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The sound of Erlang

This article is about turning Erlang into an instrument.


This is a table of all used software with their versions.

Software Version
Erlang/OTP 22
rebar3 3.13.2
ffmpeg 4.2.2
ffplay 4.2.2

The theory behind

Before we make music with Erlang, it's worth explaining some of the basic theory behind what sound actually is, this will come in handy later.

Sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave.

Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. Its basic unit is Hz which is the number of occurrences in one second.

The period is the duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency.



  • f is a frequency in Hz
  • T is a period in seconds

The simplest way of generating a wave is by providing a sinus signal with the given frequency.

Computers work in a discrete domain while sinus works in a continuous domain; therefore, sampling is the operation to convert material from a continuous domain to a discrete one.

Sampling sound is the process of converting a sound wave into a signal.

alt text

The more samples we approximate our sound with the better quality will be, but also the file in which we store such approximation becomes bigger.

If you want to know more about sampling I recommend:

Starting a project

Start with creating a new project. Since the script is small I will use escript template:

rebar3 new escript the_sound_of_erlang

Check if the project worked correctly with:

cd the_sound_of_erlang
rebar3 escriptize
mkdir out

If everything is ok, then you should see the following output:

$ rebar3 escriptize
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling the_sound_of_erlang
===> Building escript...

$ ./_build/default/bin/the_sound_of_erlang
Args: []

Well done!

First wave

Lets now generate an example wave. To do it we can just:

wave() ->
    [math:sin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, 48000)].

To save a generated wave we need to transform a list of floats to binary representation and just write this binary to a file.

save(Filename, Wave) ->
    Content = lists:foldl(
        fun(Elem, Acc) ->
            <<Acc/binary, Elem/float>> end,
        <<"">>, Wave),
    ok = file:write_file(Filename, Content).

Call the above 2 functions in the main/1 function as follows:

main(_) ->
    Wave = wave(),
    save("out/first_wave.raw", Wave),

Build the script binary with:

rebar3 escriptize

And run it with:


A new file called out/first_wave.raw should show up in a repository. Then use ffplay to listen to the result:

ffplay -f f64be -ar 48000 out/first_wave.raw

Options give:

  • -f f64be means that input format is 64-bit big-endian float
  • -ar 48000 means that the input audio sampling rate is 48000 per second

You can listen to the result here. The sound is not the most pleasant but we can hear something.

For the sake of convenience lets now try playing the result sound from the script:

play(Filename) ->
    Cmd = "ffplay -f f64be -ar 48000 " ++ Filename,

and add it to end of main/1:

main(_) ->
    Wave = wave(),
    Filename = "out/first_wave.raw",
    save(Filename, Wave),

Now we can recompile the script and run it with:

rebar3 escriptize && ./_build/default/bin/the_sound_of_erlang

We can also convert a raw file to a .mp3 format with:

ffmpeg -f f64be -ar 48000 -i out/first_wave.raw out/first_wave.mp3

So that it can be played with any music player.

We managed to generate a wave, save it to a file an play it.

Tuning in

We can now improve our wave not to be just any random sound but a fixed frequency for a given amount of time. What we want to achieve is to be able to eg. play a sound of a frequency = 440 Hz for 2 seconds. To get several samples played in a given amount of time we need to multiply sample rate times sound duration, since the number of samples is an integer we should then round then multiplication result.

NumberOfSamples = round(SampleRate * Duration)

Sinus period is 2 * PI, knowing that and sample rate we can calculate how long will each signal step last for a given frequency Hz.

Step = Hz * 2 * math:pi() / SampleRate

Knowing number of samples and Step we can map the time domain to a signal as follows:

frequency(Hz, Duration, SampleRate) ->
    Signals = lists:seq(1, round(SampleRate * Duration)),
    Step = Hz * 2 * math:pi() / SampleRate,
    [ math:sin(Step * Signal) || Signal <- Signals ].

Lets now modify a wave/0 function to get a sound of 440 Hz played for 2 seconds with a sampling rate of 48000 samples per second:

wave() ->
    frequency(440, 2, 48000).

I change the Filename to in the main/1 function to

Filename = "out/2Sec440Hz.raw",

just to add it to a repository. You can listen to the result here. Let's play the new sound and compare it with the same frequency sound from YouTube. For me, they sound identical.

rebar3 escriptize && ./_build/default/bin/the_sound_of_erlang

We can now try playing 2 sounds with different frequencies and lasting times, but we need to flatten the list of signals to make a list of signals from a list of lists of signals.

Filename = "out/2Sec440HzAnd1Sec500Hz.raw",

wave() ->
        frequency(440, 2, 48000)
      , frequency(500, 1, 48000)

You can listen to the result here.

Frequency to note

We can play a given frequency for a given amount of time but how to make music out of that?

