A Bash shell script to send pushover notifications. A Pushover account is required to use this script.
usage: pushover.sh <-t|--token apikey> <-u|--user userkey> [options] <MESSAGE>
MESSAGE The message to send; supports HTML formatting. Quotes are not
required but recommended
-t, --token APIKEY The pushover.net API Key for your application. Not required if
using a configuration file
-u, --user USERKEY Your pushover.net user key. Not required if using a
configuration file
-a, --attachment filename The Picture you want to send
-T, --title TITLE Title of the message
-d, --device NAME Comma seperated list of devices to receive message
-U, --url URL URL to send with message
--url-title URLTITLE Title of the URL
-H, --html Enable HTML formatting, cannot be used with the --monospace flag
-M, --monospace Enable monospace messages, cannot be used with the --html flag
-p, --priority PRIORITY Priority of the message
-2 - no notification/alert
-1 - quiet notification
0 - normal priority
1 - bypass the user's quiet hours
2 - require confirmation from the user
-e, --expire SECONDS Set expiration time for notifications with priority 2 (default 180)
-r, --retry COUNT Set retry period for notifications with priority 2 (default 30)
-s, --sound SOUND Notification sound to play with message
pushover - Pushover (default)
bike - Bike
bugle - Bugle
cashregister - Cash Register
classical - Classical
cosmic - Cosmic
falling - Falling
gamelan - Gamelan
incoming - Incoming
intermission - Intermission
magic - Magic
mechanical - Mechanical
pianobar - Piano Bar
siren - Siren
spacealarm - Space Alarm
tugboat - Tug Boat
alien - Alien Alarm (long)
climb - Climb (long)
persistent - Persistent (long)
echo - Pushover Echo (long)
updown - Up Down (long)
none - None (silent)
-v, --verbose Return API execution reply to stdout
Configuration files can be placed in /etc/pushover/pushover-config or in the user's home directory at $HOME/.pushover/pushover-config. The options are processed in order of importance for location.
- Options in /etc/pushover/pushover-config are processed first
- Options in $HOME/.pushover/pushover-config are processed next
- Command line arguments override all configuration values
The default configuration is empty and contains the following:
NOTE: If you have a value defined in /etc/default/ and also have overrides in $HOME/.pushover/ all empty options in $HOME/.pushover/ must not exist in the file. For example, I have the following configuration in /etc/default/
url_title="I want all URLs to have this title"
title="this is a generic title"
If I want to override only title for a specific user, the configuration in $HOME/.pushover/ will look like this
title="title for specific user"
Send a simple "This is a test" message to all devices using the stored configuration in either /etc/default/pushover-config or $HOME/.pushover/pushover-config
pushover.sh "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" message to all devices using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" message with the title "Test Title" to all devices using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key -T "Test Title" "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" message to the devices named "Phone" and "Home Desktop" using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key -d "Phone,Home Desktop" "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" message to all devices that contains a link to www.google.com titled "Google" using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key -U "http://www.google.com" --url-title Google "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" high priority message to all devices using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key -p 1 "This is a test"
Send a simple "This is a test" message to all devices that uses the sound of a bike bell as the notification sound using the specified API token and user key
pushover.sh -t token -u key -s bike "This is a test"
Sends a simple "This is a test Pic" message to all devices and send the Picture with the message
pushover.sh -t token -u key -a /path/to/pic.jpg "This is a test Pic"