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How to install and build a PDFKit branch

alafr edited this page Mar 13, 2017 · 6 revisions
  1. Install NodeJS from

  2. Open command line (Windows+R).

  3. Install dependencies with NodeJS:

     npm install browserify coffeeify brfs
    • You can install the latest version from the official repository:

         npm install pdfkit
    • Or you can use a specific Github branch: (replace USERNAME and BRANCHNAME)

         npm install
  4. Compile PDFKit into a single javascript file with Browserify:

     node_modules\.bin\browserify --standalone PDFDocument --transform coffeeify --extension .coffee node_modules\pdfkit\lib\ > pdfkit.js
  5. Usually the compiled file can be found at C:\Users\user\pdfkit.js

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