DOM in browser can be accessed via a fluid interface in library. You need to have a Browser object, and starting from it you can request elements.
$title = $browser->element(By::name('title'));
echo $title->getText();
$links = $browser->elements(By::name('a')); foreach ($links as $link) {
// returns text version of the element
// returns HTML DOM attribute
// click the element
// indicates if the element is visible on screen
// indicates if the element is enabled (for buttons and input)
// tests if a checkbox or a radio is selected
// test if two elements are referencing same node:
Select your file field, then call method upload
on it with as argument the
path to your file locally:
$field = $browser->element(By::css('input[type=file]'));
This method will always upload file over HTTP, even if it's done locally.