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932 lines (784 loc) · 18.8 KB

Markdown example with knitr and googleVis

=========================================== This is a little Markdown example file. It uses googleVis package with knitr and markdown to produce interactive plots from Google Visualization API.

In this case change the behaviour of plot.gvis, so that it presents only the code for the chart rather than making a full web page.

op <- options(gvis.plot.tag = "chart")

The following plot statements will automatically return the HTML required for the 'knitted' output.

Pie chart

example pie charts

Let's take a look at the data:

##          City Popularity
## 1    New York        200
## 2      Boston        300
## 3       Miami        400
## 4     Chicago        500
## 5 Los Angeles        600
## 6     Houston        700

Now plot the pie chart

Pie <- gvisPieChart(CityPopularity, options = list(width = 400, height = 200))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataPieChartID10f7d331cc8b1 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "New York", 200 ], [ "Boston", 300 ], [ "Miami", 400 ], [ "Chicago", 500 ], [ "Los Angeles", 600 ], [ "Houston", 700 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','City'); data.addColumn('number','Popularity'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartPieChartID10f7d331cc8b1() { var data = gvisDataPieChartID10f7d331cc8b1(); var options = {}; options["allowHtml"] = true; options["width"] = 400; options["height"] = 200; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart( document.getElementById('PieChartID10f7d331cc8b1') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "corechart"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartPieChartID10f7d331cc8b1); })(); function displayChartPieChartID10f7d331cc8b1() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Place two charts next to each other

Example of a gvisGeoChart with gvisTable Let's have a look at the data first

##         Country Profit Online
## 1       Germany      3   TRUE
## 2        Brazil      4  FALSE
## 3 United States      5   TRUE
## 4        France      4   TRUE
## 5       Hungary      3  FALSE
## 6         India      2   TRUE
Geo <- gvisGeoChart(Exports, locationvar = "Country", colorvar = "Profit", options = list(height = 300, 
    width = 350))
Tbl <- gvisTable(Exports, options = list(height = 300, width = 200))
plot(gvisMerge(Geo, Tbl, horizontal = TRUE))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Germany", 3 ], [ "Brazil", 4 ], [ "United States", 5 ], [ "France", 4 ], [ "Hungary", 3 ], [ "India", 2 ], [ "Iceland", 1 ], [ "Norway", 4 ], [ "Spain", 5 ], [ "Turkey", 1 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country'); data.addColumn('number','Profit'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsData function gvisDataTableID10f7d7e402d5f () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Germany", 3, true ], [ "Brazil", 4, false ], [ "United States", 5, true ], [ "France", 4, true ], [ "Hungary", 3, false ], [ "India", 2, true ], [ "Iceland", 1, false ], [ "Norway", 4, true ], [ "Spain", 5, true ], [ "Turkey", 1, false ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country'); data.addColumn('number','Profit'); data.addColumn('boolean','Online'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 350; options["height"] = 300; var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartTableID10f7d7e402d5f() { var data = gvisDataTableID10f7d7e402d5f(); var options = {}; options["allowHtml"] = true; options["height"] = 300; options["width"] = 200; var chart = new google.visualization.Table( document.getElementById('TableID10f7d7e402d5f') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID10f7d26bbf6ae() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "table"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartTableID10f7d7e402d5f); })(); function displayChartTableID10f7d7e402d5f() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Scatter Plot

Scatter plot example with googleVis

##   height weight
## 1     58    115
## 2     59    117
## 3     60    120
## 4     61    123
## 5     62    126
## 6     63    129

This time we will be able to edit the plot since we set gvis.editor argument.

Scatter1 <- gvisScatterChart(women, options = list(gvis.editor = "edit", vAxis = "{title:'weight (lbs)'}", 
    hAxis = "{title:'height (in)'}"))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ 58, 115 ], [ 59, 117 ], [ 60, 120 ], [ 61, 123 ], [ 62, 126 ], [ 63, 129 ], [ 64, 132 ], [ 65, 135 ], [ 66, 139 ], [ 67, 142 ], [ 68, 146 ], [ 69, 150 ], [ 70, 154 ], [ 71, 159 ], [ 72, 164 ] ]; data.addColumn('number','height'); data.addColumn('number','weight'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89() { var data = gvisDataScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89(); var options = {}; options["allowHtml"] = true; options["vAxis"] = {title:'weight (lbs)'}; options["hAxis"] = {title:'height (in)'}; chartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89 = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ dataTable: data, chartType: 'ScatterChart', containerId: 'ScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89', options: options }); chartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89.draw(); } function openEditorScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89() { var editor = new google.visualization.ChartEditor();, 'ok', function() { chartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89 = editor.getChartWrapper(); chartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89.draw(document.getElementById('ScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89')); }); editor.openDialog(chartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "charteditor"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89); })(); function displayChartScatterChartID10f7d52b78f89() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Intensity Map

df = data.frame(country = c("US", "GB", "BR"), val1 = c(1, 3, 4), val2 = c(23, 
    12, 32))
##   country val1 val2
## 1      US    1   23
## 2      GB    3   12
## 3      BR    4   32
Intensity1 <- gvisIntensityMap(df, locationvar = "country", numvar = c("val1", 
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataIntensityMapID10f7d113095cc () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "US", 1, 23 ], [ "GB", 3, 12 ], [ "BR", 4, 32 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','country'); data.addColumn('number','val1'); data.addColumn('number','val2'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartIntensityMapID10f7d113095cc() { var data = gvisDataIntensityMapID10f7d113095cc(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 600; var chart = new google.visualization.IntensityMap( document.getElementById('IntensityMapID10f7d113095cc') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "intensitymap"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartIntensityMapID10f7d113095cc); })(); function displayChartIntensityMapID10f7d113095cc() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Combo chart

## Add the mean
CC <- gvisComboChart(CityPopularity, xvar='City',
          yvar=c('Mean', 'Popularity'),
                       width=450, height=300,
                       title='City Popularity',
                       series='{0: {type:\"line\"}}'))
<script type="text/javascript"> // jsData function gvisDataComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "New York", 450, 200 ], [ "Boston", 450, 300 ], [ "Miami", 450, 400 ], [ "Chicago", 450, 500 ], [ "Los Angeles", 450, 600 ], [ "Houston", 450, 700 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','City'); data.addColumn('number','Mean'); data.addColumn('number','Popularity'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); } // jsDrawChart function drawChartComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5() { var data = gvisDataComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5(); var options = {}; options["allowHtml"] = true; options["seriesType"] = "bars"; options["width"] = 450; options["height"] = 300; options["title"] = "City Popularity"; options["series"] = {0: {type:"line"}}; var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart( document.getElementById('ComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5') ); chart.draw(data,options); } // jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "corechart"; // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5); })(); function displayChartComboChartID10f7dcba8ce5() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); } // jsFooter </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
## Set options back to original options

Session info

## R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] googleVis_0.4.5 knitr_1.4.1    
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] digest_0.6.3   evaluate_0.4.7 formatR_0.9    RJSONIO_1.0-3 
## [5] stringr_0.6.2  tools_3.0.1