From here we can see that the frequency of an A4 note is 440 Hz which is also known as pitch standard. We can also lookup all other needed notes in the same way, but there is an alternative called the frequency ratio of a semitone and it is equal to the twelfth root of two 2 ** (1 / 12). To calculate A#4 which is 1 semitone higher than A4 we just multiply 440 * (2 ** (1/12)) = 466.16 which after comparing to a table value is A#4 corresponding frequency.

Let's try translating the maths into code:

At the top of the file just below the module directive we can add a macro for pitch standard and extract the sampling rate.


-define(PITCH_STANDARD, 440.0).
-define(SAMPLE_RATE, 48000).


Now we need to use the macro for sampling rate in the code. Lets modify frequency/3 to frequency/2:

frequency(Hz, Duration) ->
    Signals = lists:seq(1, round(?SAMPLE_RATE * Duration)),
    Step = Hz * 2 * math:pi() / ?SAMPLE_RATE,
    [ math:sin(Step * Signal) || Signal <- Signals ].

Do not forget to change the calls of the frequency function by removing the last argument:

wave() ->
        frequency(440, 2)
      , frequency(500, 1)

and play/1 as follows:

play(Filename) ->
    StrRate = integer_to_list(?SAMPLE_RATE),
    Cmd = "ffplay -f f64be -ar " ++ StrRate ++ " " ++ Filename,

Following function takes number of semitones to be shifted and returns a frequency of a shifted sound:

get_tone(Semitones) ->
    TwelfthRootOfTwo = math:pow(2, 1.0 / 12.0),
    ?PITCH_STANDARD * math:pow(TwelfthRootOfTwo, Semitones).

We need to introduce one more concept which beats per minute which is the base time unit for a note to be played. Each note is played in a given number of beats and the number of beats per minute is fixed, so we can calculate how long does each beat lasts (in seconds) by dividing 60 by beats per minute.

Let's introduce a new function for that:

beats_per_minute() ->

beat_duration() ->
    60 / beats_per_minute().

We can generate notes for a given amount of time with following function:

sound(SemitonesShift, Beats) ->
    frequency(get_tone(SemitonesShift), Beats * beat_duration()).

Let's try it out by providing the following wave:

wave() ->
       sound(SemiTone, 1) || SemiTone <- lists:seq(0, 11)

and play it by recompiling and running the script. I saved my output as "out/increasingSemitones.raw". You can listen to the result here. I only need some of the notes to play my songs, but you might need some more so I provided them in the semitones_shift/1 function. Let's provide a helper function for easier sound notation:

note(Note) ->
    SemitonesShift = semitones_shift(Note),

semitones_shift(c4)         -> -9;
semitones_shift(c4sharp)    -> -8;
semitones_shift(d4flat)     -> -8;
semitones_shift(d4)         -> -7;
semitones_shift(d4sharp)    -> -6;
semitones_shift(e4flat)     -> -6;
semitones_shift(e4)         -> -5;
semitones_shift(f4)         -> -4;
semitones_shift(f4sharp)    -> -3;
semitones_shift(g4flat)     -> -3;
semitones_shift(g4)         -> -2;
semitones_shift(g4sharp)    -> -1;
semitones_shift(a4flat)     -> -1;
semitones_shift(a4)         -> 0;
semitones_shift(a4sharp)    -> 1;
semitones_shift(b4flat)     -> 1;
semitones_shift(b4)         -> 2;
semitones_shift(c5)         -> 3;
semitones_shift(c5sharp)    -> 4;
semitones_shift(d5flat)     -> 4;
semitones_shift(d5)         -> 5;
semitones_shift(d5sharp)    -> 6;
semitones_shift(e5flat)     -> 6;
semitones_shift(e5)         -> 7;
semitones_shift(f5)         -> 8;
semitones_shift(f5sharp)    -> 9;
semitones_shift(g5flat)     -> 9;
semitones_shift(g5)         -> 10;
semitones_shift(g5sharp)    -> 11;
semitones_shift(a5flat)     -> 11;
semitones_shift(a5)         -> 12.

and modify slightly the sound/2 function as follows:

sound(Note, Beats) ->
   frequency(note(Note), Beats * beat_duration()).

to use more convenient, newly created note/1 function instead of get_tone/1. Now we can try out the sounds played by modifying wave/0 function as follow:

wave() ->
       sound(Note, 1) || Note <- [
           c4, c4sharp, d4flat, d4, d4sharp, e4flat,
           e4, f4, f4sharp,g4flat, g4, g4sharp,
           a4flat, a4, a4sharp, b4flat, b4

I will save the result in "out/increasingNotes.raw" file. You can listen to the result here.


