Python Wrapper for sv443 JokeApi
pip install jokepy
-Clone the repo and use version of jokepy in pypi is not updated
from jokepy import Jokepy
j = Jokepy(categories=[],flags = [],idRange=[(startId),(endId)],type = (single/twopart),searchstring = (searchstring))
- Categories : ['Programming' , 'Miscellaneous' , 'Dark']
- Blacklist flags :['nsfw' , 'religious' , 'political' , 'racist' , 'sexist' ]
- types : single / twopart
- InvalidCategoryException (if the api doesnt supported categories)
- InvalidFlagException (if the api doesnt support blackList flags)
- InvalidTypeException(if the type is invalid)
- InvalidIdRangeException (if the idRange is invalid)