- Create Application , Spark Job with word count
- Create Bucket and Role
- Create Application, list application, get application
- Start application, wait for application to start
- Submit Spark job, note run id, query job status, wait till job success
- Query S3 output, S3 logs , show S3 logs
- Spark History Server
- Spark Application with Glue and Athena integration
- Pyspark code with config to do Glue Integration. Copy Pyspark script to S3
- Submit Spark job, note run id, query job status
- Spark History Server
- Wait till job success
- Query S3 output, S3 logs , show S3 logs
- Show Glue catalog and table
- Query through Athene
- Hive
- Create Application - HIVE, list application, get application
- Start application, wait for application to start
- Copy Hive Script to S3
- Submit the Hive job, note run id, query job status
- Launch Tez UI and show job in progress
- Wait till job success
- Query S3 output, S3 logs , show S3 logs
- Show Glue catalog and table
- Query through Athena