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Ingestion Step

how to develop a step without deploy infrastructure

After install requirements, install another dependencies:

pip install pytest numpy Cython pytest-docker psycopg2

So, each you run the integration test, a process will create a Kafka, Zookeeper, MongoDB and PSQL for your use. After run tests the infrastructure shut down.

Then run the integration test:

Only test multi driver

python -m pytest -x -s tests/integration/ 

Only test step

python -m pytest -x -s tests/integration/ 


Insert data from any survey parsed and assigned by the Sorting Hat

This step performs:

  • calculate object statistics
  • lightcurve correction
  • previous candidates processing
  • insert objects
  • insert detections
  • insert non detections

Previous steps:

Next steps:

  • None

Database interactions


  • Query to get the light curve (detections and non detections).
  • Query if object exists in database.


  • New detection.
  • New non-detection(s).
  • Objects

Previous conditions

No special conditions, only connection to kafka and database.


Libraries used

Environment variables

DB setup

  • DB_HOST: Database host for connection.
  • DB_USER: Database user for read/write (requires these permission).
  • DB_PASSWORD: Password of user.
  • DB_PORT: Port connection.
  • DATABASE: Name of database.

Consumer setup

  • CONSUMER_TOPICS: Some topics. String separated by commas. e.g: topic_one or topic_two,topic_three
  • CONSUMER_SERVER: Kafka host with port. e.g: localhost:9092
  • CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: Name for consumer group. e.g: ingestion-step
  • CONSUME_TIMEOUT: Max seconds to wait for a message. e.g: 60
  • CONSUME_MESSAGES: Ammount of messages to consume for each operation. e.g: 500
  • TOPIC_STRATEGY_FORMAT (optional): Topic format to format topics that change every day. e.g: ztf_{}_programid1
  • CONSUMER_TOPICS (optional): Topic list to consume. e.g: ztf_*

You must at least use one of TOPIC_STRATEGY_FORMAT or CONSUMER_TOPICS

Step metadata

  • STEP_VERSION: Current version of the step. e.g: 1.0.0
  • STEP_ID: Unique identifier for the step. e.g: S3
  • STEP_NAME: Name of the step. e.g: S3
  • STEP_COMMENTS: Comments of the specific version.


This step require a consumer.

Input schema

Generic Alert

Output schema


Build docker image

For use this step, first you must build the image of docker. After that you can run the step for use it.

docker build -t ingestion_step:version .

Run step

Run container of docker

You can use a docker run command, you must set all environment variables.

docker run --name ingestion_step -e DB_HOST=myhost -e [... all env ...] -d ingestion_step:version

Run docker-compose

Also you can edit the environment variables in docker-compose.yml file. After that use docker-compose up command. This run only one container.

docker-compose up -d

If you want scale this container, you must set a number of containers to run.

docker-compose up -d --scale ingestion_step=n

Note: Use docker-compose down for stop all containers.

Run the released image

For each release an image is uploaded to that you can use instead of building your own. To do that replace docker-compose.yml or the docker run command with this image:

docker pull

Local Installation


To install the required packages run

pip install -r requirements.txt

After that you can modify the logic of the step in and run

python scripts/