Implementazione del gioco in scatola Adrenaline per il progetto di ingegneria del software 2019 al Politecnico di Milano.
Devs |
Matteo Pacciani |
Tommaso Pegolotti |
Alessia Paccagnella |
- Complete game rules
- Socket connection
- RMI connection
- Gui (graphical user interface)
- CLI (command line interface)
- Multi player
In the project folder
1) mvn clean
2) mvn package
From intellij :
1)Start server
2)Start at least 3 clients (both UpdaterGui and UpdaterCli)
Jar :
In the jar folder (/ing-sw-2019-13/target)
1) java -jar ing-sw-2019-13-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar server
to start the server
2) java -jar ing-sw-2019-13-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar gui
to start a client with the gui
java -jar ing-sw-2019-13-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cli
to start a client with the cli
Note: the installation of javaFX is required