When listening to the result there is a very strange tick when changing the note. It is because of the sound increases and decreases too rapidly. To resolve this issue we can implement so-called ADSR which stands for Attack Decay Sustain Release and works by modifying the sound amplitude (volume) according to the following chart:

alt text

For the sake of simplicity, it is enough to implement only the Attack and Release parts since we already have the Sustain part. To implement the Attack, we will consider a sequence of numbers smaller or equal to 1 that will be generated in the following way:

attack(Len) ->
    [min(Multi / 1000, 1) || Multi <- lists:seq(1, Len)].

such list would be something like:

[0.001, 0.002, ... 0.999, 1, 1, 1, ..., 1]

We can also generate the Release a lazy way:

release(Len) ->

The release function generates the following list:

[1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 0.999, ..., 0.002, 0.001]

Now we need to slightly modify the frequency/2 to adjust the sound volume:

frequency(Hz, Duration) ->
    Signals = lists:seq(1, round(?SAMPLE_RATE * Duration)),
    Step = Hz * 2 * math:pi() / ?SAMPLE_RATE,
    RawOutput = [ math:sin(Step * Signal) || Signal <- Signals ],
    OutputLen = length(RawOutput),
        fun(Attack, Release, Out) -> Attack * Release * Out end,
        attack(OutputLen), release(OutputLen), RawOutput).

I saved the result as out/increasingNotesASR.raw. Now when you rebuild and run the script you will hear smooth pass between the notes. You can listen to the result here.

The sh!t just got real

Now we will try to play the actual song. Let's modify the wave/0 function as follows:

wave() ->
        sound(f4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(d4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(d4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(d4, 0.5)

    ,   sound(g4, 2)
    ,   sound(d5, 2)

    ,   sound(c4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(b4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(a4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(g5, 2)
    ,   sound(d5, 1)

    ,   sound(c4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(b4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(a4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(g5, 2)
    ,   sound(d5, 1)

    ,   sound(c4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(b4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(c4, 0.5)
    ,   sound(a4, 2)
    ,   sound(d4, 1)
    ,   sound(d4, 0.5)

Also, change the beat per minute to 120. The reasoning behind setting given beats per second can be found here but it is out of the scope of this article so I will not go into further details.

beats_per_minute() -> 120.

You can recompile and run the script or just listen to the result here. The result can be saved to out/StarErlang.raw. I hope you recognize the melody I picked Star Wars (Main Theme).

Last but not least let's introduce an Erlang behavior for a melody. Create a new file src/melody.erl and define a melody behavior there.


-type note() :: c4 | c4sharp | d4flat | d4 | d4sharp | e4flat | e4 |
                f4 | f4sharp | g4flat | g4 | g4sharp | a4flat | a4 |
                a4sharp | b4flat | b4 | c5 | c5sharp | d5flat | d5 |
                d5sharp | e5flat | e5 | f5 | f5sharp | g5flat | g5 |
                g5sharp | a5flat | a5.
-type duration() :: float().

-callback beats_per_minute() -> non_neg_integer().

-callback sounds() -> {note(), duration()}.

Each melody may have different beats per minute so this is the first function we need to describe a song and a second function is the notes the song consists of. There are 2 types to be introduced: note() which is one of the possible notes (aka sound frequencies) and the duration() which is a float saying how many beats will the sound of a given frequency last.

To use a song defined in a different module with slightly simplified notation let's add a new macro which will store the module name in which the song is defined:

-define(SONG, star_wars_main_theme).

and modify wave/0 and beats_per_minute/0 functions to use it:

beats_per_minute() ->

wave() ->
    RawSounds = ?SONG:sounds(),
    Sounds = lists:map(
        fun({Note, Duration}) ->
            sound(Note, Duration)
        end, RawSounds),

This will not work yet as there is no star_wars_main_theme module defined, so create a file src/songs/star_wars_main_theme.erl and implement the melody behavior:


% Based on:


-export([sounds/0, beats_per_minute/0]).

beats_per_minute() ->

sounds() ->
        {d4, 0.5}
    ,   {d4, 0.5}
    ,   {d4, 0.5}

    ,   {g4, 2}
    ,   {d5, 2}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {g5, 2}
    ,   {d5, 1}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {g5, 2}
    ,   {d5, 1}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 2}
    ,   {d4, 1}
    ,   {d4, 0.5}

    ,   {g4, 2}
    ,   {d5, 2}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {g5, 2}
    ,   {d5, 1}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {g5, 2}
    ,   {d5, 1}

    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 2}
    ,   {d4, 1}
    ,   {d4, 0.5}

    ,   {e4, 1.5}
    ,   {e4, 0.5}
    ,   {c4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {g4, 0.5}

    ,   {g4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 0.5}
    ,   {b4, 0.5}
    ,   {a4, 1}
    ,   {e4, 0.5}
    ,   {f4sharp, 1}
    ,   {d4, 1}
    ,   {d4, 0.5}

You can listen to the result here.

I have also made attempts to play: Super Mario bros the main theme and The Sound of Silence.

I am looking forward to listening to your favorite song played with this tool.
