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Angular Loadable Content Module


This module provides a series of service and directives to show/hide and inject multiple spin.js instances on each wrapper element automatically using httpInterceptor.


bower install ngloadablecontent


  • import script in your page
<script src="script/spin.js/spin.js"></script>
<script src="script/src/ngLoadableContent.js"></script>
  • inject the module dependency
angular.module('yourProject', ['ngLoadableContent']);
  • override the default configuration (optional)
yourProject.config(['$loaderConfigProvider',function ($loaderConfigProvider) {
    $loaderConfigProvider.setDefault({color:"#0047ab", lines:20, radius:5});
  • include the directive on the loadable element
<div id="whatever" ng-loadable="[loadable-id]" options="{color:'#360',radius:5,lines:8,overlay:[true/false]}">Content</div>
  • inject the $loader service in your controller
yourProject.controller('YourController', ['$loader', '$http', function ($loader, $http) {
    /*your methods*/
    //call the $loader service on the element you want to show
    $loader.spinElement(loadable-id, function(){ //callback });
  • support for img tag @landing
<img id="big-image" ng-src="[source for image]" ng-loadable="[loadable-id]" options="{options}"/>
  • additional css
    position: relative;
.overlay {
    position: (fixed/absolute);
    z-index: 5;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;



  • overlay //display an overlay
  • lines // The number of lines to draw
  • length // The length of each line
  • width // The line thickness
  • radius // The radius of the inner circle
  • scale // Scales overall size of the spinner
  • corners // Corner roundness (0..1)
  • color // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors
  • opacity // Opacity of the lines
  • rotate // The rotation offset
  • direction // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise
  • speed // Rounds per second
  • trail // Afterglow percentage
  • fps // Frames per second when using setTimeout() as a fallback for CSS
  • zIndex // The z-index (defaults to 10)
  • className // The CSS class to assign to the spinner (defaults 'spinner')
  • top // Top position relative to parent
  • left // Left position relative to parent
  • shadow // Whether to render a shadow
  • hwaccel // Whether to use hardware acceleration
  • position // Element positioning

More About spin.js

this software is released under MIT license