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RetroAntho edited this page May 5, 2023 · 51 revisions

Feel free to help us by implementing any of this functionalities !

High priority:

  • upgrade to the latest version of tcc

  • Review of constify tools :- High priority:

  • Medium priority:

  • Low priority:

    • '__tcc_' should become 'tcc_'
    • manage const declared like : const myArray[5*6] = ...;
    • add a function to remove comments in C source file (// ou /* */)
    • add a function to detect include in C files then parse them
    • manage implicit declaration of const array (const char a[] = {3,3}) on one or multiple lines
  • solve the segmentation fault wich appears in tcc when using it without the -m32 flag (requirement to have 64b version). Try to apply these 2 updates manually to see if it works :

  • manage LZ compression for graphics

Medium priority:

  • have only one credit list in, automaticaly injected in snes.h. Remove credit from wiki page
  • replace .obj files by .lib with wla dx
  • Finish to implement mode 5, 6 by adapting gfx2snes to have compatible pictures (see here)
  • replace tasm.exe part (spc700) by the wla dx version to provide a unix alternative
  • integrate docker image
  • add some chipsets support (sa1, dsp, superfx, ...)
  • clean some issues opened for a long time on github
  • create new sample to show how to load sounds and musics at the same time (we need to respect specific order: sound at first, then music...)
  • replace pixel.c file by asm version to improve performances and provide function to draw pixels
  • improve the current text system to draw on any background. See the .c example created by Digifox
  • test to build the library with Cygwin and update it if necessary
  • add fixed point support

Low priority:

  • Fix cygwin and gitbash incompatibility
  • Improve mode 7 camera rotation
  • Add capabilities to create HIrom games
  • Add a check (in tcc or in other tool?) to compare the signature of functions between .c and .h file and trigger an error if they are different (it can save a lot of time to developers because this difference is hard to see and produce strange result)
  • Manage hblank
  • develop new driver to get more files format with sound engine
  • update in pvsneslib sources, samples code and tools which use extern variables the data type (probably char) by the real type (u16 for map/sprites...). It will avoid some cast in the code will be more clear
  • add new check on variable PVSNESLIB_DEBUG to provide detailed informations during the build process to assist users when they begin to use the library. For example: if you use setmode with mode7, display an error saying to use setmode7 function instead. It is a kind of assert which could be managed in asm with .FAIL directive. By default, the library could be built without this variable and it will not decrease performances
  • Add mouse driver compatibility
  • Add superscope compatibility
  • Add all needed extensions for C/C++ and vscode (like Intellisense, etc ...) in wiki part of vscode template
  • create a setScreenOff function to be harmonised (the lib have setScreenOn) which do the same thing than setBrightness