큰게 아니면 heapify
if max_index != i:
self.swap(i, max_index)
def swap(self, i, parent_index):
self.queue[i], self.queue[parent_index] = self.queue[parent_index], self.queue[i]
def parent(self, index):
return index // 2
def leftchild(self, index):
return index*2
def rightchild(self, index):
return index*2 + 1
def printHeap(self):
depth(height)만큼 while문을 돎 => complete binary tree이므로 n개의 node를 갖는 tree의 height = log2n
Representation | Insertion | Deletion |
unordered array | O(1) | O(n) |
unordered linked list | O(1) | O(n) |
sorted array | O(n) | O(1) |
sorted linked list | O(n) | O(1) |
max heap | O(log2n) | O(log2n) |
min heap | O(log2n) | O(log2n) |
Representation | Insertion | Deletion | 탐색 |
array | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) |
linked list | O(n) | O(n) | O(n) |
heap : insertion과 deletion이 자주 일어나는 자료일 때 유용