After install requirements, install another dependencies:
pip install pytest numpy Cython pytest-docker psycopg2
So, each you run the integration test, a process will create a Kafka, Zookeeper, MongoDB and PSQL for your use. After run tests the infrastructure shut down.
Then run the integration test:
Only test multi driver
python -m pytest -x -s tests/integration/
Only test step
python -m pytest -x -s tests/integration/
Insert data from any survey parsed and assigned by the Sorting Hat
This step performs:
- calculate object statistics
- lightcurve correction
- previous candidates processing
- insert objects
- insert detections
- insert non detections
- None
- Query to get the light curve (detections and non detections).
- Query if object exists in database.
- New detection.
- New non-detection(s).
- Objects
No special conditions, only connection to kafka and database.
: Database host for connection.DB_USER
: Database user for read/write (requires these permission).DB_PASSWORD
: Password of user.DB_PORT
: Port connection.DATABASE
: Name of database.
: Some topics. String separated by commas. e.g:topic_one
: Kafka host with port. e.g:localhost:9092
: Name for consumer group. e.g:ingestion-step
: Max seconds to wait for a message. e.g:60
: Ammount of messages to consume for each operation. e.g:500
(optional): Topic format to format topics that change every day. e.g:ztf_{}_programid1
(optional): Topic list to consume. e.g:ztf_*
You must at least use one of TOPIC_STRATEGY_FORMAT
: Current version of the step. e.g:1.0.0
: Unique identifier for the step. e.g:S3
: Name of the step. e.g:S3
: Comments of the specific version.
This step require a consumer.
For use this step, first you must build the image of docker. After that you can run the step for use it.
docker build -t ingestion_step:version .
You can use a docker run
command, you must set all environment variables.
docker run --name ingestion_step -e DB_HOST=myhost -e [... all env ...] -d ingestion_step:version
Also you can edit the environment variables in docker-compose.yml
file. After that use docker-compose up
command. This run only one container.
docker-compose up -d
If you want scale this container, you must set a number of containers to run.
docker-compose up -d --scale ingestion_step=n
Note: Use docker-compose down
for stop all containers.
For each release an image is uploaded to that you can use instead of building your own. To do that replace docker-compose.yml or the docker run command with this image:
docker pull
To install the required packages run
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that you can modify the logic of the step in and run
python scripts/