This is a repository for a series of blog posts about logging libraries in C++ The first series post is located at
I was using the following setup (might work on others too)
- Ubuntu 22.04
- CMake 3.29
- clang 18.1.3
- ninja 1.11.1
Each folder in the repository represents an example program for a different library Currently, the project compiles all example without an option to choose a target. Artifacts are stored in <BUILD_DIRECTORY>/bin/<BUILD_TYPE>
The following builds the project:
cmake -S <SRC_DIR> -B <BUILD_DIR> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<BUILD_TYPE> -G Ninja && cmake --build <BUILD_DIR>
For example, if the project is cloned into ~/loggers_comparison folder, and pwd is ~, the following should be typed for the project to build:
cmake -S loggers_comparison -B loggers_comparison/build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G Ninja && cmake --build loggers_comparison/build
And the artifacts will be present in loggers_comparison/build/bin/Release
The spdlog example artifact is called spdlog-log-example
and located in <BUILD_DIR>/bin/<BUILD_TYPE>/
Displaying help:
cd loggers_comparison
build/bin/Release/spdlog-log-example -h
Available flags:
-e, --basic-example - run the basic_usage_example() function
-m, --hand-made - run the handmade_logger() function
-c, --console - run the console_logger() function
-a, --async - run the async_logger() function
-s, --stopwatch - run the stopwatch() function
-a, --async - run the async_logger() function
-u, --user-defined - run the user_defined_object_logger() function
-h, --help - print this screen and exit
The glog example artifact is called glog-log-example
and located in <BUILD_DIR>/bin/<BUILD_TYPE>/
cd loggers_comparison
Available flags:
-m, --multiple-log-levels - run the multiple_log_levels() function
-f, --custom-formatting - run the custom_formatting() function
-c, --conditional-logging - run the conditional_logging() function
-a, --async - run the async_logger() function
-s, --custom-sink - run the custom_sink_logging() function