Specify a directory and this plugin will list all contained items and made them downloadable.
This is mostly used for intranets.
Information #1: This is still under development and not finished or secured.
Information #2: Please be aware, that a wiki user can pick ANY directory on your maschine. I am not responsible for any problems.
Please consider a donation, if you use my plugin for your business.
- PHP >= 5.3
- PHP fileinfo extension
<directorylist: path="value" ignore="value" recursive="1" fileorder="asc">
The path argument specifies the path which the directorylist plugin will list.
This can be an unix or windows path. It can be absolute or relative.
<directorylist: path="./relative/path/in/dokuwiki">
<directorylist: path="C:\Users\Public">
You can ignore directories or files with the ignore argument.
The ignore argument has to be a comma separated shell pattern.
This argument is optional, the value is empty.
<directorylist: [...] ignore="*.pdf,*.js,specialfile.doc,some_*_files.xlsx">
You can specify if you want to list your directory recursive or not.
This argument is optional, the default value is: true
<directorylist: [...] recursive="0">
<directorylist: [...] recursive="1">
<directorylist: [...] recursive="false">
<directorylist: [...] recursive="true">
You can specify the order of files inside a directory.
This argument is optional, the default value is: asc
<directorylist: [...] fileorder="asc">
<directorylist: [...] fileorder="desc">
Adding a new 'type' option to the directorylist syntax to enable different types of href link.
This allows 'direct' links using the file:// protocal. (NOTE: this will usually not be a good choice since most browsers, eg. Chrome, forbid the openning of file:// links from non-local pages)
Also allows 'link' links that, using the absolute path and dokuwiki basedir, serve weblinks to content. (NOTE: assumes the data directory is reachable by your webserver. This is a big security issue!)
Default option is 'download';
<directorylist: [...] type="download">
<directorylist: [...] type="direct">
<directorylist: [...] type="link">
When the directory listing is not updating as you like, try to use the ~~NOCACHE~~
You can style this plugin with the following elements:
ul.directorylist li.file
ul.directorylist li.folder
Author: Alexander Wenzel ([email protected])
Plugin page: http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:directorylist
Icons: genericons.com
- 0.2.2
- updated readme
- fixed sorting bug
- fixed problems with chinese characters
- 0.2.1
- PHP7 compatibility
- changed default 'type' to 'download'
- 0.2.0
- added 'type' argument