Phar-installer makes easy package, deploy and install your PHP application.
Applying it in your project is very simple, it just needed copy some files to your application and configure it.
##Step by step##
###Packaging and installing###
- Download the sorce of Phar-installer
- Copy the following files to your application's root dir
- app
- install
- make
- Edit the setting the corretly values.
- $name - name of your application
- $installpath - path where the application will be installed
- $ignored_files - The file's name or path's name the should be ignored in installation
- $confs - configs of your application, this files will never be overwritten in a new installation.
- After configure the defines, execute the following command to generate the package.
./make installer
- The package will be generated in ~/BUILD/PHARS/
- Go to path where is the package
- Type the following command to install:
php package- install
orphp package- --help
to see the list of commands
Now your application is installed in path that was configured in
###Consulting installed version###
- Go into your installed application's path and type:
./app --version
or./app --help
to see the list of commands.
- PHP 5.2 or newer as the PHP documemtation ( )
- To generate the package is necessary phar.readonly variable be off.
- It's possible change it in php.ini
- It possible type
php --ri Phar
to get information about it Phar variables.
- I got some problems whe I've runned the command
./make installer
. I received the errorCall to undefined function posix_getuid() in /home/maubrent/imageimporter/make on line 68
. I've solved it executingyum install php-process